The American Zika Outbreak Atlantic
- “The disease has already infected almost 20,000 American citizens and more than 1,500 pregnant women—with some estimates reaching as high as over 10,000 infected pregnant women.”
Reminder: Citizens of Puerto Rico are also US citizens
Pessimistic cost: as of Sept 2016 $4 Billion
10,000 pregnancies X 10% microcephalic X $4 million each
See also VitaminDWiki
Virus category listing hasStop Zika Birth Defects with Vitamin D book written by VitaminDWiki has:
Quick book summary
Take action ahead of time
Buy Vitamin D, Permethrin and Picaridin
Start taking vitamin 50,000 IU every two weeks (or 4,000 IU daily) (larger dose if obese, etc)
– First take single capsule and see if you get a rare mild allergic reaction in 3 days
When Zika is near you
Start using Permethrin on clothes (all US military combat uniforms have it)
Start using Picaridin (not DEET) on skin in morning and evening
Abstain from sex or else use condoms – for up to 6 months if partner has been infected
Take a Vitamin D loading dose over 2 weeks (unless you have had VitD for 3 months)
If suspect bitten, take at least 350,000 IU loading dose that day (unless had Vitamin D for 3 months)
Zika Facts
Zika: 1% of babies are Microcephalic (one study found 29% Microcephalic)
Zika: 30% of babies have Birth Defects (unclear % pregnancies with miscarriage, still birth)
80% of those bitten have no symptoms (an itch is not a symptom)
– Typically Zika symptoms are similar to flu, and last 2-7 days
Zika can come from blood transfusion – ALL US blood transfusions will be tested by Dec 2016
Zika in semen at 6+ months – probably still infectious
– Women have twice the male rate of Zika infection, probably due to sexual transmission
Zika primary mosquito is Aedes aegypti
Aedes aegypti eggs must be laid in a dry area and can hibernate for 1 year
Aedes aegypti live primarily indoors and in storm drains
Aedes aegypti primarily fly in morning and evening, not in middle of the day nor night
Tests detect Zika only in a narrow time frame – the 1-2 weeks after start of symptoms
Permethrin and Picaridin are very good ways to stop your getting and spreading Zika
– except in Puerto Rico where surviving mosquitoes have become immune to Permethrin
Found by at least one study, but not confirmed
Aerial spraying does very little good, and may actually make the mosquito problem worse
– Spraying kills mosquito larva eaters such as mosquito fish
– Spraying kills good insects as well (bees, butterflies)
– Spraying may reduce bird population (fewer insects to eat)
Zika might be spread by DEET (DEET caused lab mosquitoes to bite more people)
Zika might be passed on by tears or cornea transplant
Zika might be passed on by kissing – it is in saliva
Zika might be passed on by animals – Zika has been detected to sheep, cows, ducks, rodents, etc.
– so far no evidence that infection in animals is passed on to humans,
Zika might be passed on by mosquito larva – and appears many months later
– About 0.3% of larvae from Zika mosquitoes have Zika
Zika might degrade human memory after 2 years – Zika degraded the memory of adult mice
Aedes aegypti can actually fly up to 20 times further than the 100 yards stated by the CDC
– It seems pointless to protect your property unless most neighbors are also doing so.
5561 visitors, last modified 13 Sep, 2016, |