- Sun and UV
- Sun - how to maximize 14 ways to maximize the sun (as of Aug 2015)
- The Shadow Rule – you make more Vitamin D when you are taller than your shadow – 1992
- Sun and Vitamin D
334 items - UV
383 items Overview - Low UVB (thus low Vitamin D) is linked to many diseases – Grant Jan 2016
- Colorado has the best UV (and thus best health) in the US
Colorado has lots of UVB, but not too hot to be outdoors- UVA causes skin cancer, perhaps UVB (Vitamin D) prevents skin cancer – Jan 2017
- Large variability in response to UV (more than response to oral Vitamin D) – March 2016
- UVB Global average radiation (Australia is not highlighted)
- UV Maps, US etc Monthly averages
- Vitamin D from the sun during Northern winters – contrary to current belief – April 2015
Note: UVB, not UVA, produces Vitamin D - but most low-cost devices which monitor UV radiation measure UVA + UVB
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWikiTemporal Trends in Satellite-Derived Erythemal UVB and Implications for Ambient Sun Exposure Assessment
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health – Feb 2017
Marvin Langston 1,2,% Leslie Dennis ^, Charles Lynch 3, Denise Roe and Heidi Brown 1
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA; ldennis at email.arizona.edu (L.D.); droe at email.arizona.edu (D.R.); heidibrown at email.arizona.edu (H.B.)
Division of Public Health Sciences, Department of Surgery, Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52246, USA; charles-lynch at uiowa.edu
* Correspondence: langstonm at wudosis.wustl.edu; Tel.: +1-314-747-7759Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been associated with various health outcomes, including skin cancers, vitamin D insufficiency, and multiple sclerosis. Measurement of UVR has been difficult, traditionally relying on subject recall. We investigated trends in satellite-derived UVB from 1978 to 2014 within the continental United States (US) to inform UVR exposure assessment and determine the potential magnitude of misclassification bias created by ignoring these trends. Monthly UVB data remotely sensed from various NASA satellites were used to investigate changes over time in the United States using linear regression with a harmonic function. Linear regression models for local geographic areas were used to make inferences across the entire study area using a global field significance test. Temporal trends were investigated across all years and separately for each satellite type due to documented differences in UVB estimation. UVB increased from 1978 to 2014 in 48% of local tests. The largest UVB increase was found in Western Nevada (0.145 kJ/m per five-year increment), a total 30-year increase of 0.87 kJ/m2. This largest change only represented 17% of total ambient exposure for an average January and 2% of an average July in Western Nevada. The observed trends represent cumulative UVB changes of less than a month, which are not relevant when attempting to estimate human exposure. The observation of small trends should be interpreted with caution due to measurement of satellite parameter inputs (ozone and climatological factors) that may impact derived satellite UVR nearly 20% compared to ground level sources. If the observed trends hold, satellite-derived UVB data may reasonably estimate ambient UVB exposures even for outcomes with long latency phases that predate the satellite record.
UVB annual US - 1978-20147063 visitors, last modified 19 Jun, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - UV