Level of vitamin 25 (OH) D and B group vitamins and functional efficiency among the chronically ill elderly in domiciliary care - a pilot study.
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019 Sep 19;26(3):489-495. doi: 10.26444/aaem/105801.
13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023 has the following
- Senior skin produces 4X less Vitamin D for the same sun intensity
- Seniors have fewer vitamin D receptor genes as they age
Receptors are needed to get Vitamin D in blood actually into the cells - Many other Vitamin D genes decrease with age
- Since many gene activations are not detected by a blood test,
more Vitamin D is often needed, especially by seniors - Seniors are indoors more than when they were younger
not as agile, weaker muscles; frail, no longer enjoy hot temperatures - Seniors wear more clothing outdoors than when younger
Seniors also are told to fear skin cancer & wrinkles - Seniors often take various drugs which end up reducing vitamin D
Some reductions are not detected by a vitamin D test of the blood
statins, chemotherapy, anti-depressants, blood pressure, beta-blockers, etc - Seniors often have one or more diseases that consume vitamin D
osteoporosis, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, ... - Seniors generally put on weight as they age - and a heavier body requires more vitamin D
- Seniors often (40%) have fatty livers – which do not process vitamin D as well
- Reduced stomach acid means less Magnesium is available to get vitamin D into the cells
- Vitamin D is not as bioavailable in senior intestines
- Seniors with poorly functioning kidneys do not process vitamin D as well
- Glutathione (which increases Vitamin D getting to cells) decreases with age
Seniors category has434 items
- Common cause of dizziness (BPPV) reduced 5 X by several doses of 50,000 IU of vitamin D – 2015, 2016
- Overactive bladder 32 X more likely if very low vitamin D – April 2019
- Vitamin D very popular with Canadian seniors having complex medical problems – Jan 2019
Items in both categories Seniors and Vitamin D Receptor are listed here:
- Vitamin D Receptors in muscles decrease with age in those with Osteoporosis - 2018
- Sarcopenia (muscle loss) is 1.6X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – July 2020
- Parathyroid increase with age associated with worsening Vitamin D genes – April 2020
- Reduced muscle function in mice lacking Vitamin D Receptors in muscles – June 2019
- Vitamin D and Ageing (29 page chapter, VDR decreases with age) – Feb 2019
- Less vitamin D gets to cells as you age - fewer Vitamin D Receptors - 2004
- Aging leads to a decrease of vitamin D getting to cells – Sept 2017
- Sepsis is 13 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – April 2017
- Centenarians have good Vitamin D Receptor genes (or take lots of vitamin D) – March 2016
- 13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023
- Sarcopenia (muscle loss) fought by Vitamin D, exercise and protein - many studies
Vitamin D Receptor table shows what compensates for low VDR activation
Compensate for poor VDR by increasing one or more:Increasing Increases 1) Vitamin D supplement Sun
Ultraviolet -BVitamin D in the blood
and thus in the cells2) Magnesium Vitamin D in the blood
AND in the cells3) Omega-3 Vitamin D in the cells 4) Resveratrol Vitamin D Receptor 5) Intense exercise Vitamin D Receptor 6) Get prescription for VDR activator
paricalcitol, maxacalcitol?Vitamin D Receptor 7) Quercetin (flavonoid) Vitamin D Receptor 8) Zinc is in the VDR Vitamin D Receptor 9) Boron Vitamin D Receptor ?,
etc10) Essential oils e.g. ginger, curcumin Vitamin D Receptor 11) Progesterone Vitamin D Receptor 12) Infrequent high concentration Vitamin D
Increases the concentration gradientVitamin D Receptor 13) Sulfroaphane and perhaps sulfur Vitamin D Receptor 14) Butyrate especially gut Vitamin D Receptor 15) Berberine Vitamin D Receptor Note: If you are not feeling enough benefit from Vitamin D, you might try increasing VDR activation. You might feel the benefit within days of adding one or more of the above
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Kocka KH1, Ślusarska BJ1, Nowicki GJ1, Bartoszek AB1, Rudnicka-Drożak EA2, Panasiuk L3, Kocki T4.
1 Department of Family Medicine and Community Nursing, Medical University, Lublin, Poland.
2 Department of Family Medicine, Medical University, Lublin, Poland.
3 Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland.
4 Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE:
Deficits of vitamin resources constitute a significant public health problem, especially among the elderly population. The aim of the research was to determine the level of vitamin 25 (OH) D and vitamins from group B in the chronically ill elderly in domiciliary care, depending on functional capacity and coexisting diseases.MATERIAL AND METHODS:
The pilot study included 137 patients staying in long-term domiciliary care. Samples of the participants' venous blood was obtained for laboratory tests. Centrifuged serum was used to determine the level of the following biochemical parameters: vitamin 25 (OH)D, B12, folic acid and total protein, albumin, triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Assessment of the functional status of patients was made by using the Barthel scale.RESULTS:
More than ¾ of the patients with functional deficit (according to Barthel's score 0-85 points) were deficient in vitamin 25 (OH)D, while folic acid values were below the reference values in more than half of the patients. Respondents with lower functional efficiency were characterised by a reduced average value of vitamin 25 (OH)D and folic acid.CONCLUSIONS:
The studied group of the chronically ill elderly was characterised by a deficiency of vitamin D3 and folic acid. Subjects with a functional impairment deficit show a reduced mean value of vitamin 25 (OH)D and folic acid in the blood serum, compared to the group of patients with higher mobility.Seniors being cared for in their home needed more care if low vitamin D – Sept 20196737 visitors, last modified 30 Sep, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)