
WHO still says mistakenly says NO vitamin D during pregnancy, and only 200 IU after

World Health Organization: Pregnancy publication date 2012


  • Vitamin D supplementation is not recommended during in pregnancy to prevent the development of pre-eclampsia and its complications (47) (strong recommendation)
  • In addition, due to the limited evidence currently available to directly assess the benefits and harms of the use of vitamin D supplementation alone in pregnancy for improving maternal and infant health outcomes, the use of this intervention during pregnancy as part of routine antenatal care is also not recommended (conditional recommendation)2,3.

Note: WHO bases their vitamin D ban during pregnancy on a single small Random Controlled Trial

Note that WHO states that the RCT was of VERY LOW quality

The rest of the world is arguing about 600 ==> 8,000 IU during pregnancy

Also, WHO mistakenly says no vitamin D for infant until 6 months old, and then only 200 IU

2 PDFs are attached at the bottom of this page

See also VitaminDWiki


Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
3340 WHO Preeclampsia.jpg admin 01 Dec, 2013 103.24 Kb 1289
3339 WHO Preeclampsia.pdf admin 01 Dec, 2013 874.46 Kb 796
3338 WHO Pregnant.pdf admin 01 Dec, 2013 422.17 Kb 2624