FDA trials of most for anti-depressants found them to be carcinogenic in animals
So far no human trials have been made
See also VitaminDWiki
- Depression category listing has
271 items along with related searches - Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014 Note: Vitamin D actually PREVENTS many cancers
Psych Meds Put 49 Million Americans at Risk for Cancer GreenMed Info May 2015
- 63.6% of antidepressants were associated with carcinogenicity, specifically mirtazapine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram and escitalopram, duloxetine and bupropion.
- 90% of antipsychotics agents were associated with carcinogenicity. All agents were associated with carcinogenicity except clozapine.
- 70% of benzodiazepines/hypnotics were associated with carcinogenicity, specifically clonazepam, zolpidem, zaleplon, diazepam, eszopiclone, oxazepam and midazolam.
- 25% amphetamines/stimulants were associated with carcinogenicity, with methylphenidate specifially associated.
- 85.7% of anti-convulsants ("mood stabilizers") were associated with carcinogenicity. The only agent not associated with carcinogenicity was lamotrigine. Specific agents associated with carcinogenicity were valproate, carbamazepine, gabapentin, pregabalin, oxcarbazepine and topiramate.
The above was a report on Carcinogenicity of psychotropic drugs: A systematic review of US Food and Drug Administration–required preclinical in vivo studies
Aust N Z J Psychiatry April 27, 2015 0004867415582231
Objective: The US Food and Drug Administration approval process for psychotropic drugs requires safety studies of carcinogenicity in animals. These studies are consistently conducted and provide a database for assessment of potential biological risk of carcinogenicity in humans. This report is a systematic review of that database for psychotropic drugs.
Method: US Food and Drug Administration–approved registration data (‘package inserts’) were examined, where available, for all psychotropic drugs in the following classes: antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines/sedative-hypnotics, amphetamines and anticonvulsants.
Results: Overall, new generation (atypical) antipsychotics (90%, 9/10 agents) and anticonvulsants (85.7%, 6/7 agents) showed the highest evidence of carcinogenicity among psychotropic drugs classes assessed. Antidepressants (63.6%, 7/11) and benzodiazepines/sedative-hypnotics (70%, 7/10) were next, and stimulants (with the exception of methylphenidate) were last (25%, 1/4 agents). Overall, 71.4% of all drugs examined (30/42) showed evidence of carcinogenicity in 43.2% (38/88) of specific experimental studies.
Conclusions: US Food and Drug Administration–based analyses demonstrate that almost all atypical antipsychotics and anticonvulsants are carcinogenic in animals, as are the majority of antidepressants and benzodiazepines and methylphenidate. These animal-based results are not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions in humans, but they provide data that could be acknowledged in the informed consent process of clinical treatment.
Most depression drugs are carcinogenic in animals, but vitamin D is not – May 20157283 visitors, last modified 22 May, 2015, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)