
Higher air pollution associated with more fractures and lower levels of vitamin D – June 2023

Exposure to multiple air pollutants and the risk of fractures: a large prospective population-based study

J Bone Miner Res. 2023 Jun 21. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.4872
Wenhao Qi # 1 2, Zhendong Mei # 1 2, Zhonghan Sun 1 2, Chenhao Lin 1 2, Jinran Lin 1 2, Jialin Li 1, John S Ji # 3, Yan Zheng 4 1 2

Atmospheric chemistry studies suggest air pollution impedes ultraviolet B photons and thus reduces cutaneous vitamin D3 synthesis. Biological evidence documents that inhaled pollutants disrupt circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D metabolism and ultimately impact bone health. The hypothesis is that higher air pollution concentrations are associated with a higher risk of fractures, mediated by lower circulating 25(OH)D. The study included participants of the UK Biobank who were free of fractures history at enrollment (2006-2010) and analyzed their environmental exposure data (2007-2010). Air pollution measurements included the annual averages of air particulate matter (PM2.5 , PM2.5-10 , and PM10 ), nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NOx ), and a composite air pollution score. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were used to assess the associations of the individual pollutants and the score with fracture risks. Mediation analyses were conducted to assess the underlying role of serum 25(OH)D in such associations. Among 446,395 participants with a median of eight-year follow-up, 12,288 incident fractures were documented. Participants living in places with the highest quintile of air pollution score had a 15.3% increased risk of fractures (hazard ratio95%CI: 1.151.09,1.22) compared to those in the lowest; and 5.49% of this association was mediated through serum 25(OH)D (p for mediation<0.05). Pollutant-specific hazard of top-to-bottom quintiles was 16% for PM2.5 , 4% for PM2.5-10 , 5% for PM10 , 20% for NO2 , and 17% for NOx , respectively, with a 4-6% mediation effect of serum 25(OH)D concentrations. The associations of the air pollution score with fracture risks were weaker among female participants, those who drank less alcohol, and consumed more fresh fruit than their counterparts (p interaction <0.05).

VitaminDWiki Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies page contains

Fact: Pollution reduces the amount of time that people are outdoors
Fact: Pollution is often associated with hot temperatures - another reason to not go outdoors
Fact: Less time outdoors results in lower Vitamin D levels
Fact: Pollution attenuates the amount of UVB getting to the skin (but by only a few percent)
Fact:The body's ability to fight Irritation/Inflammation is aided by vitamin D
Fact: All of the types of PM2.5 deaths are also associated with low vitamin D
       Most air pollutions reduce Vitamin D (PM2.5 is worst) – June 2021
Observation: Vitamin D should improve the health of people in dusty or polluted air

  • There were 60+ references in Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D page as of June 2023
  • Inhaled vitamin D might turn out to be especially good form as it goes directly to the lungs.