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COVID Long-Haul prevalence increases with time: 50% at 4 months - meta June 2022

Half of COVID-19 Survivors Worldwide Experiencing Long COVID Symptoms Four Months After Diagnosis

Trial Site News June 15, 2022
Worldwide, estimated prevalence of long COVID diagnosis was

37% 1 month
25% 2 months
32% 3 months
49% 4 months.
Prevalence varied widely between studies


Symptom prevalence


Average prevalence 49%: 39% if hospitalized, 54% if did not enter hospital


Global Prevalence of Post-Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki US

Long-haul from previous viruses lasted for years

Long-haul fatigue, etc. common after viral infections (SARS1,2, MERS, Swine, 1918,...)

VitaminDWiki pages containing LONG-HAUL in the titles (32 as of June 2022)

Items found: 34
Title Modified
Fatigue and other long-haul problems appear to be associated with low Magnesium - Chambers Oct 2022 30 Oct, 2022
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and long-haul COVID-19 26 Sep, 2022
Long-Haul more prevalent among seniors - June - 2022 26 Jun, 2022
Long-Haul can now be claimed a work disability in the UK – June 2022 24 Jun, 2022
Half as much Long-Haul with Omicron - June 2022 19 Jun, 2022
Half as much Long-Haul with Omicron - June 2022 19 Jun, 2022
COVID Spike persists in Long Haul - June 2022 18 Jun, 2022
COVID Long-Haul prevalence increases with time: 50% at 4 months - meta June 2022 17 Jun, 2022
COVID and Magnesium - hypothesis, clinical trials, Long-Haul - Oct 2021 10 Jun, 2022
Mass disabling events: Polio, WWII, HIV, and COVID Long-Haul - June 2022 06 Jun, 2022
1 in 5 Americans who got COVID had Long-Haul for a while - CDC May 2022 27 May, 2022
Long-Haul COVID after 3 months – only 5 percent had even 30 ng of Vitamin D – April 2022 04 May, 2022
Hypothesis: 2 long-haul COVIDs: had mild symptoms and had needed ICU - April 2022 15 Apr, 2022
COVID Long-Haul at 49 weeks: overactive immune system, type O blood - March 2022 07 Apr, 2022
Children have less severe COVID, but just as much long-haul as adults - April 2022 06 Apr, 2022
Dietary Recommendations for COVID Long-Haul – March 2022 20 Mar, 2022
Mild Long-Haul 4.2 X more likely if type O blood - preprint March 16, 2022 20 Mar, 2022
Long-Haul COVID is somewhat less of a problem if vaccinated – Nov 2021 18 Mar, 2022
COVID long-haul: 1 million in US too sick to work, many cannot get compensation - March 2021 09 Mar, 2022
COVID Long-Haul NYT - Feb 2022 19 Feb, 2022
COVID Long-Haul fought by probiotics - Jan 2022 29 Jan, 2022
COVID Long-Haul predicted by 4 factors (Epstein-Barr virus, etc) – Jan 24, 2022 26 Jan, 2022
Some COVID-19 infection become COVID Long-Haul - Nov 2020 15 Dec, 2021
Long-haul after breakthrough COVID – Nov 2021 11 Dec, 2021
Long-haul, VAERS, Ivermectin, vaccines, etc. Drs. Seheult, Patrick: Video with table of contents - Sept 17, 2021 21 Sep, 2021
Your Brain on Covid-19 Long-Haul, Dr. Galland video and transcript - Aug 1, 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Long-haul COVID-19 blood tests at Mayo include vitamin D (but no results published) – July 2021 20 Jul, 2021
Most people with Long-Haul COVID-19 have low Vitamin D – July 2021 15 Jul, 2021
‘Long haul’ COVID rehab worse than cancer rehab, CDC – July 2021 13 Jul, 2021
Long-Haul COVID-19 occurred to 1 in 20 who had been asymptomatic (a study of 2 million with COVID-19) – June 2021 15 Jun, 2021
COVID-19 Long haul - excellent graph - systematic review May 26, 2021 26 May, 2021
Long-haul COVID-19 - another hint that Vitamin D should help - Dec 2020 16 Apr, 2021
Probably fewer long-haul COVID-19 problems when rejuvenated immune system (Vitamin D, etc.)– Dec 2020 21 Feb, 2021
Long-haul fatigue, etc. common after viral infections (SARS1,2, MERS, Swine, 1918,...) 21 Feb, 2021

Long-Haul might decrease productivity for years
Mass disabling events: Polio, WWII, HIV, and COVID Long-Haul - June 2022
Long COVID Could Be a ‘Mass Deterioration Event’ The Atlantic June 15, 2022

  • "As many as 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant."
  • "A similar number have acne, allergies, hearing loss, or chronic pain."

Emergency Vitamin D should reduce the risks of both COVID AND Long-Haul

Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID 200,000 IU on the first-day
Treat COVID with early high-dose Vitamin D (20th as of June 2022)
Review of Early Treatments of COVID-19 (within a few days of symptoms)

  • Treat soon as possible (half the benefit by 4 days for ALL early treatments)

Early Treatment of COVID

VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
14127 Diseases treated by high-dose Vitamin D - many studies 6633
24 Sep, 2024 19:23
admin Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Top news
15555 Need better COVID drugs for immunocompromized (ignores Vitamin D) - Sept 2024 67
22 Sep, 2024 20:29
admin Immunity
14737 Immune System tolerance is inversely related to the number of COVID vaccinations (PubMed analysis) - Oct 2023 567
22 Sep, 2024 20:16
admin Immunity
13256 Epstein-Barr virus increases risk of Multiple Sclerosis by 32X - Jan 2022 4307
22 Sep, 2024 14:19
admin Multiple Sclerosis
Top news
1468 Shingles and vitamin D 382638
22 Sep, 2024 13:28
admin Skin

Appears that the vaccinated will have the most Long-Haul (did not go to hospital)

Omicron might result in 50% less Long-Haul - preliminary report

Omicron may be less likely to cause long Covid than prior variants, study suggests NBC News June 18, 2022
https://health-study.joinzoe.com/data*People reporting their symptoms vis Smartphones Lancet

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday February 2, 2023 16:13:59 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 25)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
17891 Prev clipped.jpg admin 16 Jun, 2022 82.35 Kb 238
17890 Prevalence.jpg admin 16 Jun, 2022 63.15 Kb 85
17889 follow-up time.jpg admin 16 Jun, 2022 45.36 Kb 245
17888 LH prevelance.jpg admin 16 Jun, 2022 90.26 Kb 238
17887 Long-haul meta_CompressPdf.pdf admin 16 Jun, 2022 520.62 Kb 178