Maternal vitamin D3 supplementation at 50 μg/d protects against low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in infants at 8 wk of age: a randomized controlled trial of 3 doses of vitamin D beginning in gestation and continued in lactation1
Kaitlin M March2, Nancy N Chen2, Crystal D Karakochuk2, Antonia W Shand5, Sheila M Innis3, Peter von Dadelszen4, Susan I Barr2, Michael R Lyon6, Susan J Whiting7, Hope A Weiler8, and Tim J Green2, at
2Food, Nutrition and Health,
3Department of Paediatrics, and
4Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada;
5Clinical and Population Perinatal Health Research, Kolling Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;
6Canadian Center for Functional Medicine, Coquitlam, Canada;
7College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; and
8School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
↵1 Supported by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) and a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship from the CIHR (KMM). Supplements were provided by Natural Factors (Coquitlam, Canada). Natural Factors had no role in the study design, implementation, or interpretation of the study findings.
Infants getting formula get some vitamin D (200 IU?)
Breast milk now rarely has much vitamin D
See also VitaminDWiki
- Infant-Child
- Breastfed infants: 90 percent had less than 20 ng of vitamin D, formula-fed: 15 percent – May 2013
- Prenatal VITAMIN D is more important than other prenatal vitamins
- Unsupplemented infants were 19X more likely to be vitamin D deficient - May 2012
- Vitamin D (40-70 ng) in Children’s Health – review Sept 2014
- Ensure a healthy pregnancy and infant with as little as $20 of Vitamin D
- Getting vitamin D during pregnancy is even more important than avoiding alcohol
- Needed more than 1600 IU of vitamin D during pregnancy – RCT May 2013
- 4,000 IU raised vitamin D levels during pregnancy – July 2014
- Vitamin D levels of breastfeeding mothers and infants in 3 cities – Feb 2015
Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D has the following summary
IU | Cumulative Benefit | Blood level | Cofactors | Calcium | $*/month |
200 | Better bones for mom with 600 mg of Calcium | 6 ng/ml increase | Not needed | No effect | $0.10 |
400 | Less Rickets (but not zero with 400 IU) 3X less adolescent Schizophrenia Fewer child seizures | 20-30 ng/ml | Not needed | No effect | $0.20 |
2000 | 2X More likely to get pregnant naturally/IVF 2X Fewer dental problems with pregnancy 8X less diabetes 4X fewer C-sections (>37 ng) 4X less preeclampsia (40 ng vs 10 ng) 5X less child asthma 2X fewer language problems age 5 | 42 ng/ml | Desirable | < 750 mg | $1 |
4000 | 2X fewer pregnancy complications 2X fewer pre-term births | 49 ng/ml | Should have cofactors | < 750 mg | $3 |
6000 | Probable: larger benefits for above items Just enough D for breastfed infant More maternal and infant weight | Should have cofactors | < 750 mg | $4 |
Background: Vitamin D supplementation is recommended for breastfed infants. Maternal supplementation beginning in gestation is a potential alternative, but its efficacy in maintaining infant 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration after birth is unknown.
Objectives: We determined the effect of 3 doses of maternal vitamin D supplementation beginning in gestation and continued in lactation on infant serum 25(OH)D and compared the prevalence of infant serum 25(OH)D cutoffs (>30, >40, >50, and >75 nmol/L) by dose at 8 wk of age.
Design: Pregnant women (n = 226) were randomly allocated to receive 10, 25, or 50 μg vitamin D3/d from 13 to 24 wk of gestation until 8 wk postpartum, with no infant supplementation. Mother and infant blood was collected at 8 wk postpartum.
Results: At 8 wk postpartum, mean [nmol/L (95% CI)] infant 25(OH)D at 8 wk was higher in the 50-μg/d [75 (67, 83)] than in the 25-μg/d [52 (45, 58)] or 10-μg/d [45 (38, 52)] vitamin D groups (P < 0.05). Fewer infants born to mothers in the 50-μg/d group had a 25(OH)D concentration <30 nmol/L (indicative of deficiency) than infants in the 25- and 10-μg/d groups, respectively (2% vs. 16% and 43%; P < 0.05). Fewer than 15% of infants in the 10- or 25-μg/d groups achieved a 25(OH)D concentration >75 nmol/L compared with 44% in the 50-μg/d group (P < 0.05). Almost all infants (∼98%, n = 44) born to mothers in the 50-μg/d group achieved a 25(OH)D concentration >30 nmol/L. At 8 wk postpartum, mean [nmol/L (95% CI)] maternal 25(OH)D concentration was higher in the 50-μg/d [88 (84, 91)] than in the 25-μg/d [78 (74, 81)] or 10-μg/d [69 (66, 73)] groups (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Maternal supplementation beginning in gestation with 50 μg vitamin D3/d protects 98% of unsupplemented breastfed infants against 25(OH)D deficiency (<30 nmol/L) to at least 8 wk, whereas 10 or 25 μg vitamin D/d protects only 57% and 84% of infants, respectively. This trial was registered at as NCT01112891.
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