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Autism risk is reduced by Vitamin D – early pregnancy or chlldhood – Umbrella review – July 2024

Associations Between Vitamin D and Core Symptoms in ASD: An Umbrella Review

Jiang Y, Dang W, Sui L, Gao T, Kong X, Guo J, Liu S, Nie H, Jiang Z
DOVE July 2024 Volume 2024:16 Pages 59—91 DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/NDS.S470462
Yuwei Jiang,1,2,* Wenjun Dang,3,* Lirong Sui,1 Tianci Gao,1 Xiangying Kong,1 Jin Guo,1 Shuang Liu,1 Hong Nie,3 Zhimei Jiang1,2

We conducted an umbrella evaluation to quantitatively synthesize previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses, thereby collating evidence on the association between vitamin D and core symptoms in people with autism in anticipation of informing clinical vitamin D supplementation. Based on the pre-established protocol, we ended up with 9 studies. Based on rigorous analysis, we found that vitamin D deficiency early in life is a risk factor for the development of ASD and that vitamin D supplementation improves the core symptoms of ASD. Our study concludes that vitamin D supplementation is beneficial for individuals with autism, that vitamin D deficiency early in embryonic life increases the risk of ASD, and that our study supports the idea that prevention begins with vitamin D supplementation early in life. At the same time, we must recognize that our current conclusions support the benefits of vitamin D supplementation for children with ASD, but we are unable to determine the causal relationship, ie, how vitamin D works in ASD, and we need more basic research to explore the mechanisms involved.
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VitaminDWiki – Autism category contains:

Autism category has 165 items

 - see also Overview Autism and vitamin D,  Autoimmune ,   Cognitive,    ADHD
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