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Warning - High intake of Vitamin B12 and B6 found to increase risk of hip fracture by 47 percent - 2019

Association of High Intakes of Vitamins B6 and B12 From Food and Supplements With Risk of Hip Fracture Among Postmenopausal Women in the Nurses’ Health Study - May 2019

Combination of B6 >35 mg/d and B12 >20 micrograms/d increased hip fracture risk 47%
 Download the Study PDF from VitaminDWiki

Study mentioned their results were very similar to one in Norway
folic acid (0.8 mg)
vitamin B12 (0.4 mg)
vitamin B6 (40 mg)

Example of a supplement and results of 2 studies

Life Force
4 tablets
Problem in
Nurse study
Norway Study
B6 48 mg > 35 mg 40 ng
B12200 mcg> 20 mcg400 mcg
Hip fracture increase 49%47%

Google Scholar reported that 20 studies cited this study as of March 2022

  • Effects of Vitamin B12 Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Depressive Symptoms, and Fatigue: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression = March 2021 PDF

From the PDF: Possible Mechanisms (They do not have any)

A possible biological explanation for the findings in the present study is not clear. The magnitude of intakes of vitamins B6 and B12 associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in our study far exceeded the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) (1.3-1.7 mg/d for vitamin B6 and 2.4 pg/d for vitamin B12).15
Possible adverse effects of high-dose vitamin B6 supplementation have previously been suggested.24,25 High doses (>500 mg/d) might increase the risk of falling because neurological symptoms, including ataxia, neuropathy, and decreased muscle tone, have been reported, and milder neurological symptoms have been observed at doses of approximately 100 mg/d as adverse effects.26 Preliminary work suggested that high vitamin B6 concentrations might accelerate bone loss by counteracting the modulating influence of estrogens on steroid receptors.27 A recent paradox theory proposes that large doses of pyridoxine, the inactive form of vitamin B6 included in supplements and found in foods, inhibits the active form pyridoxal phosphate.28
We do not have an explanation for the mechanism by which vitamin B12 may contribute to increased fracture risk. However, as summarized in Table 4 and in eTable 5 in the Supplement, a high intake of vitamin B12 and a low intake of vitamin B6 were not associated with increased risk, which is in agreement with a meta-analysis14 of RCTs giving vitamin B12 and/or folic acid alone (without vitamin B6).
A possible explanation for the interaction between total vitamin B6 intake and BMI is not clear. At low BMI, fracture risk was higher, and a larger number of incident hip fractures thus occurred, yielding higher statistical power. We speculate that the possible mechanism of excessive vitamin B6 exposure increasing fall risk through neurological symptoms could particularly aggravate fracture risk in women with low BMI, who are more prone to fracturing their hip when experiencing a fall. However, adjustment for falls had little influence on the estimates, and the association between falls and fracture risk was not altered by adjustment for vitamins B6 and B12 intakes. It also could be that the possible interaction between vitamin B6 and the steroid receptor might be most influential in lean women, who have a reduced capacity for production of adipose-derived estrogens.29

See also VitaminDWiki

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17297 B12 problems March 2021.pdf admin 25 Mar, 2022 1.69 Mb 211
11990 Excess B12 and B6 increases risk of hip fracture by 50 percent.pdf admin 19 May, 2019 861.78 Kb 507