Table of contents
- See also in VitaminDWiki
- Saudi Arabia is funding longevity etc. but I got many negative comments about helping them
- On the Large Scale Plans of the Hevolution Foundation - June 2022
- Health + Evolution = hevolution
- 22+ VitaminDWiki pages have SAUDI in their title
- VitaminDWiki - Middle East and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki - Longevity
- VitaminDWiki - Iceland and Vitamin D - many studies
- There have been
14011 visits to this page
See also in VitaminDWiki
- Cancer mortality reduced 40 pcnt by 2000 IU Vitamin D daily if normal weight – Meta-analysis June 2022
- 4 X fewer visits to Dr. after getting high level of vitamin D (Interview with transcript) - Jan 3, 2022
- COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021
- Does Less Sun mean More Disease video mentions his experience
- COVID, Cancer, etc. are Vitamin D low-hanging-fruit – Editorial June 2022
- Chance of dying in hospital cut in half by just 10 ng higher level of Vitamin D – April 2016
- Turkey gave 400 IU vitamin D to all infants and reduced Rickets by 60X - 2011
- Fortification with Vitamin D works – 16 studies of Danish experience – July 2021
- Proof that Vitamin D Works has the following list
ADHD, Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis, ALS, Alzheimer's, Antibiotic Use in Seniors, Asthma, Autism, Autoimmune Diseases, Back pain, Blood Cell Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Chronic Hives, Chronic Kidney Disease, Cluster Headaches, Congestive Heart Failure (Infants), COPD, Crohn's Disease, C-Section and Pregnancy Risks, Cystic Fibrosis, Depression, Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, Eczema, Falls, Fatigue, Fatty Liver (Child), Fibromyalgia, Gestational Diabetes, Gingivitis, Growing Pains, Hay Fever, Heart Attack, Hemodialysis, Hepatitis-C, Hip Fractures, Hypertension, Influenza, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ischemic Stroke, Knee Osteoarthritis, Leg Ulcers, Low Birth Weight, Lupus, Male Infertility, Menstrual Pain, Metabolic Syndrome, Middle Ear Infection (Infants), Mite Allergy, Multiple Sclerosis, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson's Disease, Perinatal Depression, Pneumonia (Ventilator-associated), Poor Sleep, PreDiabetes, Preeclampsia, Pre-term Birth, Prostate Cancer, Quality of Life, Raynaud's Pain, Respiratory Tract Infection, Restless Leg Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rickets, Sarcopenia, Sepsis, Short Neonates, Sickle Cell, Stronger Senior Muscles, Survive ICU, TB, Trauma Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Tuberculosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Vaginosis, Vertigo, Warts, Weight Loss
Saudi Arabia is funding longevity etc. but I got many negative comments about helping them
Might be able to access Medical Records - at least # of doctors' visits
- Electronic medical records and health care promotion in Saudi Arabia - 2020 PDF
- Performance, Barriers, and Satisfaction of Healthcare Workers Toward Electronic Medical Records in Saudi Arabia: A National Multicenter Study - Feb 2022 PDF
- Exploring Facilitators to the Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Saudi Arabia - March 2022 PDF
On the Large Scale Plans of the Hevolution Foundation - June 2022
Anyone who has more money than they know what to do with eventually tries to cure aging. Google founder Larry Page has tried it. Jeff Bezos has tried it. Tech billionaires Larry Ellison and Peter Thiel have tried it. Now the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has about as much money as all of them put together, is going to try it. The Saudi royal family has started a not-for-profit organization called the Hevolution Foundation that plans to spend up to $1 billion a year of its oil wealth supporting basic research on the biology of aging and finding ways to extend the number of years people live in good health, a concept known as "health span."The foundation hasn't yet made a formal announcement, but the scope of its effort has been outlined at scientific meetings and is the subject of excited chatter among aging researchers, who hope it will underwrite large human studies of potential anti-aging drugs. The idea, popular among some longevity scientists, is that if you can slow the body's aging process, you can delay the onset of multiple diseases and extend the healthy years people are able to enjoy as they grow older. The fund is going to give grants for basic scientific research on what causes aging, just as others have done, but it also plans to go a step further by supporting drug studies, including trials of "treatments that are patent expired or never got commercialized."
The fund is authorized to spend up to $1 billion per year indefinitely, and will be able to take financial stakes in biotech companies. By comparison, the division of the US National Institute on Aging that supports basic research on the biology of aging spends about $325 million a year. Hevolution hasn't announced what projects it will back, but people familiar with the group say it looked at funding a $100 million X Prize for age reversal technology and has reached a preliminary agreement to fund the TAME trial, a test of the diabetes drug metformin in several thousand elderly people.
Health + Evolution = hevolution
- "We believe every human has the right to live a longer, healthier life"
- "Every person should live better – not just longer. This purpose can, with the right incentives from Hevolution, bring together the brightest and best scientific and business talent worldwide to reshape age in terms of opportunity, not decline."
Dr. Mehmood Khan Chief Executive Officer Hevolution Foundation
I was given an outstanding opportunity to build Hevolution Foundation, a pioneering new organization with a laser-like focus on dramatically improving a condition that affects every human on the planet: aging.
Our mission is to drive efforts to extend healthy human lifespan, or healthspan, and to better understand the processes of aging, because the simple truth is: we all age; but we do not all age equally.
As a scientist, physician, and human being, I have seen that the experience of aging is not sufficiently improving. The number of individuals with chronic diseases has increased, despite average lifespan lengthening. We live longer, but we do not necessarily live better. As the world population grows, the population of the elderly grows as well, leading to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) becoming the leading cause of death worldwide. As such, aging is the second most pressing challenge facing humanity after climate change.
