
Less Solar Radiation was associated with more Cancer - 1941

The 1941 paper on Solar Radiation and Cancer references a 1912 paper on the same subject

The Relation of Solar Radiation to Cancer Mortality in North America
Frank L. Apperly, M.D.
(From the Department of Pathology, Medical College o [ Virginia, Richmond, Virginia)
(Received for publication December 20, 1940 )
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

  • Lots of people were on the farm
  • There was no air conditioning, TV, video games, internet to keep you indoors. even if you lived in cities

Here are a few of the images

Cancer vs percent of agriculture in the state

lots of the population was on the farm back then

Cancer and latitude

Note: the data is not sorted by latitude

However, Skin Cancer increased with solar radiation


See also VitaminDWiki

Less Sun Less D Less Health

Note how MS has increased in the South as there were fewer farmers and everyone could avoid the sun
Shows decrease of association of MS with latitude during 2oth century wars - probably due to people in the South being able to be indoors due to air conditioning

VitaminDWiki Mortality pages with CANCER in title (34 as of Aug 2022)

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Title change made Aug. 2022 caused the visitor count to reset.
There have actually been 13701 visitors to this page since it was originally made

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday August 1, 2022 09:28:40 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 17)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
2360 Cancer and latitude.jpg admin 13 Apr, 2013 30.56 Kb 1641
2359 Cancer vs percent of farmers.jpg admin 13 Apr, 2013 32.40 Kb 1706
2358 Cancer vs solar radiation.jpg admin 13 Apr, 2013 33.01 Kb 1711
2357 Solar Cancer 1941.pdf admin 13 Apr, 2013 518.24 Kb 1225