
Far better sperm in fertility clinic if more than 30 ng of Vitamin D - June 2022

Relationship between Serum Vitamin D in Male, Sperm Function and Clinical Outcomes in Infertile Men Candidate for ICSI: A Cohort Study

Int J Fertil Steril. 2022; 16(2): 115-121. doi: 10.22074/IJFS.2021.522049.1067
Maryam Homayouni-Meymandi, M.Sc.1, Fattah Sotoodehnejadnematalahi, Ph.D.1,
Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Ph.D.2*
1. Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2. Department of Animal Biotechnology, Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR,Isfahan, Iran

Background: Today, vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is one of the major health issues around the world and VDD is associated with several diseases. This study was conducted to find the relationship between vitamin D status in male’s serum with sperm function and clinical outcomes in infertile men candidate for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Materials and Methods: In this cohort study, different parameters of male fertility such as sperm parameters, oxidative stress, and sperm chromatin status were evaluated in sperm samples of 30 infertile couples candidate for ICSI. Clinical outcomes like fertilization, embryo quality, and implantation were also assessed. Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 25.0 software. Besides, assessment of the correlation between aforementioned parameters with the level of serum vitamin D, in this study, ICSI candidates were divided into three groups [individuals with sufficient vitamin D levels (>30 ng/ml), insufficient vitamin D levels (between 20-29 ng/ml), and VDD (<20 ng/ml)]. The aforementioned parametesr were also compared between these study groups.

Results: Analysis of all the data revealed a significant correlation between the level of vitamin D with sperm concentration (P=0.000, r=0.5), sperm count (P=0.03, r=0.31) and sperm reactive oxygen species (ROS) level (P=0.000, r=-0.77). Moreover, comparing clinical outcomes within study groups showed a significant difference in implantation rate between sufficient and other groups (insufficient and deficient) (P=0.02).

Conclusion: Considering the association between sperm concentration and level of ROS with vitamin D and, higher implantation rate in individuals with vitamin D sufficient group compared to other two groups, our data call for vitamin D supplementation as part of male infertility treatment. But considering our sample size, further research is needed to verify these findings.

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VitaminDWiki - 7 studies in both categories Fertility-Sperm and Vitamin D Receptor

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