- Higher milk fat content is associated with higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in early childhood.
- History of US Milk Consumption
- See also VitaminDWiki
- See also web
- Reminder: 64% of all humans are lactose intollerant
- Hypothesis: decreased bioavailable Calcium if decreased Vitamin D (low-fat milk)
- References
- There have been
21495 visits to this page
Higher milk fat content is associated with higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in early childhood.
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2016 May;41(5):516-521 https://doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2015-0671
Vanderhout SM1,2,3, Birken CS4,5,6,7, Parkin PC4,5,6,7, Lebovic G3,7, Chen Y3, O'Connor DL1, Maguire JL1,2,3,4; jonathon.maguire at utoronto.ca TARGetKids! Collaboration.VitaminDWikiBought the PDF. The science seems OK
Many (but not all) studies have found that you need to take Vitamin D with a fatty meal
If true, this might account for association between obesity and drinking skim milk
Wonder if it is because skim milk has more sugar
Wonder how many studies have failed to consider differences between skim and whole milk
Note: Vitamin D which is water soluble/dispersible can fortify any kind of milk, juice, water, etc.
For example: 10,000 IU of vitamin D powder added to a gallon would add 625 IU per cupStudy also states: 2X more likely to be vitamin D deficient if drink 1% milk
Wonder how much more of a decline (3x?) if drink non-fat milkHistory of US Milk Consumption
Huge decrease in US consumption of whole milk from 1970 to 2013
interactive charting of 50+ items - not just milk
The mysterious case of America’s plummeting milk consumption Washington Post - June 2014See also VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D – water-soluble is far more absorbable than fat-soluble – Nov 2016
- Bio-Tech is the only company I am aware of that makes a non-liquid water-soluble form of vitamin D
- Vitamin D home fortification- don't wait 100 years for your govt
- Vitamin K in full-fat dairy products – June 2017
- Milk – Vitamin D deficiency 2X more likely if lactose intolerant, milk allergy, or low fat milk – 2017
- Full-fat milk for children associated with higher Vitamin D and lower BMI – Dec 2016
- Review of vitamin D from milk products is unaware that skim milk provides little VitD – Aug 2018
- FDA decided to double vitamin D in milk after talking 4 times with by Dr. Matthews – July 2016
- Full-fat diary healthier than skim (perhaps better Vitamin D and Vitamin K bioavailability) – Sept 2019
- Little vitamin D in various types of milk – Oct 2012
- Vitamin D fortification of Cows milk (ignores lactose intolerance and poor bioavailability in low fat milk) – Aug 2021
- Vitamin D levels dropped when consuming 2 brands of fortified milk in the winter– trial June 2018
- Whole-Fat or Nonfat Dairy -The Debate Continues (less vitamin D) - Dec 2018
- Children no longer get much vitamin D from milk - fortify at home
- Most people have major problems of milk as a source of vitamin D
See also web
- Relation between milk-fat percentage, vitamin D, and BMI z score in early childhood Nov 2016
children (out of 2745 ) who drank whole milk had 2.2 nanogram higher vitamin D levels - Whole fat milk consumption associated with leaner children, research finds Nov 2016
- US law has not permitted providing school children with full fat or even 2% milk since 2010
bill proposed in US Congress in June 2019 to recend that law.
See also Vitamin Fortification of Fluid Milk - 2017
Nice review, however, it has no mention of vitamin D being poorly absorbed from low fat or skimmed milk  which is at the bottom of this pageReminder: 64% of all humans are lactose intollerant
Hypothesis: decreased bioavailable Calcium if decreased Vitamin D (low-fat milk)
Note: Most studies assume that the amount of Calcium adsorbed is independent of the fat content of the milk
However- Dairy Nutrition of Canada
"Various dietary factors can affect calcium bioavailability. Some food components act synergistically to promote calcium absorption.
They include:vitamin D ,lactose, casein, phosphopeptides in milk.
  PDF from SciHub via VitaminDWikiCurrent guidelines for cow's milk consumption in children older than age 2 years suggest 1% or 2% milk to reduce the risk of obesity. Given that milk is the main dietary source of vitamin D for North American children and that vitamin D is fat soluble, we hypothesized 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration to be positively associated with the fat content of milk. The objective was to determine the relationship between the fat content of milk consumed and the serum 25(OH)D concentration; our secondary objective was to explore the role that the volume of milk consumed played in this relationship. We completed a cross-sectional study of children aged 12-72 months in the TARGetKids! research network. Multivariable linear regression was used to test the association between milk fat content and child 25(OH)D, adjusted for clinically relevant covariates. The interaction between volume of milk and fat content was examined. Two thousand eight hundred fifty-seven children were included in the analysis.
The fat content of milk was positively associated with 25(OH)D (p = 0.03), and the interaction between the volume of milk consumed and the milk fat content was statistically significant (p = 0.005).
Children who drank 1% milk needed 2.46 cups (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.38-2.54) of milk to have a 25(OH)D concentration similar to that of children who drank 1 cup of homogenized milk (3.25% fat).
Children who consumed 1% milk had 2.05 (95% CI 1.73-2.42) times higher odds of having a 25(OH)D concentration <50 nmol/L compared with children who consumed homogenized milk. In conclusion, recommendations for children to drink lower-fat milk (1% or 2%) may compromise serum 25(OH)D levels and may require study to ensure optimal childhood health.References
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Results . . Across racial/ethnic and socio-economic status subgroups, 1%/skim milk drinkers had higher BMI z scores than 2%/whole milk drinkers.
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