Dietary Intake of Vitamin D in the Czech Population: A Comparison with Dietary Reference Values, Main Food Sources Identified by a Total Diet Study
Nutrients 2018, 10(10), 1452;
Svatava Bischofova 1,2,* , Marcela Dofkova 1, Jitka Blahova 1, Radek Kavrik 1, Jana Nevrla 1, Irena Rehurkova 1 and Jiri Ruprich 1,3
- 1 Centre for Health, Nutrition and Food, NIPH—National Institute of Public Health in Prague, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic
- 2 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic
- 3 Department of Milk Hygiene and Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 612 42 Brno, Czech Republic
It is virtually impossible now to get even the minimum recommended vitamin D from foods
- There used to be more Vitamin D in foods
- When farm animals were raised outdoors
- When people ate more wild meat/fish
- When people ate non-meat portions of the animals
- When people consumed full-fat dairy products
- There is a chance of getting the minimum if suppliers fortify food
- Can get far more than the minimum if suppliment or fortify food at home
- Vitamin D food fortification – many trials listed – Aug 2018
- Children no longer get much vitamin D from milk - fortify at home
- Rationale and Plan for Vitamin D Food Fortification - July 2018
- Vitamin D levels in Finland increased 2000-2011 (supplementation and fortification) – May 2017
- 10 Reasons why children no longer have healthy levels of Vitamin D
- Vitamin D in Europe category listing has
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136 items along with related searches Some Americans got the EAR minimum = 10 ug = 600 IU = Orange line
probably because of Vitamin D fortification of US food Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
The usual dietary intake of vitamin D was studied in 10 subgroups of the Czech population. Food consumption data was collected using repeated 24 h recall in a national cross-sectional survey (the Study of Individual Food Consumption, SISP04), and the vitamin D content in marketed foods was quantified within the national Total Diet Study (2014–2015). The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment computational model (version MCRA 8.2) was used to assess usual intake. The median vitamin D intakes for the Czech population (aged 4–90 years, both genders) were within a range of 2.5–5.1 μg/day. The highest median intake, excluding dietary supplements, was observed in men aged 18–64, and the lowest was observed in children aged 4–6 and girls aged 11–17. The main sources in the diet were hen eggs (21–28% of usual dietary intake), fine bakery wares (11–19%), cow’s milk and dairy products (7–23%), meat and meat products (4–12%), fish (6–20%), and margarines (7–18%). The dietary intake of vitamin D for more than 95% of the Czech population was below the recommended Dietary Reference Values (DRVs). These findings should encourage public health authorities to support interventions and education and implement new regulatory measures for improving intake.
None of the Czech groups got the recommended Vitamin D from food – Oct 20188127 visitors, last modified 07 Oct, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - Fortification with Vitamin D category listing has