Vitamin D3 Dose Requirement that Raises 25-Hydroxyvitamin D to Desirable Level in Overweight and Obese Elderly
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Dania S Bacha, Maya Rahme, Laila Al-Shaar, Rafic Baddoura, Georges Halaby, Ravinder J Singh, Ziyad R Mahfoud, Robert Habib, Asma Arabi, Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan
72% of obese seniors got >30 ng after 12 months of daily 3750 IU Vitamin D + Calcium
Note: Some vitamin D levels DECREASED
Obese need larger doses of vitamin D than non-obese
Seniors need larger doses of Vitamin D than those who are younger ( less absorption thru gut)
Obese seniors need larger doses of Vitamin D than just obese or just seniors
- Obese taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly lost more weight (again) – RCT Dec 2019
- weekly Vitamin D dosing is better than daily for most people
Items in both categories Obese + Intervention are listed here:
- Overweight needed more EPA (4 grams) to fight depression – RCT Aug 2022
- Response to Vitamin D varies with genes (3,000 IU, weight loss in this RCT) – March 2022
- Weight loss on low-calorie diet: 7 lbs more lost if got lots of Vitamin D – June 2021
- Overweight elderly respond well to 3600 IU Vitamin D daily for a year – RCT May 2021
- Little weight loss in obese children from very small amount of vitamin D (1200 IU) – RCT April 2020
- 20,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly gave many benefits – RCT Aug 2019
- 2.3 X more weight loss in those who had low vitamin D levels and took some – Dec 2019
- Obese lost 3X more weight with Vitamin D - July 2018
- Severely Obese not helped much by 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly for 8 weeks – RCT June 2019
- Gut genes related to important disease changed in Obese with 2,000 IU for 12 weeks – May 2019
- Obese responded to weekly vitamin D better than non-obese – RCT March 2018
- Daily, monthly Vitamin D had similar great benefits, more than 6 months needed – RCT Dec 2018
- Obese lost more weight on diet if added 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – many RCTs
- Lost 19 lbs more if add vitamin D to calorie restriction and walking program– July 2018
- Half of obese black teens achieved at least 30 ng of Vitamin D with 5,000 IU daily – June 2018
- Response by obese to weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – May 2018
- Severe Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease treated by Omega-3 – RCT April 2018
- Waist size reduced 3 cm by Vitamin D in those with Metabolic Syndrome – Jan 2017
- Less weight gain if add Vitamin D, even if have a high fat diet (in rats) – RCT Dec 2017
- NAFLD in children nicely treated by combination of Vitamin D and Omega-3 – RCT Dec 2016
- Increased Testosterone and Erectile function, decreased weight with Vitamin D – March 2017
- 5,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly repleted many dark skinned adolescents – RCT Dec 2015
- Overweight and obese lost 12 lbs with vitamin D in 6 months– RCT May 2015
- 24 ng lower response to Vitamin D due to obesity, low initial Vitamin D, and genetics – RCT Feb 2015
- Diabetic hypertension reduced with Vitamin D and Calcium – RCT March 2015
- Dieters lost 5 more pounds if achieved more than 32 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2014
- 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly increased levels by 52 ng normally, but only 28 ng if obese – Oct 2013
- 50,000 IU vitamin D 1-3 times per week helped obese patients in rehab. – May 2013
- Obesity not reduced with 7,000 IU vitamin D daily – April 2013
- Higher BMI decreased response to 700 IU vitamin D – RCT 2008
- Insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents greatly improved with 4000 IU of vitamin D - RCT April 2013
- 7000 IU vitamin D was not enough to reduce obese tissue – RCT Jan 2013
- 5700 IU vitamin D improved various growth factors in overweight people – Oct 2012
Overview Obesity and Vitamin D contains the following summary
- FACT: People who are obese have less vitamin D in their blood
- FACT: Obese need a higher dose of vitamin D to get to the same level of vit D
- FACT: When obese people lose weight the vitamin D level in their blood increases
