Toggle Health Problems and D

Double digit increases in many health problems for those aged 21-36 in just 4 years - April 2019

The Health of Millennials BlueCross, BlueShield]

This report focuses on the 55 million millennial Americans that are commercially insured”


  • “The BCBS Health Index assigns U.S. populations a score between 0 and 100. A score of ‘100’ represents optimal health—a population’s potential lifespan, absent of disability and increased risk of death. The higher the score, the closer a population is to achieving optimal health. The lower the score, the more a population has been adversely impacted by certain health conditions.”


See also VitaminDWiki

Huge increases in health problems – risk factors include Vitamin D, Antibiotics, and Roundup has the following

Increased Roundup and Antibiotics

Health Problem
(typically associated
with low Vitamin D)
% increase
in a decade
Autism 250 %Antibiotic Roundup
Diabetes 66 %Antibiotic Roundup
Overweight kids 150 %Antibiotic Roundup
obesity deaths
Parkinson's 110 % might help Roundup
Alzheimer's. 1000% Probiotic
might help
Dementia ?%Probiotic
might help
Thyroid Cancer80 % -
Breast Cancer 110 %Antibiotic
then BRAC1
Tuberculosis 100 % -
Multiple Sclerosis 70 % Probiotic
might help
Ulcerative Colitis 210 %Antibiotic
Concussions 80 % -
Traumatic Brain Injury170 % -
Pulmonary Hypertension88 % -
Alzheimer's ?? % Roun-2017
Dimentia 60 % -
Hospitalizations - Food Allergy 260 %Antibiotic
C-Section 40 %Antibiotic
Peanut Allergy40 %Antibiotic
ALS deaths 60 Roun-2017
Knee injury (teen) 400 % -
Chronic Disease in Children70 % -
Metabolic Syndrome 250 % Antibiotic
Bipolar Disorder - youth 4,400 % -
Celliac 100 %Antibiotic Roundup
ADHD (LA schools)230 % Roun-2017
Rickets-Minn.    (UK 600 %)500 % -
IBD 200 % Antibiotic Roundup
Lyme Disease300 %Antibiotic
Clostridium difficile (age > 85)400 %Antibiotic
fecal transfer cure
Sleep Apnea200 % -
MRSA 600%Antibiotic
GERD (No reported
association with vitamin D?)
Esophageal Cancer 80% Antibiotic
Kidney 120% -Roundup
    Total of 35 increased diseases
34 associated
with low vitamin D
16 associated
with Antibiotic
13 associated
with Roundup

6 times to 55 times more likely to get the following health problems if Vitamin D deficient

CLICK HERE for entire 3X to 55X list for more information

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday June 8, 2019 14:59:58 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12095 Millennials vs all age.jpg admin 08 Jun, 2019 57.37 Kb 559
12094 Health index.jpg admin 08 Jun, 2019 45.51 Kb 583
12093 Increased health problems Blue Cross.jpg admin 08 Jun, 2019 82.72 Kb 602