The relationship between the vitamin serum 25(OH)D and the B12 concentrations in obese women.
Minerva Med. 2018 Apr;109(2):79-87. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4806.17.05447-7. Epub 2017 Nov 7.
Curic N1, Ilincic B1, Milic N2, Cabarkapa V1, Nikolic S1, Medic-Stojanoska M3, Pellicano R4, Abenavoli L5,6.
1 Center for Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
2 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
3 Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
4 Department of Gastro-Hepatology, Molinette Hospital, Turin, Italy.
5 Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia - l.abenavoli at
6 Department of Health Sciences, University "Magna Græcia", Catanzaro, Italy.
Obese women
Vitamin D: | 80% | <20 ng/ml |
Vitamin B12: | 66% | < 221 pmol/L |
This is an association study.
Do not know if low Vitamin ==> Obesity or if Obesity ==> low vitamin
- B12 category listing has
58 items along with related searches - Hypothesis – Vitamin B-12 deficiency is associated with Vitamin D deficiency
Overview Obesity and Vitamin D contains the following summary
- FACT: People who are obese have less vitamin D in their blood
- FACT: Obese need a higher dose of vitamin D to get to the same level of vit D
- FACT: When obese people lose weight the vitamin D level in their blood increases
- FACT: Adding Calcium, perhaps in the form of fortified milk, often reduces weight
- FACT: 168 trials for vitamin D intervention of obesity as of Dec 2021
- FACT: Less weight gain by senior women with > 30 ng of vitamin D
- FACT: Dieters lost additional 5 lbs if vitamin D supplementation got them above 32 ng - RCT
- FACT: Obese lost 3X more weight by adding $10 of Vitamin D
- FACT: Those with darker skins were more likely to be obese Sept 2014
- OBSERVATION: Low Vitamin D while pregnancy ==> more obese child and adult
- OBSERVATION: Many mammals had evolved to add fat and vitamin D in the autumn
- and lose both in the Spring - unfortunately humans have forgotten to lose the fat in the Spring
- SPECULATION: Low vitamin D might be one of the causes of obesity – several studies
- SUGGESTION: Probably need more than 4,000 IU to lose weight if very low on vitamin D due to
risk factors such as overweight, age, dark skin, live far from equator,shut-in, etc. - Obesity category has
444 items See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
In obesity, low levels of vitamin D (VD) and vitamin B12 (VB12) may be the result of different pathophysiological mechanisms, but the possible association between them has not been defined yet. The aim of this cross-sectional analysis was to investigate the possible relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and VB12 levels in middle aged women.METHODS:
In 80 women, we indirectly evaluated body composition and body volumes [extracellular fluid volume (ECV) and total body water (TBW)] by anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Vitamin D and VB12 status was assessed by laboratory measurement [serum 25(OH)D levels by electrochemiluminescent immunoassay; VB12 by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay].RESULTS:
Obese women were mostly VD deficient [25(OH)D below 50 nmol/L; 40/50, 80%]. Also, among obese we observed presence of VB12 deficiency [VB12 below 148 pmol/L; 13/50, 26%) and marginal depletion of VB12 level (marginal VB12 status 148-221 pmol/L; 20/50, 40%). All anthropometric indicators of obesity, ECV and TBW were significantly associated with both, 25(OH)D and VB12 (P<0.001) levels. In univariate regression analysis serum level of 25(OH)D was significantly associated with VB12 levels (R2=0.170, P<0.001). In regression models, 25(OH)D was significantly associated with VB12 level, independently of fat mass and extracellular fluid volume.CONCLUSIONS:
Obesity may negatively affect VB12 level, indirectly, by reducing 25(OH)D level in middle aged women.PMID: 29115801 DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4806.17.05447-7
Obese women deficient in both Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 – March 20187299 visitors, last modified 30 Mar, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)