Micronutrient deficiencies in pregnancy worldwide: health effects and prevention.
Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2016 May;12(5):274-89. doi: 10.1038/nrendo.2016.37. Epub 2016 Apr 1.
- Zinc helps pregnancies – 14 percent fewer preterm births, etc. – Cochrane RCT Feb 2015
- Zinc and Vitamin D
- Vitamin D and Iodine are similar, and both are deficient and important to health
- Iodine added during pregnancy reduces preterm births, increases IQ. Etc.
- Iodine Deficiency During Pregnancy – many studies
- Overview Iron Supplements and Vitamin D
- Iron deficiency is a cause of Vitamin D deficiency also reviews other forms of Iron
- Pregnancy helped by Magnesium in many ways ignored by study on this page
- Pre-eclampsia inversely proportional to serum Magnesium – Oct 2014
Pregnancy category starts with
- see also
- Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D
- Number of articles in both categories of Pregnancy and:Dark Skin
30 ; Depression 21 ; Diabetes 45 ; Obesity 18 ; Hypertension 44 ; Breathing 37 ; Omega-3 46 ; Vitamin D Receptor 24 Click here for details - All items in category Infant/Child
862 items - Pregnancy needs at least 40 ng of vitamin D, achieved by at least 4,000 IU – Hollis Aug 2017
- 38+ papers with Breastfed etc, in the title
- Call to action – more Vitamin D for pregnancies, loading doses are OK – Holick Aug 2019
- 53+ preeclampsia studies
- 94+ studies with PRETERM in the title
- Fertility problem (PCOS) reduced by vitamin D, etc: many studies 15+
- 94+ Gestational Diabetes
- Caesarean birth much more likely if low Vitamin D - many studies 15+ studies
- Post-partum depression and low Vitamin D - many studies 15+ studies
- Stillbirth reduced by Vitamin D, Zinc, Omega-3 - several studies 5+ studies
- Search VitaminDWiki for "Assisted reproduction" 33 items as of Aug 2022
- Fertility and Sperm category listing has
143 items along with related searches - (Stunting OR “low birth weight” OR LBW) 1180 items as of June 2020
- Less labor pain if higher level of vitamin D – August 2021
- Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D
- Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception
Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D has the following summary
Most were taking 2,000 to 7,000 IU daily for >50% of pregnancy
Click on hyperlinks for detailsProblemVit. D
ReducesEvidence 0. Chance of not conceiving 3.4 times Observe 1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe 2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 times RCT 3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT 4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe 5. Premature birth 2 times RCT 6. C-section - unplanned 1.6 times Observe Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 4 times RCT - Omega-3 7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT 8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis 9. Infant height, weight, head size
within normal limitsRCT 10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT 11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention 12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 times Observe 13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 times RCT 14. Good motor skills @ age 3 1.4 times Observe 15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT 16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
Omega-3 and Pregnancy - Omega-3 not considered by study on this page
- Consensus: Vitamin D is the most needed supplement before, during, and after pregnancy - Jan 2025
- Intestinal permeability during pregnancy - maintained by Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. - March 2025
- Should Omega-3 be mandatory in Pregnancy (yes) – July 2024
- Vitamin D and Omega-3 benefits to pregnancy and infants
- Omega-3 fatty acid in pregnancy reduces risk of preterm and early preterm birth – Feb 2024
- Omega-3 fatty acid in pregnancy reduces risk of preterm and early preterm birth – Feb 2024
- Stillbirth reduced by Vitamin D, Zinc, Omega-3 - several studies
- Preterm birth decreased by Omega-3, etc. - many studies
- Preterm birth reduction by nutrients - Vitamin D is the best, Omega-3 is next best – May 2022
- Omega-3 improves pregnancies – Meta-analysis May 2022
- Omega-3 supplementation reduced preterm birth rate by 4X – RCT July 2020
- Conception 1.5 X more likely if taking any amount of Omega-3 – Feb 2022
- Pre-term birth rate cut in half with 1000 milligrams of Omega-3 (if initially low) – RCT May 2021
- Omega-3 recommended in Australia during pregnancy - April 2021
- Pregnancy recommendations – huge differences in Vitamin D, Mg, iron, Iodine, DHA, etc – April 2021
- Seafood (Omega-3) during pregnancy increased childhood IQ by 8 points – review Dec 2019
- Pregnant women in Australia to take Omega-3 when told of reduction in preterm births – Dec 2019
- Fat-soluble vitamins critical for conception, pregnancy and breast feeding (pigs) – Sept 2019
- Preterm Births reduced by Omega-3, Zinc, and Vitamin D – Aug 2019
- Depression after childbirth 5 X less likely if good Omega-3 index – April 2019
- Infant Problem-Solving Skills Linked to Mother’s DHA Omega-3 Level During Pregnancy – April 2019
- Omega-3 during pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended – May 2019
- Preterm Births decreased by Omega-3 (analysis of 184 countries) – April 2019
- Preterm Births - promising preventions – anti-oxidants, Vitamin D, Omega-3, Zinc, etc. – Jan 2019
