
Yet another heart problem, Cardiac X syndrome, is associated with low vitamin D – 2016

Evaluation of serum vitamin D levels in patients with X syndrome

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2016; 20 (6): 1155-1160
F.N. Turhan Caglar, I. Ungan, V. Ksanski, S. Opan, S. Çiftçi, A. Kural, A. Koyuncu, F. Akturk, O. Karakaya
Cardiology Department, Dr. Sadi Konuk Bakirkoy Education and Research Hospital, Bakirkoy, Istanbul, Turkey. nhnturhan at gmail.com

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syndrome XHealthy controls
Vitmin D6 ng12 ng
PTH 38pg28pg

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OBJECTIVE: Cardiac X syndrome is defined in patients with normal coronary angiogram who has typical chest pain and objective myocardial ischemia evidence. Recent studies have evaluated the association between vitamin D deficiency (vit D def) and cardiovascular diseases. Our aim of this study was to compare serum vit D levels in patients with syndrome X and controls.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included 66 patients (49 women, 17 men) with syndrome X and 47 (30 women, 17 men) healthy controls. All of the patients’ demographic features, laboratory analysis and medications are recorded. Vit D is measured quantitatively by paramagnetic particle chemiluminescence method.

RESULTS: Mean age of the syndrome X group was higher than controls (56 ± 9.2 vs. 49 ± 9.6 years p < 0.001). Body mass index was higher in the patient group than controls (31.2 ± 5.6 vs. 29.1 ± 4.7 kg/m2 p: 0.011). Vit D levels were significantly lower in the syndrome X group than controls (6 ± 5.2 vs. 11.9 ± 7 ng/ml, p < 0.001). Parathormone levels were significantly higher in the syndrome X group than the control group (38.3 ± 23.4 vs. 28 ± 17.2 pg/ml, p: 0.014). hsCRP levels were higher in the syndrome X group than controls (3.1 ± 5.4 vs. 1.8 ± 2.4 mg/L, p: 0.042).

CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated significantly lower vit D levels in patients with CSX. This finding is correlated with previous studies showing an inverse correlation with lower serum vit D levels and different types of cardiovascular diseases. Vit D def may be a risk factor for syndrome X. Vit D def related increased inflammation may lead to the development of endothelial dysfunction and microvascular angina.

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