Table of contents
- Relationship between Serum Vitamin D in Male, Sperm Function and Clinical Outcomes in Infertile Men Candidate for ICSI: A Cohort Study
- VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D greatly improves Fertility
- VitaminDWiki -
7 studies in both categories Fertility-Sperm and Vitamin D Receptor
Relationship between Serum Vitamin D in Male, Sperm Function and Clinical Outcomes in Infertile Men Candidate for ICSI: A Cohort Study
Int J Fertil Steril. 2022; 16(2): 115-121. doi: 10.22074/IJFS.2021.522049.1067
Maryam Homayouni-Meymandi, M.Sc.1, Fattah Sotoodehnejadnematalahi, Ph.D.1,
Mohammad Hossein Nasr-Esfahani, Ph.D.2*
1. Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2. Department of Animal Biotechnology, Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR,Isfahan, Iran
Background: Today, vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is one of the major health issues around the world and VDD is associated with several diseases. This study was conducted to find the relationship between vitamin D status in male’s serum with sperm function and clinical outcomes in infertile men candidate for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).Materials and Methods: In this cohort study, different parameters of male fertility such as sperm parameters, oxidative stress, and sperm chromatin status were evaluated in sperm samples of 30 infertile couples candidate for ICSI. Clinical outcomes like fertilization, embryo quality, and implantation were also assessed. Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics 25.0 software. Besides, assessment of the correlation between aforementioned parameters with the level of serum vitamin D, in this study, ICSI candidates were divided into three groups [individuals with sufficient vitamin D levels (>30 ng/ml), insufficient vitamin D levels (between 20-29 ng/ml), and VDD (<20 ng/ml)]. The aforementioned parametesr were also compared between these study groups.
Results: Analysis of all the data revealed a significant correlation between the level of vitamin D with sperm concentration (P=0.000, r=0.5), sperm count (P=0.03, r=0.31) and sperm reactive oxygen species (ROS) level (P=0.000, r=-0.77). Moreover, comparing clinical outcomes within study groups showed a significant difference in implantation rate between sufficient and other groups (insufficient and deficient) (P=0.02).
Conclusion: Considering the association between sperm concentration and level of ROS with vitamin D and, higher implantation rate in individuals with vitamin D sufficient group compared to other two groups, our data call for vitamin D supplementation as part of male infertility treatment. But considering our sample size, further research is needed to verify these findings.
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VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D greatly improves Fertility
- Vitamin D is needed for human fertility – goal is 50 ng – Sept 2018
- In-vitro Fertilization costs at least 10,000 dollars, Vitamin D costs 5 dollars
- Women were 50X more likely to be fertile if just 1 ng higher level of vitamin D – Nov 2024
- Infertile patients 1.7X more-likely to become pregnant if take Vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2023
- Live birth 1.7 X more likely after IVF if good level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2020
- If diagnosed infertile, more likely to have live birth if Vitamin D fortification – Feb 2020
- Preconception vitamin D is great - every extra 10 ng associated with 10 percent more likely to have live birth – Aug 2018
- Women with more than minimum vitamin D were 3.4 X more likely to achieve pregnancy and 1.6 X more likely to have live births – June 2017
- Assisted Reproduction – 5 studies concluded vitamin D repletion helps – Review March 2015
- Pregnancy success increased 30 percent if sunny (or vitamin D) one month earlier – June 2015
- IVF 4X more successful for white women with lots of vitamin D – many studies
Increased male Vitamin D increases fertility
- Birth rates doubled with Vitamin D - 300,000 for infertile men – RCT Nov 2017
- Higher vitamin D results in 22% fewer abnormal sperm (Mendelian analysis) – May 2024
- Conception was 3.7X more likely if the male had a good level of Vitamin D – July 2022
- Far better sperm in fertility clinic if more than 30 ng of Vitamin D - June 2022
- Fertility (sperm) associated with vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2019
- Infertility - 71 percent of the time of BOTH partners had less than 20 ng of Vitamin D – Aug 2017
- Male fertility 4 X higher if high Vitamin D – Nov 2015
- Vitamin D somewhat assists reproduction – both the mother and the father – May 2014
Decreased Fertility if decreased Vitamin D Receptor
- Unexplained infertility 4X more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Dec 2020
- Male Infertility is associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor – July 2021
VitaminDWiki -
7 studies in both categories Fertility-Sperm and Vitamin D Receptor This list is automatically updated
- In vitro fertilization and Vitamin D – many studies
- Infertility risk increased 2.5 X by poor Vitamin D Receptor – July 2023
- Vitamin D levels in cells, not blood, is important (IVF follicular fluid in this case) – Aug 2021
- Male Infertility is associated with poor Vitamin D Receptor – July 2021
- Poor male fertility is association with poor Vitamin D Receptor (less D to the cells) – July 2021
- Unexplained infertility 4X more likely if poor vitamin D receptor – Dec 2020
- PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) 4 times more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Dec 2015
Far better sperm in fertility clinic if more than 30 ng of Vitamin D - June 20222072 visitors, last modified 16 Jun, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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