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Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D

Did you know? (from VitaminDWiki)

Many studies show that cardiovascular problems are treated & prevented by Vitamin D
  As with many other health problems:
  More Vitamin D is needed to treat than to prevent
  Omega-3, Magnesium, and Vitamin K2 also probably also help
      (More Cardiovascular info below this box)
Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
  Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
  Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
  see also Supplementing and More in the menu at the top of every page
If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works   Getting Vitamin D into your body

Is 50ng enough?   How to restore levels quickly  VitaminDWiki interview and transcript - Lahore Jan 2022
Books and Videos 270   Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D
Reasons for low response to vitamin D   Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include:   Breast 256   Colon 143   Lung 55   Prostate 103   Pancreatic 57   Skin 121
Colds and flu   Dark Skin 464   Diabetes 548   Obesity 437   Pregnancy 907   Seniors 430
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

VitaminDWiki – Cardiovascular category:

526 items In Cardiovascular category

Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022

Cholesterol, Statins

Why Cardio Event RCTs are so difficult to design and analyze

Difficulties in Designing Randomised Controlled Trials of Vitamin D Supplementation for Reducing Acute Cardiovascular Events and in the Analysis of Their Outcomes - July 2020
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

26 studies in both Cardio and Vitamin K categories

27 studies in both Cardio and MORTALITY categories

Mortality and vitamin D (not just Cardio) 319 items

VitaminDWiki – Hypertension category contains

164 items in the category HYPERTENSION

see also
Overview Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D
Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
Overview Stroke and vitamin D
Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade
Some interesting Hypertension studies

15 pages listed in BOTH Hypertension and Cardiovascular categories

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See also STROKES

16 Items in BOTH of the categories Cardiovascular and Stroke:__

VitaminDWiki – Metabolic Syndrome contains

105 items

See also

15 Items in BOTH of the categories Cardiovascular and Metabolic Syndrome

auto updated

See also web


MAYO Clinic April 2012: Pathways from vitamin D Deficiency to CVD

see wikipage http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1422

RCT found no increase in physical performance in heart failure patients with 50,000 IU weekly - Feb 2013

A randomized controlled trial of high dose vitamin D3 in patients with heart failure.
JACC Heart Fail. 2013 Feb;1(1):84-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jchf.2012.11.003.
Boxer RS1, Kenny AM2, Schmotzer BJ3, Vest M4, Fiutem JJ5, Piña IL6.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of Vitamin D3 on physical performance in patients with HF.

BACKGROUND: HF is associated with functional decline and frailty. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with loss of muscle strength and poor outcomes in patients with HF.

METHODS: Sixty-four patients participated in a 6-month parallel design double blind RCT to test the hypothesis that oral vitamin D3 would improve physical performance. Vitamin D3 50,000 IU or placebo was given weekly; all received daily calcium. Patients were included regardless of EF and 25OHD ≤ 37.5 ng/ml. The primary outcome was peak VO2, and secondary outcomes were the 6MW, TGUG and knee isokinetic muscle strength. Between group comparisons were made using ANCOVA models that adjust for baseline measures.

RESULTS: Patients were age 65.9 ± 10.4 years old, 48% women, 64% African American, EF 37.6±13.9, 36% NYHA III, the remainder NYHA II.
At baseline the vitamin D group 25OHD was 19.1 ± 9.3 ng/ml and increased to 61.7 ± 20.3 ng/ml; in the placebo group baseline 25OHD was 17.8 ± 9.0 ng/ml and decreased to 17.4 ± 9.8 ng/ml at 6 months (between groups p<0.001).
There was no significant change from baseline to 6 months in peak VO2, 6MW, TGUG or isokinetic muscle strength.

CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D3 did not improve physical performance for patients with HF despite a robust increase in serum 25OHD. Vitamin D repletion in patients with HF should conform to standard adult guidelines for vitamin D supplementation.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.

Seems like the study did things correctly. Good amount of vitamin D, trial lasted long enough, vitamin D levels were raised high enough. Perhaps no improvement in physical performance shouldd be expected AFTER damage was done.

INTERVENTION Clinical Trials for (heart OR cardiovascular) and "vitamin D" 538 as of Sept 2024

  • Intervention = give vitamin D and see what happens usually testing vitamin D vs placebo
  • The majority of these intervention trials are for TREATMENT, rather than prevention
  • Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease preventiom May 2016
    Large Ongoing Random Controlled CVD trials
    No apparent attempt to trial those with low levels of vitamin D,
    No Magnesium added,
    No Omega-3 added,
    Not much vitamin D used - especially since statins used with CVD reduce the vitamin D
    No Vitamin K2 to stop Calcium increased by Vitamin D from coating the arteries


94+ proofs that Vitamin D works (includes some CVD)

