
Review of Vitamin D and Physical Performance – May 2013

Vitamin D and Physical Performance

Sports Medicine, May 2013
Daniel S. Moran dmoran at sheba.health.gov.il (1) (2) (3)
James P. McClung (4)
Tal Kohen (2)
Harris R. Lieberman (4)
1. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Program, United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA, 01760, USA
2. Heller Institute of Medical Research, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, 52621, Israel
3. Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
4. Military Nutrition Division, United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA, 01760, USA

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient obtained from the diet and exposure to sunlight. Roles for vitamin D have been established in the function of the cardiovascular, immune, and musculoskeletal systems. An electronic database search was conducted using EMBASE (1967 to August 2012), MEDLINE (1966 to August 2012), SPORTDiscus™ (1975 to August 2012), and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) (1998 to August 2012) with no limits of language of publication. Articles that described vitamin D and performance were considered eligible for this review.

Recent studies suggest that vitamin D maintains physical performance in athletes and other active populations, e.g., maximal oxygen consumption may be related to vitamin D status.

Poor vitamin D status affects muscle strength, and vitamin D may participate in protein synthesis through the actions of the vitamin D receptor in muscle tissue.

Vitamin D may protect against overuse injuries, such as stress fracture, through its well-documented role in calcium metabolism. The objective of this manuscript is to review recent evidence regarding the importance of vitamin D for maintaining physical performance, and includes specific examples of how vitamin D supports the cardiovascular, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private viewWs of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Army or the Department of Defense. Any citations of commercial organizations and trade names in this report do not constitute an official Department of the Army endorsement of approval of the products or services of these organizations.

Unfortunately the text is behind a pay-wall

See also VitaminDWiki

Overview Sports and vitamin D which had the following summary May 2013

  1. Faster reaction time
  2. Far fewer colds/flues during the winter
  3. Less sore/tired after a workout
  4. Fewer micro-cracks and broken bones
  5. Bones which do break heal much more quickly
  6. Increased VO2 and exercise endurance Feb 2011
  7. Indoor athletes especially need vitamin D
  8. Professional indoor athletes are starting to supplement with vitamin D or use vitamin D beds
  9. Olympic athletes have used UV/vitamin D since the 1930's
  10. The biggest gain from the use of vitamin D is by those who exercise less than 2 hours per day.
  11. Reduced muscle fatigue with 10,000 IU vitamin D daily

References from the study (which were not behind a paywall)

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