Toggle Health Problems and D

Myopia epidemic and Vitamin D - many studies

  • Myopia and many other vision problems are associated with low Vitamin D.
  • More Myopia if less sun exposure (combination of more Vitamin D and focusing at a distance).
  • More Myopia if obese (obese have lower levels of Vitamin D).
  • One study found all children with Myopia had < 50ng/mL of Vitamin D.
  • Suspect that Vitamin D will be proven to prevent Myopia.
  • Suspect that Vitamin D plus eye exercise will be proven to treat Myopia.

23+ VitaminDWiki pages with MYOP.. in the title

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VitaminDWiki – Vision category contains

Vision problems having many studies on VitaminDWiki

109 items in Vision category

Video screens, Lack of Sun Are Causing an Epidemic of Myopia - WSJ Aug 2023

Wall St. Journal
Screens include Video, TV, Computer, Gaming

  • “There’s something in the spectrum of visible light that prevents the eyeball from growing too much,”
  • Children spend more than seven hours a day looking at screens, on average, and some studies find teens are online almost constantly.
  • The International Myopia Institute recommends children spend 80 to 120 minutes in daylight every day. This doesn’t have to be all at once, say doctors—15 minutes here and there adds up.

Myopia exploding: 3X increase in half a century in Asia - Sept 2022

THE MYOPIA GENERATION - Why do so many kids need glasses now?

  • " In East and Southeast Asia, where this shift is most dramatic, the proportion of teenagers and young adults with myopia has jumped from roughly a quarter to more than 80 percent in just over half a century"
  • In the U.S., 42 percent of 12-to-54-year-olds were nearsighted in the early 2000s—the last time a national survey of myopia was conducted—_up from a quarter in the 1970s.
    • About a 1.7 X increase
  • Discusses 7 possible reasons and several expensive methods that stop the trend - 1 child at a time

Myopia East Asia

Global Myopia Epidemic 35% mid 2020's 52% by 2050


VitaminDWiki Vitamin D levels have been crashing since 1995 (Polish Children, Elite Military, etc)


Many people now believe that less outdoors ==> more Myopia

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19999 Myopia world.jpg admin 23 Aug, 2023 43.44 Kb 507
19998 Myopia East Asia.jpg admin 23 Aug, 2023 41.51 Kb 494