In general, good actions which
- help lots of people are not rewarded,
- hurt even a tiny number of people will result in lawsuits by those hurt
- decrease the size/power of an establishment are rejected by that establishment
Example of a good action: Increase vitamin D
- Will prevent many people from suffering/dying of many diseases in the column at the left
- Might cause suffering/death to rare individuals
- Could decrease the size of the medical establishment
Increasing the vitamin D levels of a country will result in:
- Saving thousands of peoples lives or reduce their reduce their suffering
- Cause suffering and in rare cases death of a few people
Doctors, organizations might incur lawsuits - Also - reduced business for doctors
Example: In 2012 a doctor went out of business after getting all of his patients vitamin D levels to 80 ng
Average visit per patient dropped from 4 per year down to 1
The high level of vitamin D was great for his patients, lousy for his business
Vitamin D would also reduce business for labs, clinics, drug manufacturers, pharmacists, etc.
- Vitamin D should be great for Health Maintence Organizations (HMOs)
HMOs will continue to get income, but will have far fewer expenses - Potential of lawsuits if vitamin D is not increased by your doctor
Increased liability exposure - Vitamin D fortification is especially hard for people which can have problems with extra vitamin D
Increasing increase vitamin D back to where it had been 40 years before can cause problems
See also VitaminDWiki
- COVID-19 and Vitamin D: Health Authorities do not understand risk-reward – Nov 2020
- A look at inner workings of committee looking at vitamin D for UK - Dec 2012
- Proof that Vitamin D Works 68 health problems PROVEN to be helped (Feb 2016)
- Overview Rare Allergic reaction to vitamin D about 1 in 300 – no deaths
Reaction probably due to lack of Magnesium - All items in category Interactions
129 items (virtually all interactions = Drug reduces the vitamin D effectivity, no reaction - Should people at high risk for vitamin D deficiency wait 5 years -Feb 2013
They may be trying for a risk/reward ratio of about 1 in 1,000: similar to the title of this page- More than half of the top richest US lobbys are Health related all lobbyists are opposed to size reductions
American Medical Association, American Hospital Association, Big Pharma are 3 of the 6 biggest spending lobbiests in the US- Dr. Grant on vitamin D and mortality in VitaminDWiki
- 17 reasons why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D
- Wonder when the first doctor will be found liable for not providing vitamin D to a patient
- Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D? a question to your doctor that minimizes his risk
Let 1000 die from vitamin D deficiency rather than incur 1 lawsuit13626 visitors, last modified 29 Nov, 2020, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - Should people at high risk for vitamin D deficiency wait 5 years -Feb 2013