
Two highly-rated guidelines for people with Multiple Sclerosis include Vitamin D – Jan 2022

Lifestyle and complementary therapies in multiple sclerosis guidelines: Systematic review

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2022 January 17 https://doi.org/10.1111/ane.13574 PDF costs $15

Management of multiple sclerosis (MS) may comprise clinical interventions and self-management strategies, including complementary therapies and modifiable lifestyle factors such as exercise and smoking cessation. Lifestyle modifications and complementary therapies with proven safety and efficacy are essential as part of best-practice MS management, especially when faced with limited access to healthcare services. However, it is unclear to what extent MS clinical practice guidelines and consensus statements address these strategies. A systematic review was conducted, wherein MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, guideline databases and developer sites were searched for guidelines and consensus statements that addressed lifestyle modifications and complementary therapies of interest. Two researchers independently screened articles, extracted data and assessed guideline quality using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation version II. Thirty-one guidelines and consensus statements were included.

  • Quality was high for ‘clarity of presentation’ (77%) and
  • ‘scope and purpose’ (73%),
  • moderate for ‘stakeholder development’ (56%), ‘
  • rigour of development’ (48%) and
  • ‘editorial independence’ (47%), and
  • low for ‘applicability’ (29%).

Two guidelines, related to

  • physical activity and exercise,
  • mindfulness,
  • smoking cessation, and
  • vitamin D and
  • polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation,

scored high in all domains.
These guidelines were two of only four guidelines intended for use by people with MS. High-quality guidelines and consensus statements to guide lifestyle modifications and complementary therapies in MS management are limited. Our findings indicate the need for more guidelines intended for use by people with MS, and a further focus on implementation resources.

VitaminDWiki - Overview MS and vitamin D contains

Clinical interventions have shown that Vitamin D can prevent, treat, and even cure Multiple Sclerosis, at a tiny fraction of the cost of the drugs now used to treat it, and without side effects.

Summary: lack of consensus on how much to prevent, treat, or cure MS.

VitaminDWiki - Multiple Sclerosis 32 percent less likely among those with more than 32 ng of vitamin D – Dec 2019 contains

UV and Sunshine reduces MS risk

Other things also help

High Dose Vitamin D and cofactors

Number of MS studies which are also in other categories

  • 22 studies in Genetics - genes can restrict Vitamin D getting to the blood and to the cells
  • 15 studies in Vitamin D Receptor - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells
  • 7 studies in Vitamin D Binding Protein - gene which restricts D from getting to the cells
  • 21 studies in Ultraviolet light - may be even better than Vitamin D in preventing and treating MS
  • 9 studies in Omega-3 - which helps Vitamin D prevent and treat MS

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