
Off Topic: Smaller people may live longer due to more benefit from supplements and drugs

Hypothesis: The same pill (Vitamin D, multivitamin, drug) is likely to have 2X the affect if the person weighs 1/2 as much. It probably does not matter if the pill is for prevention or treatment

Note: smaller people includes both

  • shorter in height
  • same height but less weight/BMI

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web

  • Small People’s Longevity Vitamin D Survivor Feb 2013 (the inspiration for this web page)
    ‘’It seems in the grand wisdom of the examiners that a small one year old child needs for vitamin D are the same as a sixty year old two hundred fifty pound man – 800IU per day’’
    ‘’ Rule of thumb for vitamin D: Forty IU of D3 per pound of body weight per day . . . ’’
  • Body weight and longevity. A reassessment. JAMA 1987
    ‘’ The shape of the curve relating weight to all-cause mortality has been variously described as linear, J-shaped, and even U-shaped’’
    Many problems with previous studies:
        failure to control for cigarette smoking,
        inappropriate control of biologic effects of obesity, such as hypertension and hyperglycemia, and
        failure to control for weight loss due to subclinical disease
    available evidence suggests that minimum mortality occurs at relative weights at least 10% below the US average.
  • Advantages of Shorter Height
    It is a review of the book: Human Body Size and the Laws of Scaling: Physiological, Performance, Growth, Longevity and Ecological Ramifications – 2007
    Has extensive bibliography
  • Search web: magnesium "pound of body weight"
    3, 6, and up to 10 mg of Mg per pound of body weight on the web
    410 mg of Magnesium is the US RDA for adult male – independent of body weight
  • Nurses know to compute infant dosage based on body weight
    Wonder why adult doses are not based on weight
  • Zinc
    1 mg Zinc per pound of body weight.
    Merck Manual Recommended Dietary Allowance = 0.44 mg/pound = 66 mg for 150 lb person
    US Recommended Daily Amount = 15 mg
    Big confusion between the two different RDAs