
Active vitamin D levels can be temporarily raised 80 percent with Boron – US Patent Mar 2016

Calcium-fructoborate Amazon 5+suppliers Nov 2019

Raises Calcidiol levels by 80% in about 2 hours

US Patent 9,271,994 Pietrzkowski; Zbigniew,

VDF Futureceuticals ==> https://www.futureceuticals.com

Patent is by the Senior Vice President of Research and Development, Discovery and Clinical Science

Sent him an email Nov 10, 2019

Patent was found in Boron Compounds in the Breast Cancer Cells Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy - 2011
" Indeed, calcitriol levels could be increased almost 80% upon the oral administration of a single dose of a boron-containing complex (15-20 mg boron as calcium fructoborate per day) (Pietrzkowski, 2010)"
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

2014 version of the patent

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

See also VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D and Boron contains the following

There are 30 Boron studies on this page and 36 additional Boron pages in VitaminDWiki

Boron by itself improves health in many ways if take at least 3 mg daily
Boron increases vitamin D in the blood in 10 of 11 people in a small pilot study
Boron improves magnesium absorption and may help vitamin D non-responders – Aug 2015
Boron also increases the Vitamin D which gets to the tissues
Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
Nothing Boring about Boron

Boron increases vitamin D in the blood virtually no details
Reasons for low response by vitamin D level in the blood
low Boron is one of many reasons
How you might double your response to vitamin D


Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday November 10, 2019 23:17:10 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 16)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
12955 Boron patent 2014 B.jpg admin 10 Nov, 2019 212.49 Kb 1311
12954 Boron patent 2014.jpg admin 10 Nov, 2019 205.23 Kb 1331
12953 Boron Calcidiol Patent.pdf admin 10 Nov, 2019 1.68 Mb 741
12952 boron-cancer-prevention-23268-2.pdf admin 10 Nov, 2019 336.99 Kb 738
12951 Pietrzkowski.jpg admin 10 Nov, 2019 18.74 Kb 1431