In vitro fertilization and Vitamin D – many studies

Note: This page needs to be merged with IVF 4X more successful for white women with lots of vitamin D – many studies

IVF newborns had ~2 ng/mL higher Vitamin D levels - April 2024

Vitamin D3 among neonates born after in vitro fertilization compared with neonates from the general population
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024;00:1–10. DOI: 10.1111/aogs.14819
Karen Christina Walker1© | Sofie Gry Pristed2,3 | Fanney Thorsteinsdottir1,4 Ina Olmer Specht1,4© | Arieh Cohen5 | Berit Lilienthal Heitmann 1,3,6© |
Ulrik Schi0ler Kesmodel 2,7

Introduction: Sufficient levels of vitamin D have been associated with higher chances for both clinical pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing assisted repro­ductive techniques, whereas low levels of maternal vitamin D have been associated with preeclampsia and late miscarriage. In Denmark, subgroups at risk for low vitamin D levels, including neonates and toddlers, are recommended to use supplementation. The aim was to study the level of vitamin D3 among neonates born after in vitro ferti­lization compared with neonates from the general population.

Material and methods: In this cohort study a random sample of 1326 neonates repre­senting the general population and 1200 neonates conceived by in vitro fertilization born in Denmark from 1995 to 2002 were identified from registries covering the whole Danish population. Information on use of assisted reproduction was collected from the Danish In Vitro Fertilization register, ICD-10 code: DZ358F. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D was measured from dried blood spots routinely collected by heel prick 48-72h after birth and corrected according to the hematocrit fraction for capillary blood of neonates. Linear regression analysis was performed, both crude and adjusted, for pre­defined putative confounders, identified through directed acyclic graphs.

Results: Vitamin D3 analysis could be performed from a total of 1105 neonates from the general population and 1072 neonates conceived by in vitro fertilization that were subsequently included in the study. The median vitamin D3 was 24.0 nmol/L (interquar­tile range [IQR] 14.1-39.3) and 33.0nmol/L (IQR 21.3-48.8) among neonates from the general population and neonates conceived by in vitro fertilization, respectively. The adjusted mean difference between neonates from the general population and those conceived by in vitro fertilization was 6.1 nmol/L (95% confidence interval 4.1–8.1)

Conclusions: In this study, children born after in vitro fertilization have a higher vitamin D3 than a random sample of neonates in Denmark.1
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Note: Vitamin D is often given both before and during IVF treatment

I suspect that many of the women (who could afford IVF in the first place) also continue on with the Vitamin D during pregnancy

Note: IVF facilities would probably lose business if they mentioned the huge fertility benefit of Vitamin D

In-vitro Fertilization costs at least 10,000 dollars, Vitamin D costs 5 dollars

IVF success rates greatly increased if added both Vitamin D and Vaginal Probiotics - RCT Feb 2025

The effect of vitamin D supplementation and vaginal probiotics on fertility in women with recurrent implantation failure: A randomized clinical trial
Hum Immunol . 2025 Feb 15;86(3):111259. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2025.111259 Vitamin D dose is behind a $28 paywall
Elham Badihi 1, Parisa Sharifi 2, Amir Moradi 3, Amin Kamrani 4, Ali Hassanzadeh 5, Mohammad Sadegh Soltani-Zangbar 4, Sara Parsania 1, Farshid Afandideh 1, Javad Ahmadian Heris 6, Shahla Danaii 7, Behnam Shahriar 1, Mehrin Sadough 1, Forough Chakari-Khiavi 1, Shirin Teymouri Nobari 8, Leili Aghebati-Maleki 1, Mehdi Yousefi 9

Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is a significant obstacle in assisted reproductive technology, affecting approximately 10 % of couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Emerging evidence suggests that vaginal probiotics and vitamin D supplementation may improve reproductive outcomes. This randomized clinical trial evaluated the effects of these interventions on fertility in women with RIF and thin endometrium (<6 mm). A total of 112 women with a history of RIF were randomized into four groups: vaginal probiotics, vitamin D supplementation, a combination of both, or standard IVF treatment (control). The primary outcome was the pregnancy rate, confirmed by β-hCG testing and ultrasound. Secondary outcomes included changes in Th1/Th2 ratio, natural killer (NK) cell activity, and cytokine profiles.

