The effect of vernal solar UV radiation on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration depends on the baseline level: observations from a high latitude in Finland.
Int J Circumpolar Health. 2017;76(1):1272790. doi: 10.1080/22423982.2016.1272790.
Karppinen T1,2,3, Ala-Houhala M2, Ylianttila L4, Kautiainen H5,6,7, Lakkala K8, Hannula HR8, Turunen E9, Viljakainen H10, Reunala T1, Snellman E1,2.
Summary, observations and questions by VitaminDWiki
- 12 hours outdoors with face and hands exposed (7% of body area)
- Baseline average Vitamin D levels = 36 ng
- due probably to sun, tanning bed, fatty fish, and/or supplements
- UV Index varied from 1.2 to 2.7
- Vitamin D levels were raised if < 36 ng
- Vitamin D levels were reduce if > 36 ng
- Well known that UVB increases Vitamin D and that UVA decreases Vitamin D
- Might UVA/UVB ratio change with amount of snow reflectivity (albedo)?
- Might the 36 ng normalization level change at different times of the year?
- UVA causes skin cancer, perhaps UVB (Vitamin D) prevents skin cancer – Jan 2017
- UVA decreased vitamin D levels (again) – July 2013
- UVA decreased serum levels of vitamin D - RCT Oct 2012
- UVB produced 8X more vitamin D as solar UV – July 2012
- No UVA to decrease the levels
- 2 cents of vitamin D far better than sunbathing for 30 minutes daily – Nov 2017
- Suspect: 12 cents of Vitamin D would increase more than 12 hours in snowy Finland
UV and D starts with
- Overview UV and vitamin D
- Vitamin D bulb for use in the home - or perhaps office,
- Sun and UV
- Sun and Vitamin D category has
334 items - UV and Vitamin D calculators, Vitamin D from low-cost UVB lamps
- UVB added in classroom reduced cavities, increased height, increased academics. etc
- How to safely get Vitamin D at home from a UV lamp or LED
- Vitamin D production after UVB exposure – A comparison of exposed skin regions – Feb 2015
- Ultra-low UV LED added to office desk lamp would add 7 ng to winter Vitamin D levels – RCT Oct 2022
- Seniors get about 4X less vitamin D from the sun or UVB
- Vitamin D from the sun without the heat (silver-coated plexiglass)
- COVID and other Virus fought by UV - many studies 16+
- 3.3 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if wear long-sleeves – Oct 2022
- Non-oral Vitamin D should be a better form for MS, food allergy, PTSD, etc. – many studies UV, etc.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Humans obtain vitamin D from conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin by ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation or from dietary sources. As the radiation level is insufficient in winter, vitamin D deficiency is common at higher latitudes. We assessed whether vernal solar UVB radiation at latitudes 61°N and 67°N in Finland has an impact on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [S-25(OH)D] concentrations.
Twenty-seven healthy volunteers participated in outdoor activities in snow-covered terrain for 4-10 days in March or April, with their face and hands sun-exposed. The personal UVB doses and S-25(OH)D levels were monitored. A mean UVB dose of 11.8 standard erythema doses (SED) was received during an average of 12.3 outdoor hours.
The mean S-25(OH)D concentration in subjects with a baseline concentration- below 90.0 nmol/L (n=13) increased significantly,
by 6.0 nmol/L from an initial mean of 62.4 nmol/L (p<0.001),
whereas in those with a basal concentration
- above 90.0 nmol/L (n=12) it decreased significantly,
by 6.7 nmol/L from a mean of 116.9 nmol/L (p<0.01).
To conclude, only 7% of total body surface area was exposed to vernal sunlight and this was capable of increasing S-25(OH)D levels in subjects with a baseline level below 90 nmol/L but not in those with higher levels.
PMID: 28452681 PMCID: PMC5328343 DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2016.1272790
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