
Trial starting for Vitamin D with US soldiers – 2,000 and 5,000 IU for 3 months – Nov 2016

Vitamin D Supplementation in Warfighters

Update: Study Results 5,000 IU Vitamin D daily resulted in many benefits after 3 months (US soldiers) – RCT March 2019

This Randomized Controlled Trial has many problems

  1. They are not permitting the soldiers to take >400 IU of vitamin D during the trial
    Many soldiers will probably refuse to take part in the study, as they will not want to decrease their vitamin D intake
  2. Three months is barely long enough to restore vitamin D levels
    It will be difficult to notice benefits which might only start in the last few weeks
  3. The study will also look at vitamin D levels 9 months after stopping the vitamin D supplementation
    Since the half-life of vitamin D is approximately 2 months there will be ZERO effect 9 months later.
    Note: many doctors still incorrectly feel that once the vitamin D levels are restored that no more is needed

See also VitaminDWiki