
73 percent of US infants still do not even get 400 IU of Vitamin D - June 2020

Adherence to Vitamin D Intake Guidelines in the United States

Alan E. Simon and Katherine A. Ahrens
Pediatrics June 2020, 145 (6) e20193574; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2019-3574


Items in both categories Infant-Child and Deficiency are listed here:

Infant-Child category has 862 items and starts with

Having a good level of vitamin D cuts in half the amount of:

Need even more IUs of vitamin D to get a good level if;

  • Have little vitamin D: premie, twin, mother did not get much sun access
  • Get little vitamin D: dark skin, little access to sun
  • Vitamin D is consumed faster than normal due to sickness
  • Older (need at least 100 IU/kilogram, far more if obese)
  • Not get any vitamin D from formula (breast fed) or (fortified) milk
    Note – formula does not even provide 400 IU of vitamin D daily

Infants-Children need Vitamin D

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

BACKGROUND: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) revised its infant vitamin D intake guidelines in 2008. We aimed to examine previously unexplored trends in meeting vitamin D intake guidelines among US infants since 2009 and whether there were differences across demographic subgroups.

METHODS: We analyzed dietary recall data for infants 0 to 11 months in the 2009–2016 NHANES. We estimated the percentage meeting 2008 AAP vitamin D guidelines, defined as consuming ≥1 L of infant formula and/or receiving a vitamin D supplement of ≥400 IU. We used Poisson regressions to assess trends over time and differences across demographic subgroups.

RESULTS: Overall, 27.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 24.3%–29.8%) of US infants in 2009–2016 met vitamin D intake guidelines, with nonbreastfeeding infants (31.1% [95% CI: 27.6%–34.5%]) more likely to meet guidelines than breastfeeding infants (20.5% [95% CI: 15.4%–25.5%]; P < .01). From 2009–2010 to 2015–2016, overall and for both breastfeeding and nonbreastfeeding infants, there were no significant changes over time in the percentage of infants who met the guidelines (P > .05). Among breastfeeding infants, those with a family income ≥400% of the federal poverty level, with a college graduate head of household, and with private insurance were more likely to meet guidelines.

CONCLUSIONS: Among US infants, we observed no increase in meeting AAP vitamin D intake guidelines since 2009. Less than 40% of infants met guidelines in nearly all demographic subgroups. These findings suggest renewed consideration of how to best meet vitamin D intake guidelines.

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14115 400 IU daily.jpg admin 05 Aug, 2020 40.22 Kb 322
14114 Adherence to Vitamin D Intake Guidelines in the United States.pdf admin 05 Aug, 2020 794.46 Kb 407