
Preeclampsia 2.7 X less likely if 50,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks – meta-analysis Sept 2019

Pregnancy helped by Vitamin D - 32nd meta-analysis Sept 2019 = alternate title for this page

Vitamin D supplementation and incident preeclampsia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Clinical Nutrition https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2019.08.015
SilviaFogacciMWaFedericaFogacciMSaMaciejBanachMD, PhDbcdErin D.MichosMD, MHSefAdrian V.HernandezMD, PhDghGregory Y.H.LipMDiMichael J.BlahaMD, PhDePeter P.TothMD, PhDejClaudioBorghiMDaArrigo F.G.CiceroMD, PhDathe Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC) Group


Items in both categories Pregnancy and Meta-analysis are listed here:

Items in both categories Pregnancy and Hypertension (preeclampsia)

Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D has the following summary

Most were taking 2,000 to 7,000 IU daily for >50% of pregnancy
   Click on hyperlinks for details

Vit. D
0. Chance of not conceiving3.4 times Observe
1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe
2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 timesRCT
3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT
4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe
5. Premature birth 2 times RCT
6. C-section - unplanned 1.6 timesObserve
     Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 4 timesRCT - Omega-3
7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT
8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis
9. Infant height, weight, head size
     within normal limits
10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT
11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention
12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 timesObserve
13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 timesRCT
14. Good motor skills @ age 31.4 times Observe
15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT
16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT

RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial

50,000 IU of Vitamin D every 2 weeks provides great health - best if start before conception

Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception has the following
Start Vitamin D soon if pregnant VDW 9923

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Many RCT used 50,000 IU per 2 weeks

Maternal vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. Despite this, the current evidence regarding the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation in preventing preeclampsia is controversial. To assess the impact of vitamin D supplementation on the risk of preeclampsia, we performed a systematic review of the literature and a meta-analysis of the available randomized clinical trials (RCTs).

The primary outcome was preeclampsia. Subgroup analyses were carried out considering the timing of the supplementation, type of intervention and the study design. Meta-regression analysis, including the amount of vitamin D and maternal age, were planned to explore heterogeneity. (PROSPERO database registration number: CRD42019119207)

Data were pooled from 27 RCTs comprising 59 arms, which included overall 4777 participants, of whom 2487 were in the vitamin D-treated arm and 2290 in the control arm. Vitamin D administration in pregnancy was associated with a reduced risk of preeclampsia (odd ratio [OR] 0.37, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.26, 0.52; I2=0%). If the vitamin D supplementation was started up to 20 weeks’ gestation, the odds was a little lower (OR 0.35, 95%CI: 0.24, 0.50, p<0.001). The effect was largely independent of the supplementation cessation (until delivery or not), type of intervention (vitamin D alone or in association with calcium), and study design. Increasing dose of vitamin D was associated with reduced incidence of preeclampsia (slope of log OR: -1.1, 95%CI: -1.73, -0.46; p<0.001).

Results suggest that vitamin D supplementation may be useful in preventing preeclampsia. These data are especially useful for health-care providers who engage in the management of pregnant women at risk for preeclampsia. Our findings are a call for action to definitively address vitamin D supplementation as a possible intervention strategy in preventing preeclampsia in pregnancy.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday September 12, 2019 15:16:51 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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12585 Preeclampsia 50,000 IS 2 weeks.jpg admin 04 Sep, 2019 28.23 Kb 639
12584 Preeclampsia meta-anaylysis.jpg admin 04 Sep, 2019 69.60 Kb 652
12583 Preeclampsia meta-anaylysis.pdf admin 04 Sep, 2019 1.74 Mb 528