- From A to E: Uniting vitamins against stroke risk-A systematic review and network meta-analysis
- VitaminDWiki – Stroke category contains
- VitaminDWiki -
10 Stroke Meta-analyses - 6+ VitaminDWiki Stroke pages have PREVENT in the title
From A to E: Uniting vitamins against stroke risk-A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Eur J Clin Invest. 2024 Jan 30:e14165. doi: 10.1111/eci.14165
Shashank Tripathi 1, Manabesh Nath 1, Shubham Misra 2, Pradeep Kumar 3Background and aim: Stroke represents a significant public health challenge, necessitating the exploration of preventive measures. This network meta-analysis aimed to assess the efficacy of different vitamin treatments compared to a placebo in preventing stroke.
Methods: A systematic electronic search in databases including PubMed, EmBASE, Web of Science, clinicaltrials.gov, and Google Scholar until 31 May 2023 was conducted, to identify published studies investigating the association between vitamin intake and the risk of stroke. Pooled risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) was calculated using a frequentist network meta-analysis. Furthermore, we ranked vitamins based on p-scores, facilitating a comparative assessment of their effectiveness in preventing stroke.
Results: A total of 56 studies, including
- 17 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and
- 39 cohort studies were analyzed.
Direct estimates obtained from network meta-analysis, we found that vitamin A (RR: .81 [.72-.91]), vitamin B-complex (RR: .85 [.74-.97]), vitamin B6 (RR: 79 [.68-.92]), folate (RR: .86 [.75-.97]), vitamin C (RR: .77 [.70-.85]) and vitamin D (RR: .73 [.64-.83]) were significantly associated with a decreased stroke risk. However, no significant association was observed for vitamin B2 , vitamin B12 , and vitamin E.
Subsequent to network meta-analysis, vitamins were ranked in decreasing order of their efficacy in stroke prevention based on p-score, with- Vitamin D (p-score = .91),
- vitamin C (p-score = .79),
- vitamin B6 (p-score = .70),
- vitamin A (p-score = .65),
- vitamin B-complex (p-score = .53),
- folate (p-score = .49),
- vitamin B2 (p-score = .39),
- vitamin E (p-score = .28),
- vitamin B12 (.13) and
- pacebo (.10).
Conclusion: Our study has established noteworthy connections between vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin B6 , folate, vitamin C, and vitamin D in the realm of stroke prevention. These findings add substantial weight to the accumulating evidence supporting the potential advantages of vitamin interventions in mitigating the risk of stroke. However, to solidify and validate these observations, additional research is imperative. Well-designed clinical trials or cohort studies are needed to further explore these associations and formulate clear guidelines for incorporating vitamin supplementation into effective stroke prevention strategies.
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VitaminDWiki – Stroke category contains
132 items in stroke category - see also Overview Stroke and vitamin D,
Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin DStroke more likely if low Vitamin D
- Stroke 74% less likely if high vitamin D (7,295 women 20-50 years old) – July 2017
- Stroke is 13.5 X more likely if low vitamin D and high blood pressure – March 2015
- Ischemic stroke 17 X more likely if low vitamin D – April 2017
- Stroke is strongly associated with Calcification of cerebral arteries (perhaps low Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Mg…) – March 2018
- Ischemic Stroke 3X more likely if Vitamin D Receptor gene change (Fok 1) – Jan 2014
Post-Stroke worse if low Vitamin D
- Poor Acute Ischemic Stroke 4X more likely if low Vitamin D - Nov 2023
- Stroke risks increased if low Vitamin D: Death 3.6 X, recurrence 5.5 X – Meta-analysis Nov 2019
- Stroke outcome at 3 months was 3X worse if bad stroke and low vitamin D – Jan 2020
- Death after Ischemic Stroke 2.5 X more likely if less than 10 ng of Vitamin D – May 2019
- Vascular dementia (after strokes) 32X more likely in Hypertensives with low vitamin D – Oct 2015
- Depression following a stroke is 2.7 X more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Stroke incidence not associated with low Vitamin D (but stroke outcome is) – Aug 2019
Post-Stroke better if add Vitamin D
- Post-stroke Vitamin D supplementation helped in 11 ways – May 2023
- Improved recovery from ischemic stroke with Vitamin D (300,000 IU injection) – RCT June 2018
- Better outcome following Ischemic stroke if injected with 600,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2017
- Ischaemic stroke – Vitamin D doubled survival (Injection followed by monthly 60,000 IU) – RCT Aug 2016
- Stroke patients need more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D (found this time in Japan) – RCT June 2019
Post-Stroke better if Vitamin D actually gets to cells
- Resveratrol fights Parkinson, Alzheimers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular, ALS, Stroke, etc.– Nov 2018
- Stroke rehabilitation (and prevention) requires Vitamin D actually getting to cells – March 2020
11 studies in both categories of Depression and Stroke This list is automatically updated
- Nerve cells and Vitamin D – many studies
- Water-soluble form of vitamins are needed for some health problems
- Post-stroke depression not reduced by 2,000 IU of vitamin D (not a surprise) – Nov 2021
- Depression is associated with stroke if low vitamin D or winter – Nov 2018
- Depression following a stroke is 2.7 X more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Omega-3 and Vitamin D each treat many mental health problems - April 2018
- No longer depressed, but risk of stroke is still 1.7X higher (did not consider low vitamin D) – May 2015
- ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
- Post stroke depression 9X more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2014
- Stroke patients with low vitamin D were 10X more likely to become depressed – Aug 2014
VitaminDWiki -
10 Stroke Meta-analyses This list is automatically updated
- Stroke and Vitamin D meta-analyses - many studies
- Vitamin D is the best Vitamin to prevent a stroke - meta-analysis Jan 2024
- Recurrent Stroke 5X more-likely if very low vitamin D - meta-analysis Feb 2023
- Ignoring dose size etc, meta-analysis concludes that Vitamin D does not help (stroke risk in this case) – Aug 2022
- Stroke 22 percent more likely if low Vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2021
- Stroke risks increased if low Vitamin D: Death 3.6 X, recurrence 5.5 X – Meta-analysis Nov 2019
- Ischemic Stroke risk reduced by 2.5 if have good level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2018
- Vitamin D associated with 50 percent less ischemic stroke – meta-analysis Aug 2012
- Cerebrovascular disease 40 percent less likely if high level of vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2012
- 50 percent fewer strokes with vitamin D, even though ignored dose size – meta-analysis March 2012
6+ VitaminDWiki Stroke pages have PREVENT in the title
This list is automatically updated
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