Hevolution Foundation is the first non-profit to pursue age-related therapeutic breakthroughs with a commitment to funding global scientific discovery, and investing in private companies and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to advancing aging science. Through the acceleration of science, we can decelerate aging and its consequences.
Changing Accepted Views
The world doesn’t yet see aging as a treatable medical, scientific, and biological condition. We’ve been encouraged to accept that aging means decline. Changing this view is our opportunity to transform the acceptance of age-related health decline into a courageous drive to put world-class resources and talent toward extending healthspan.
We must move from reactive amelioration to proactive prevention. We must engage not only individual scientists and entrepreneurs, but also private and public sector organizations and institutions worldwide. Finally, we must work across geographies and disciplines in a way that is equitable, scalable, and responsible.Building New Incentives
To encourage the best and brightest talent, we need a genuine, independent and global set of incentives for researchers, academic institutions, professional organizations, entrepreneurs and governments. Our day-to-day work is in building, promoting, and protecting these incentives.Lessons of COVID
COVID-19 revealed that the elderly, especially those with pre-existing chronic conditions, are among the most vulnerable and at risk in society. However, it also demonstrated that with alignment and incentives, scientists can achieve medical breakthroughs that were previously thought impossible.To mobilize great talent, we need the same razor-sharp focus, discipline and support for new approaches and therapies.
A Transparent Global Organization
Hevolution was founded to make these great leaps forward possible. As a non-profit organization devoted to collaboration and sharing information, we seek to democratize science and knowledge, by creating partnerships, offering grants, and making investments in the longevity space.Our highly experienced management team is assembling a staff of elite scientists, clinicians, grant experts and investment professionals, and is guided by a Board of Trustees and advisory panels comprising thought-leaders from all over the world.
We are dedicated to supporting cutting-edge, peer-reviewed science, particularly applied research, focused on accelerating therapeutic approaches to aging, including drug discovery and delivery in key areas of biology that underpin aging. We are able to fund science to a larger scale and with longer investment horizons than traditional venture capital, and with a more commercial mindset than traditional academic research.
Balancing Funding, Scientific Integrity, and Regional Priorities.
Our initial funding comes from a variety of donors, including the government of Saudi Arabia. Our annual budget of up to $1 billion USD enables us to accelerate science and bring therapies to the market.We aim to work closely with global entities and research centres that share the same mission and objectives.
Global success depends upon global collaboration, which lies at the heart of our mandate.
There is evidence that Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) populations are aging faster biologically than they are chronologically. Despite the region having one of the youngest populations in the world, its people are experiencing higher mortality from chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Hevolution’s goal is healthspan equity and we will devote the resources needed to achieve it. This region, with its history of generating founding principles in science and medicine, yet suffering from significant age-related risks, presents a strong case to be the catalyst for healthspan transformation worldwide.Giving Aging a Better Future
Today marks a hugely exciting milestone for our global team which has worked tirelessly and quietly to create a Foundation that will enable and catalyze the field of geroscience.I am thrilled to lead this visionary organization, at the start of a monumental effort to give aging a better future.
Dr. Khan's background
- CEO Hevolution Foundation
- CEO and Board Member. Life Biosciences was founded to advance scientific research and develop innovative new therapies to improve and extend healthy lives for everyone.
- Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of Global Research and Development at PepsiCo
- Dr. Khan had a distinguished medical career as a faculty member in endocrinology at the Mayo Clinic and Mayo Medical School where he served as Director of the Diabetes, Endocrine and Nutritional Trials Unit. He also spent nine years leading programs in diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition in Minneapolis, MN.
22+ VitaminDWiki pages have SAUDI in their title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 23
VitaminDWiki - Middle East and Vitamin D contains
154 items in Middle East category
see also Overview Middle East and vitamin D
VitaminDWiki - Longevity
- Low Vitamin D is associated with dying sooner (70 studies) – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- Top 10 causes of death - low vitamin D is associated with every cause - Nov 2018
- Vitamin D - at least 4,000 IU to achieve 40-60 ng and reduce risk of early death – Holick June 2018
- Top 10 causes of death - low vitamin D is associated with every cause - Nov 2018
- 2,000 IU of Vitamin D daily to German Seniors would save 30,000 lives a year – March 2021
VitaminDWiki - Iceland and Vitamin D - many studies
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14011 visits to this page
Possible large Vitamin D intervention trial to increase longevity in Saudi Arabia etc.10329 visitors, last modified 10 Dec, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 18760 Shen letter Aug 25(1) Chinese.pdf admin 03 Nov, 2022 101.04 Kb 158 18759 Shen letter Aug 25(1).pdf admin 03 Nov, 2022 39.46 Kb 166 18256 polygenic+risk+score+in+precision+prevention ENGLISH.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2022 228.69 Kb 231 18255 Advances+in+applications+of+polygenic+risk+score+in+precision+prevention.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2022 799.14 Kb 333 18254 Basic reproduction number_CompressPdf.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2022 580.90 Kb 306 18253 Vit D cause mortality Biobank.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2022 950.21 Kb 206 18252 Vit D and VDR and non-small lung cancel.pdf admin 07 Aug, 2022 693.30 Kb 226 18177 9th rule in China.jpg admin 25 Jul, 2022 262.46 Kb 390 18138 SA EMR March 2022.pdf admin 19 Jul, 2022 514.43 Kb 727 18137 EMR SA Feb 2022.pdf admin 19 Jul, 2022 297.14 Kb 1097 18136 EMR SA_CompressPdf.pdf admin 19 Jul, 2022 296.02 Kb 400
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