
UK adults who took Vitamin D were 10 percent less likely to die – Oct 2022

Real-world evidence for the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation in reduction of total and cause-specific mortality

J Intern Med . 2022 Oct 8. doi: 10.1111/joim.13578
Sha Sha 1 2 , Thi Mai Ngoc Nguyen 1 2 , Sabine Kuznia 1 2 , Tobias Niedermaier 1 , Anna Zhu 1 2 , Hermann Brenner 1 3 4 5 , Ben Schöttker 1 3

Note: Decreased respiratory mortality by 29%

Background: Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrated the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation for reduced cancer mortality, all-cause mortality, and respiratory tract infections. However, whether and to what extent this translates into effectiveness in real-world practice is unknown.

Methods: We assessed the association of vitamin D supplements use (as an over-the-counter drug or as part of a multivitamin product), vitamin D deficiency (25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) < 30 nmol/L) and insufficiency (25(OH)D 30-<50 nmol/L) with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in 445,601 participants, aged 40-73 years, from the UK Biobank cohort.

Results: 4.3% and further 20.4% of the study participants reported regularly taking vitamin D or multivitamin supplements, respectively. Still, the majority had either vitamin D deficiency (21.0%) or insufficiency (34.3%). We detected 49 independent determinants of vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D supplement use and used them to adjust Cox regression models for all mortality outcomes. 29,107 (6.5%) participants died during a median follow-up time of 11.8 years.
Both vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were strongly associated with all mortality outcomes.
Self-reported vitamin D supplements use (83% over-the-counter/17% prescription drugs) and multivitamin intake were significantly associated with 10% and 5% lower all-cause mortality, respectively. Furthermore, regular vitamin D supplement users had 11%, 11% and 29% lower cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease mortality than non-users, respectively (not significant for cardiovascular disease mortality).

Conclusion: This large study suggests that in the real world, the efficacy of vitamin D supplements in reducing mortality may be at least as good as observed in RCTs.

500,000 in UK Biobank, aged 40-69, 2006-2010, only 4.3% took Vitamin D

Note: Those people taking Vitamin D probably reduced their mortality in other ways as well:

  • Exercise
  • Better foods
  • Taking Omega-3

VitaminDWiki - Mortality category contains

{FONT(size="18")} People die sooner if they have low vitamin D{FONT}
{img fileId="2699" width ="450" link="People die sooner if they have low vitamin D – Nov 2014"}
click on image for details

There are {SQL(db=>vitamind)}SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE `categId`=30{SQL} articles in Mortality category

{DIV(class="lefth4")}LECT catObjectId, COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE categId = 30 OR categId = 82 GROUP BY catObjectId HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS categs INNER JOIN tiki_objects ON tiki_objects.objectId = categs.catObjectId WHERE type = "wiki page"{SQL} Mortality Meta-analyses
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{category id="30+82" types="wiki" sort="created_desc" split="n" and="y" sub="n" showdescription="n" showname="y" showtype="n" one="y" showTitle="n"}

{FONT(size="17")} See also in VitaminDWiki{FONT}

VitaminDWiki - 7 Breathing Mortality studes

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Note: Decreased respiratory mortality by 29%

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday October 9, 2022 02:34:28 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 8)

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