- Preterm birth might be prevented by Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc. (International survey) – Jan 2019
- Omega-3 index of 5 greatly decreases the risk of an early preterm birth – Dec 2018
- Omega-3 added during pregnancy helps in many ways – Cochrane Review of RCTs Nov 2018
- Omega-3 helps conception as well as pregnancy – many studies
- More pregnancies and fewer abortions when Omega-3 was added (cows in this case) July 2018
- PCOS treated by a combination of Vitamin D and Omega-3 – RCT Oct 2018
- Omega-3 – fewer than 5 percent of adult women get the RDA – April 2018
- Omega-3, Vitamin D, Folic acid etc. during pregnancy and subsequent mental illness of child – March 2018
- Supplementation while pregnant and psychotic – 20 percent Omega-3, 6 percent Vitamin D – June 2016
- Importance of Vitamin D and fish rarely mentioned during midwife-led prenatal booking visits – July 2017
- Preterm birth rate of pregnant smokers cut in half if take Omega-3 – RCT May 2017
- Gestational diabetes treated by Vitamin D plus Omega-3 – RCT Feb 2017
- Asthma reduced 31 percent when Omega-3 taken during pregnancy – RCT Dec 2016
- Preterm births strongly related to Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor, Iodine, Omega-3, etc
- Typical pregnancy is now 39 weeks – Omega-3 and Vitamin D might restore it to full 40 weeks
- Omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy reduce early preterm births (save 1500 USD per child) – Aug 2016
- Rancid Omega-3 increased the odds of newborn mortality by 13 times (rats) – July 2016
- Preterm birth extended by 2 weeks with Omega-3 – Meta-analysis Nov 2015
- Stillbirth rate typically 1 in 200, perhaps only 1 in 800 with Omega-3
- Omega-3 helps pregnancy in many ways: preterm 26 percent less likely etc – review July 2012
- Pregnancy and infants healthier with Omega-3 supplementation - many studies
- Vitamin D, DHA, Folic, Iodine benefits during pregnancy – July 2012
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWikiGernand AD1, Schulze KJ2, Stewart CP3, West KP Jr2, Christian P2.
- 1 Department of Nutritional Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, 110 Chandlee Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA.
- 2 Center for Human Nutrition, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA.
- 3 Department of Nutrition, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA.
The function and timing of micronutrients that affect outcomes in offspring
Recommendations for micronutrient intake for women in the USA and Canada
Randomized controlled trials supplementing pregnant women with individual micronutrients included in metaanalyses
We did not identify a meta-analysis that met our criteria for vitamin B12 or selenium. We identified no individual studies for vitamin E, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin or copper. IFA, iron and folic acid.
* RDA used for pregnant women aged 19–30 years as the referent group.
‡ One study gave a bolus dose (600,000 IU).
§ Only includes trials comparing groups with vitamin C to groups without vitamin C (does not include trials of vitamin C and vitamin E tested
∥ Only includes trials comparing groups with vitamin D to groups without vitamin D; four trials of vitamin D gave participants bolus doses (ranging
from 60,000 to 600,000 IU). Gernand et al.
¶ Three trials of iodine gave bolus injections (96–1600 mg).
#Only includes trials comparing groups with iron to groups without iron, does not include trials of iron and folic acid tested together.Meta-analyses of RCTs supplementing pregnant women with micronutrients: pregnancy and early-life postnatal outcomes
Micronutrients, vitamins and minerals accessible from the diet, are essential for biologic activity. Micronutrient status varies widely throughout pregnancy and across populations. Women in low-income countries often enter pregnancy malnourished, and the demands of gestation can exacerbate micronutrient deficiencies with health consequences for the fetus.
Examples of efficacious single micronutrient interventions include- folic acid to prevent neural tube defects,
- iodine to prevent cretinism,
- zinc to reduce risk of preterm birth, and
- Iron to reduce the risk of low birth weight.
Folic acid and vitamin D might also increase birth weight. While extensive mechanistic and association research links multiple antenatal micronutrients with plausible materno-fetal health advantages, hypothesized benefits have often been absent, minimal or unexpected in trials. These findings suggest a role for population context in determining health responses and filling extensive gaps in knowledge. Multiple micronutrient supplements reduce the risks of being born with low birth weight, small for gestational age or stillborn in undernourished settings, and justify micronutrient interventions with antenatal care. Measurable health effects of gestational micronutrient exposure might persist into childhood but few data exists on potential long-term benefits. In this Review, we discuss micronutrient intake recommendations, risks and consequences of deficiencies, and the effects of interventions with a particular emphasis on offspring.
PMID: 27032981 PMCID: PMC4927329 DOI: 10.1038/nrendo.2016.37
Micronutrients (such as Vitamin D) needed during pregnancy – May 20169311 visitors, last modified 20 Aug, 2017, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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