
Influenzas – both seasonal and pandemic – increase in the winter (low vitamin D) – Dec 2010

The seasonality of pandemic and non-pandemic influenzas: the roles of solar radiation and vitamin D.

Int J Infect Dis. 2010 Dec;14(12):e1099-105. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2010.09.002. Epub 2010 Oct 29.
Juzeniene A asta.juzeniene at rr-research.no, Ma LW, Kwitniewski M, Polev GA, Lagunova Z, Dahlback A, Moan J.

Russian Flu


Spanish Flu


All Flu

Seasonal variations in ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation cause seasonal variations in vitamin D status. This may influence immune responses and play a role in the seasonality of influenza.
Pandemic and non-pandemic influenzas in Sweden, Norway, the USA, Singapore, and Japan were studied. Weekly/monthly influenza incidence and death rates were evaluated in view of monthly UVB fluences.
Non-pandemic influenzas mostly occur in the winter season in temperate regions. UVB calculations show that at high latitudes very little, if any, vitamin D is produced in the skin during the winter. Even at 26°N (Okinawa) there is about four times more UVB during the summer than during the winter. In tropical regions there are two minor peaks in vitamin D photosynthesis, and practically no seasonality of influenza. Pandemics may start with a wave in an arbitrary season, while secondary waves often occur the following winter. Thus, it appears that a low vitamin D status may play a significant role in most influenzas.
In temperate latitudes even pandemic influenzas often show a clear seasonality. The data support the hypothesis that high fluences of UVB radiation (vitamin D level), as occur in the summer, act in a protective manner with respect to influenza.

Copyright © 2010 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

PMID: 21036090

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Observation by VitaminDWiki

  • 2014 Ebola became worse during the Liberia rainy season (summer) = less vitamin D.
  • Middle East has the worst influenza during summers – it is so hot that people avoid being outdoors in the middle of the day – even for a few minutes

See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
4511 Influenzas all.jpg admin 23 Oct, 2014 102.42 Kb 1775
4510 Spanish Flu.jpg admin 23 Oct, 2014 53.28 Kb 1672
4509 Russian Flu.jpg admin 23 Oct, 2014 47.68 Kb 1671
4508 influenzas 2010.pdf admin 23 Oct, 2014 244.68 Kb 911
4507 10.1016-j.ijid.2010.09.002Figure.ppt admin 23 Oct, 2014 157.00 Kb 751