High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in pregnancy and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the children at age 10: A randomized clinical trial
Am J Clin Nutr . 2024 Feb;119(2):362-370. doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.12.002
Kristina Aagaard 1, Jens Richardt Møllegaard Jepsen 2, Astrid Sevelsted 1, David Horner 1, Rebecca Vinding 1, Julie Bøjstrup Rosenberg 3, Nicklas Brustad 1, Anders Eliasen 4, Parisa Mohammadzadeh 3, Nilofar Følsgaard 1, María Hernández-Lorca 1, Birgitte Fagerlund 5, Birte Y Glenthøj 6, Morten Arendt Rasmussen 7, Niels Bilenberg 8, Jakob Stokholm 7, Klaus Bønnelykke 9, Bjørn H Ebdrup 6, Bo Chawes 10
Background: Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy may increase the risk of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation in pregnancy on risk of autism and ADHD.
Design: This randomized clinical trial was part of the COpenhagen Prospective Study on Neuro-PSYCHiatric Development (COPYCH) project nested within the Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood 2010 (COPSAC2010) cohort comprising a population-based sample of 700 healthy mother-child pairs enrolled at week 24 of pregnancy. Maternal 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) was measured at inclusion and 623 mothers were randomized 1:1 to either high-dose (2800 IU/d) or standard dose (400 IU/d) vitamin D3 until 1 wk postpartum (315 received high-dose, 308 standard dose). At age 10, diagnoses and symptom load of autism and ADHD, respectively, were established using the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version.
Results: The psychopathologic evaluation was completed by 591 children aged 10 y, and 16 children (2.7%) were diagnosed with autism and 65 (11.0%) with ADHD. Hereof, 496 children participated in the vitamin D3 trial (246 received high-dose, 250 standard dose). Of these, 12 children (2.4%) were diagnosed with autism and 58 (11.7%) with ADHD. Higher maternal preintervention 25(OH)D levels were associated with a decreased risk of autism [odd ratio (OR) per 10 nmol/L: 0.76 (0.59,0.97); P = 0.034], lower autistic symptom load β per 10 nmol/L: -0.03 (-0.05,0.00); P = 0.024), and decreased risk of ADHD diagnosis (OR per 10 nmol/L: 0.88 (0.78,0.99); P = 0.033. High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation was not associated with risk of autism or ADHD.
Conclusions: Higher maternal preintervention 25(OH)D was associated with a decreased risk of autism, lower autistic symptom load, and decreased risk of ADHD diagnosis, but high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in pregnancy had no effect on risk of autism and ADHD. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00856947.
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VitaminDWiki – Autism category contains:
Autism category has - see also Overview Autism and vitamin D, Autoimmune , Cognitive, ADHD
Interesting Autistic studies
Autism associated with low Vitamin D
- Most Autism Risk factors are associated with low vitamin D - March 2014
- Rickets – 26 percent had autism: no rickets, no autism (both associated with low vitamin D) – June 2015
- Autistics have half of the response to Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2018
- Vitamin D fights autism - trying to figure out how and why – May 2022
Autism TREATED by Vitamin D
- Autism in children reduced by Vitamin D (used 300 IU per kg per day) – RCT Oct 2016
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (monthly injection of 150,000 IU) – June 2017
- Autism decreased in 8 out of 10 children supplemented with vitamin D – April 2015
Autism PREVENTED by vitamins before and during pregnancy
- Autism risk is reduced by Vitamin D – early pregnancy or chlldhood – Umbrella review – July 2024
- Vitamin D and autism - treat: 300 IU per kg per day, prevent: during pregnancy 5,000 IU – Feb 2017
- Autism reduced 24% for each 4 ng more Vitamin D while pregnant ( ADHD 12%) – Feb 2024
- Autism rate cut in half when multivitamins (including vitamin D) used during pregnancy – Oct 2017
- Autism risk reduced 2X by prenatal vitamins (Vitamin D or Folic) – Feb 2019
- Autism 3X more likely after closely spaced pregnancy vs 3 year apart– Jan 2011
- Low Vitamin D decreases fertility and increases subsequent autism, ADHD, etc – Feb 2018
- Women who had supplemented with any vitamins were 6 X less likely to have autistic offspring – Jan 2018
- Autism rate in siblings reduced 4X by vitamin D: 5,000 IU during pregnancy, 1,000 IU to infants – Feb 2016
Autism and Vitamin D Receptor (not enough Vit D gets to the cells)
This list is automatically updated
- More than 30% of Autistics also have ADHD - Nov 2024
- Autism treated by an activator of the Vitamin D Receptor: supforaphane - March 2024
- Autism may be synergistically treated by Vitamin D and probiotics – July 2022
- Autism 2X to 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – June 2020
- A good Vitamin D Receptor (or perhaps more vitamin D) protects against lead during pregnancy
- Autism much more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – many studies
Autism - other risk factors
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Autism risk increased if infant had antibiotics (2X), acetaminophen (3X), or no vitamin D drops (1.5X) – June 2018
- 20 X more Parkinson's and 100X more Autism with GMO soy in China
- Note >100X increase in Autism while having GMO soy in the US
- Vaccines increase the risk of autism (25 studies) - Feb 2025
- Fewer neurons in males born from COVID-19 vaccinated mothers (rats) - Jan 2024
- Does a vaccine increase the risk of Autism – March 2019
- Autism 2.75 X more likely in Hib vaccines containing Mercury – May 2018
- Vaccinated children had more chronic diseases - Sept 2018
- Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017
Dr. Cannell on Autism and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (80 – 120 ng) – Cannell update May 2018
- Autism Causes, Prevention and Treatment: Vitamin D Deficiency etc. – Book April 2015 Cannell
- Autism cured in a child with Vitamin D, Dr. Cannell comments and cofactor recommendations – March 2015
- Autism and Vitamin D - Dr. Cannell in Life Extension Mag - Jan 2014
- Autism treated by Vitamin D: Dr. Cannell - video June 2013
- includes his list of 27 reasons to associate Vitamin D with Autism in 2013
- Many autistic children are getting some Vitamin D, Omega-3, probiotics, etc. – Aug 2019
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Omega-3 probably can decrease Autism and ADHD – March 2019
- Autism treated in one person by Omega-3 plus Vitamin D – Dec 2018
- Autism problems reduced by Vitamin D, Omega-3 – RCT Oct 2018
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- Autism risks include chemicals, deficiency of vitamin D, Omega-3 – mini-review April 2016
VitaminDWiki - ADHD and Vitamin D Deficiency
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