  • The combination group demonstrated the highest pregnancy rate (46.4 %), which was significantly higher compared with the
  • probiotics (14.2 %), p = 0.008),
  • vitamin D (17.8 %), p = 0.002), and control groups (10.7 %), p = 0.003).

Only the combination therapy significantly reduced the Th1/Th2 ratio (p < 0.001) and NK cell activity (p < 0.001), while significantly increasing IL-4 and TGF-β and decreasing IFN-γ levels (all p < 0.001). These findings suggest that combined vaginal probiotics and vitamin D supplementation may improve pregnancy outcomes by modulating the immune responses in women with RIF. This dual intervention may represent a promising strategy for enhancing fertility in this population of RIF patients.

18+ VitaminDWiki pages have IVF or IN VITRO FERTILIZATION etc. in the title

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Items found: 20
Title Modified
3X more pregnancies when Vitamin D levels are high (assisted reproduction, women only) – Oct 2021 08 Jul, 2024
In vitro Fertilization not helped if Vitamin D is slightly above 30 ng (need 50 ng) – July 2024 05 Jul, 2024
In vitro fertilization and Vitamin D – many studies 19 Apr, 2024
Vitamin D associated with 60 percent better assisted reproduction success – Dec 2019 17 Feb, 2024
In vitro fertilization is more successful when vitamin D in ovaries, not just blood, is increased – April 2022 27 Apr, 2022
Vitamin D levels in cells, not blood, is important (IVF follicular fluid in this case) – Aug 2021 27 Apr, 2022
In vitro fertilization NOT helped by 600,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Sept 2021 30 Jan, 2022
IVF 4X more successful for white women with lots of vitamin D – many studies 17 Dec, 2021
In Vitro Fertilization clinical trial using 50,000 IU of Vitamin D bi-weekly – Dec 2024 14 Sep, 2020
Live birth 1.7 X more likely after IVF if good level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2020 15 Aug, 2020
In-vitro Fertilization costs at least 10,000 dollars, Vitamin D costs 5 dollars 02 Oct, 2019
Poor ovarian response (poor IVF) associated with low vitamin D – Sept 2019 28 Sep, 2019
IVF 60 percent more successful if woman had sufficient vitamin D – Dec 2017 29 Dec, 2017
IVF 50 percent more likely to result in pregnancy if high vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2017 20 Nov, 2017
Assisted Reproduction – 5 studies concluded vitamin D repletion helps – Review March 2015 14 May, 2017
In vitro fertilization not helped by vitamin D if ignore high levels and male levels – meta Mar 2016 14 Jan, 2017
Assisted Reproduction might be aided by Vitamin D – review Dec 2014 23 May, 2015
In Vitro Fertilization (D5 SET ICSI) 40 percent more successful if high vitamin D – Sept 2014 15 Aug, 2014
Clinical Trial vitamin D levels and IVF success – May 2011 13 Aug, 2014
Vitamin D somewhat assists reproduction – both the mother and the father – May 2014 10 Jun, 2014

VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D greatly improves Fertility

Increased male Vitamin D increases fertility

Decreased Fertility if decreased Vitamin D Receptor

Fertility improved the most if give Vitamin D AND 1 or more Vitamin D Receptor Activators

For male and female before pregnancy
Perhaps 50,000 IU bi-weekly for several months before becoming pregnant
Daily supplement to activate the Vitamin D Receptor
Female to continue with both D and activator thru 6 months after birth

VitaminDWiki – 50,000 IU of Vitamin D - many studies

VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Receptor activation can be increased in many ways

Resveratrol,  Omega-3,  MagnesiumZinc,   Quercetin,   non-daily Vit D,  Curcumin,   Berberine,  intense exercise, Butyrate   Sulforaphane   Ginger,   Essential oils, etc  Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki uses 10 of the 16 known VDR activators

VitaminDWiki - 24 studies in both categories Pregnancy and Vitamin D Receptor

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VitaminDWiki - 7 studies in both categories Fertility and Vitamin D Receptor

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