- FACT: Adding Calcium, perhaps in the form of fortified milk, often reduces weight
- FACT: 168 trials for vitamin D intervention of obesity as of Dec 2021
- FACT: Less weight gain by senior women with > 30 ng of vitamin D
- FACT: Dieters lost additional 5 lbs if vitamin D supplementation got them above 32 ng - RCT
- FACT: Obese lost 3X more weight by adding $10 of Vitamin D
- FACT: Those with darker skins were more likely to be obese Sept 2014
- OBSERVATION: Low Vitamin D while pregnancy ==> more obese child and adult
- OBSERVATION: Many mammals had evolved to add fat and vitamin D in the autumn
- and lose both in the Spring - unfortunately humans have forgotten to lose the fat in the Spring
- SPECULATION: Low vitamin D might be one of the causes of obesity – several studies
- SUGGESTION: Probably need more than 4,000 IU to lose weight if very low on vitamin D due to
risk factors such as overweight, age, dark skin, live far from equator,shut-in, etc. - Obesity category has
444 items See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
Obesity is associated with low Vitamin D (and treated by D as well) – Aug 2019 has the following
Fast weight loss by Obese Adults: Summary of the data as of Sept 2019
1) 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly for at least 6 months
If gut problems, should use a gut-friendly form of vitamin D
2) Add calorie restriction diet and light exercise after ~2 months*
* Vitamin D levels must be above 30ng/ml to help with weight loss
* Start losing weight 2 months sooner if take a 50,000 IU daily for a week
3) More weight loss if also add Magnesium or cofactors
30% Improved Vitamin D response with Magnesium - a Vitamin D Cofactor
Note: Magnesium reduces weight loss by itself as well
20% improved vitamin D response if also add Omega-3 a Vitamin D Cofactor
Note: Omega-3 reduces weight loss by itself as well
4) More weight loss if also improve activation of Vitamin D Receptor
Vitamin D Receptor activator: 0-30% improved Vitamin D response
Obesity 1.5 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Nov 2019
Update Dec 2019 - Dr. Greger plant-based eating (not diet) for both weight loss and health.
His book does not mention Vitamin D nor Adenovirus Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
To investigate the impact of two vitamin D doses, bracketed between the IOM recommended dietary allowance (RDA) and the upper tolerable limit, on vitamin D nutritional status in elderly individuals.Methods
This is a post-hoc analysis on data collected from a 12-month, double-blinded, randomized control trial. 221 ambulatory participants (≥ 65 years), with a mean BMI of 30.2 kg/m 2, and a mean baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level of 20.4 ± 7.4 ng/ml, were recruited from 3 out-patient centers in Lebanon. They all received 1,000 mg of elemental calcium from calcium citrate daily, and the daily equivalent of 600 IU or 3,750 IU, of vitamin D3.Results
Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level at 12 months was 26.0 ng/ml with low dose and 36.0 ng/ml with high dose, of vitamin D3. The proportion of participants reaching a value ≥ 20 ng/ml was 86% in the low dose, and 99% in the high-dose arms, with no differences between genders. The increment of 25(OH)D per 100 IU/day was 1ng/ml with the low dose, and 0.41 ng/ml with the high dose. Serum 25 (OH)D levels at 1 year were highly variable in both treatment arms. Baseline 25(OH)D level and vitamin D dose, but not age, BMI, gender, nor season, were significant predictors of serum 25(OH)D level post-intervention.Conclusion
The IOM RDA of 600 IU/day does not bring 97.5% of ambulatory elderly individuals above the desirable threshold of 20 ng/ml. Country-specific RDAs are best derived taking into account the observed variability and predictors of achieved 25(OH)D levels.Overweight elderly respond well to 3600 IU Vitamin D daily for a year – RCT May 20217895 visitors, last modified 07 May, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 15556 12 month individual response.jpg admin 07 May, 2021 26.50 Kb 398 15555 Delta with 3760 IU.jpg admin 07 May, 2021 30.23 Kb 425 15554 Percent obese above.jpg admin 07 May, 2021 27.11 Kb 458 15553 Overweight RCT 3600 IU_compressed.pdf admin 07 May, 2021 350.82 Kb 369