is the English version of their German version
Ask yourself if you have these symptoms of low vitamin D is a copy of the service on VitaminDWiki
Calculator is based on about 30 mathematical relationships - such as
It is the best evaluation service for vitamin D deficiency on the internet
The questions which they ask to determin the number of indications that you might be Vitamin D deficiency (as of April 2014)
Each answer has a slider bar for your answer: typically ranging from NEVER to VERY OFTEN
- At night, I ...... have a cold feeling ... have legs that hurt ... have a restless sleep ... wake up suddenly
- During the day, I am...... listless ... tired ... lethargic ... uninspired
- I feel cramps or twitches...... in the leg ... in the arm ... in the hand ... in the eyelid
- I get dizzy...... when I stand up ... when I exert an effort ... around noon ... when that happens, I need to lie down
- I feel sick...... when I stand up ... when I exert an effort ... around noon ... when that happens, I need to lie down
- My head hurts or I feel pressure in my head...... when I stand up ... when I exert an effort ... around noon ... when that happens, I need to lie down
- If I stand or work for an extended period of time, it hurts...... in my neck ... in my lower back ... in the groin ... in the feet
- The Sun at noon causes...... circulatory problems ... headaches ... an itching skin ... red spots
- I repeatedly have...... cold hands ... cold feet ... cold legs ... white fingertips
- My fingernails have… number of white spots
They call this Acute Vitamin D Deficiency Syndrome (AVDS).
Dr. Raimund von Helden was the first to describe this new syndrome.
It is the "von Helden-Syndrome“ as you find it in his book:Healthy in Seven Days - Loading dose of Vitamin D – book 2014
Dr. von Helden believes that Acute Vitamin D Deficiency Syndrome is the most common hormonal syndrome worldwide.
In its prediction of Vitamin D levels it also considers such things as
Monthly Vitamin D supplementation (assumes constant, rather than vary with season or vacations)
Skin color
Sun bathing/vacations (does not consider time of the day)
Sunscreen (only considers on/off, not putting it on after 20 minutes in the sun)
Sea food and egg consumption (does not consider how much nore if animals are not in cages)
Time walking in the sun
To keep the test simple it does not consider the following
Low cholesterol in diet, so not as much benefit from UV/sunshine
Excess toxins such as DDT, PCB, Alcohol
Health problems which consume Vitamin D
Health problems which reduce the response of Vitamin D consumed
Cofactors such as Magnesium and Omega-3
What time of day the vitamin D was taken
What was eaten with the vitamin D
Amount of Vitamin A in diet (too much vitamin A blocks vitamin D)
Amount of vitamin D in diet: 6X more vitamin D in animal products than previously realized
Recent surgery/trauma – which consumes a lot of vitamin D
Drugs being taken which reduce vitamin D levels - statins, chemotherapy, etc.
Depression - which reduces vitamin D
Genes (impossible for an on-line test)
History of the website
A country doctor in Germany found he was allergic to cats/dogs while making house calls,
He found that vitamin D greatly reduced his allergic reaction
He then found how many health problems were decreased with Vitamin D
He then made the extensive website in German, a small portion of which is now in English
Germany, as of early 2014, does not permit buying greater than 1,000 IU without a prescription
So, the German doctor. has his patients taking 10+ over-the-counter vitamin D pills daily (non prescription pills are probably much much lower cost)
Healthy in Seven Days - Loading dose of Vitamin D – book 2014 $10, Excellent
See also VitaminDWiki
- UV and Vitamin D calculators
- How to predict response to a vitamin D dose – RCT April 2014
- D Minder: Vitamin D calculator for Smartphones and iPad
- Response to high dose vitamin D is limited by vitamin A - July 2013
- UVA decreased vitamin D levels (again) – July 2013 You get UVA thru windows.
- Obese need 2X as much vitamin D to get the same response – June 2012
- Quick, FREE, self-test for Vitamin D deficiency sore bones - only indicates if you have very low levels (< 15ng?)
- All items in category Predict Vitamin D
82 items - Vitamin D supplementation - Grassroots Jan 2013 has the following chart of how much more vitamin D you need to increase blood level
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