
34 percent increase in hospital admissions for low vitamin D in a single year (UK) – Feb 2019

Hospital admissions for ‘Victorian diseases’ soar Feb 2019

  • Some 284,901 hospital admissions in 2017/18 were for “Victorian diseases” such as gout, scurvy, vitamin D deficiency and rickets – a 24% rise on the year before
  • The admissions included 101,136 with a main or secondary diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency – 34%more than the 75,708 in 2016/17.
  • There were an additional 474 admissions in 2017/18 where the main or secondary reason was rickets, up from 445 the year before.
    • 6.5%



UK 400 IU, 19 other organizations around the world: 4000 IU

Increase in Vitamin D Deficiency


Increased Vitamin D Deficiency ==> Increased diseases

Outside of the UK a lot more vitamin D is recommended for children

Most supplements for (UK) children do not contain enough vitamin D 2019

  • "... 67 multivitamin products made by 24 different manufacturers were included in the study"
  • Purchased from Asda, Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Boots, Holland and Barrett, Lloyds Pharmacy and Superdrug
  • "Only one multivitamin was suitable for use from birth and this supplied 200 IU per day – around half the recommended amount"
  • :For children >6 months, just 25 - 36 %t of the available multivitamins provided the recommended 400 IU per day of vitamin D, the experts said.:
  • "The team also looked at the Government's Healthy Start scheme, which provides free multivitamins to low-income families, but these provide only 300 IU per day of vitamin D"

Vitamin D supplementation: are multivitamins sufficient? - Dec 2018
Moon RJ, et al. Arch Dis Child 2019;0:1–3. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2018-316339
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Some of the columns from a table in that publication
% Daily vitamin D provided by multivitamin products for (UK) children of different ages

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday February 26, 2019 12:11:59 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)

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11465 Multi.jpg admin 26 Feb, 2019 20.43 Kb 528
11464 Multivitamins do not contain enough Vit D in UK.pdf admin 26 Feb, 2019 199.59 Kb 684