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Role of Vitamin K in Bones and Muscles - Feb 2022

Role of Vitamin K in Bone and Muscle Metabolism

Calcified Tissue International (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00223-022-00955-3
N. Alonso, A. Meinitzer, E. Fritz-Petrin, D. Enko & M. Herrmann



Vitamin K, a cofactor for the γ-glutamyl carboxylase enzyme, is required for the post-translational activation of osteocalcin and matrix Gla protein, which play a key role in bone and muscle homeostasis. In vivo and in vitro models for osteoporosis and sarcopenia suggest the vitamin K could exert a positive effect in both conditions. In bone, it increases osteoblastogenesis, whilst decreases osteoclast formation and function. In muscle, it is associated with increased satellite cell proliferation and migration and might play a role in energy metabolism. Observational trials suggest that high levels of vitamin K are associated with increased bone mineral density and reduced fracture risk. However, interventional studies for vitamin K supplementation yielded conflicting results. Clinical trials in sarcopenia suggest that vitamin K supplementation could improve muscle mass and function. One of the main limitations on the vitamin K studies are the technical challenges to measure its levels in serum. Thus, they are obtained from indirect sources like food questionnaires, or levels of undercarboxylated proteins, which can be affected by other environmental or biological processes. Although current research appoints to a beneficial effect of vitamin K in bone and muscle, further studies overcoming the current limitations are required in order to incorporate this supplementation in the clinical management of patients with osteosarcopenia.
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VitaminDWiki - Overview Vitamin K and Vitamin D

Vitamin K2 is similar to D3 in many ways

  1. Both vitamins were initially confused with its lesser form (D2 ==> D3, K1 ==> K2)
  2. Both vitamins appear to influence health in large number of ways
  3. Both vitamins in the body are about 1/10 that of a century ago
    Example: Grass-fed beef has a lot more K2, D3, and Magnesium
  4. Need very little of both vitamins: <1 milligram daily
  5. When Vitamin D3 is increased, it appears that Vitamin K2 should also be increased
  6. Vitamin K2 understanding and research is about 20 years behind that of Vitamin D3
    One of the reasons: [https://www.perplexity.ai/search/is-there-a-vitamin-k2-blood-te-vVTdLPwcTFyi1Z_PM8yvTw|No simple blood test for K2 as of Dec 2024]

Vitamin K and Bone

Some other Vitamin K in VitaminDWiki

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday February 13, 2022 13:14:30 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)

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17051 Vit K Muscle.jpg admin 13 Feb, 2022 83.17 Kb 789
17050 Bone role.jpg admin 13 Feb, 2022 97.75 Kb 831
17049 Vit K metabolism.jpg admin 13 Feb, 2022 70.38 Kb 704
17048 Alonso2022_Article_RoleOfVitaminKInBoneAndMuscleM.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2022 1.50 Mb 217