Proof that Vitamin D Works has the following Cardio related proofs

Health Problem Treat
   click for details
RCT = Random Controlled Trial
   * = link to additional RCT
CT = Clinical Trial
HypertensionT 149 to 142 mm Hg RCT*  *, 2400 IU.  100,000 IU* 1
Cardiovascular after attack T 32 % fewer deaths CT 1000 IU2
Diabetes T2T 62 % RCT* *, CRP reduction, 4000 IU 4
Congestive Heart Failure T 90 % RCT, 1000 IU infants (also: Adults, not RCT) 27
After Heart Attack T __+6% ejection fraction RCT, 800,000 IU one time34

Increased exercise after heart attack cuts in half the chance of death in next four years

  • Mercola May 2018
    Back in the 1960's you were supposed to have 6 weeks of bedrest following a heart attack
    Mercola does not mention that exercise might greatly reduce the risk of the heart attack as well

See also: Omega-3

34 studies in both Cardio and Omega-3 categories

17 Items in BOTH of the categories Cardiovascular and Magnesium

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7 Items in BOTH of the categories Cardiovascular and Women

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31+ VitaminDWiki Cardiovascular pages have RCT in the title

The list is automatically updated

Items found: 32
Title Modified
Off topic: Earthing works – proven by RCTs (connected vs not to ground) to improve sleep, etc. 10 Sep, 2024
Should not add rock Calcium to Vitamin D (after 20 year followup: 6% increase in heart problems – no surprise) – RCT May 2024 23 May, 2024
Little Vitamin D does not reduce risk of CVD – RCT meta-analysis Dec 2023 08 Feb, 2024
Vitamin K2-7 decreases arterial stiffness (cleans arteries) – RCT Feb 2015 20 Jul, 2023
Afib in Finland reduced 30% by Vitamin D (3200 IU) – RCT June 2023 09 Jul, 2023
3,200 IU of daily not help much in population already having 30 ng of Vitamin D – RCT Jan 2022 27 Sep, 2022
50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly for 6 months after cardiac failure helps – RCT May 2022 11 Jun, 2022
Atrial Fibrillation risk reduced by 0.84 in those raising Vitamin D levels above 30 ng – RCT April 2022 04 Apr, 2022
Monthly vitamin D helped hearts with low vitamin D a bit (need it more frequently) – RCT March 2022 11 Mar, 2022
Off Topic: EDTA similar reduction in heart attack as Vitamin C, aspirin and Mg – RCT March 2013 04 Jan, 2022
Chronic Heart Failure reduced by 4,000 IU daily for a year – RCT April 2016 07 Oct, 2021
Cardiovascular Disease prevented by Vitamin K2-4 when enough is used – RCT review Sept 2020 27 Feb, 2021
50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly following cardiac failure helps – RCT 2014 24 Nov, 2018
Cardiovascular risk markers not helped by 20,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT Sept 2018 10 Sep, 2018
Cardiovascular risk markers not helped by 20,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT May 2018 17 May, 2018
Open Heart Surgery associated with low vitamin D, but not if 150,000 IU before surgery – RCT March 2018 13 Mar, 2018
3 days of Omega-3 before cardiac surgery reduced risk of post-op bleeding by half – RCT March 2018 13 Mar, 2018
Hypertension not controlled by 26 ng of Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly A-A) – RCT Nov 2017 18 Nov, 2017
Heart Failure Quality of Life greatly improved by 10,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Oct 2017 01 Nov, 2017
Anemia (in heart failure) not treated by Vitamin D (they should have added Iron) – RCT Aug 2017 25 Aug, 2017
Athletes maximal cardiac output increased 12 percent with Vitamin K2 – RCT July 2017 09 Aug, 2017
Heart Failure not helped by Vitamin D (several strange things about the trial) – RCT May 2017 24 May, 2017
Why 100,000 IU of vitamin D monthly did not reduce Cardiovascular Disease – RCT April 2017 06 Apr, 2017
Decreased need for warfarin after Vitamin D levels optimized – RCT May 2016 04 Jul, 2016
Congestive heart failure in infants virtually cured by 1000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Feb 2012 20 Oct, 2015
If you must take statins and want to avoid hardening of arteries, take vitamin K2 – RCT May 2015 22 May, 2015
Heart failure markers reduced by 400 IU of vitamin D and Calcium (surprise) – RCT Jan 2015 18 Mar, 2015
More blood was pumped by those getting 800,000 IU of vitamin D after heart failure – RCT Oct 2013 16 Mar, 2015
4000 IU vitamin D daily for just 5 days reduced inflammation after heart attack – RCT Jan 2013 16 Mar, 2015
1700 IU vitamin D for a year provided no cardiovascular benefit (no surprise) – RCT Oct 2014 01 Nov, 2014
Seniors with Heart Failure helped by daily 4,000 IU of vitamin D (increase 16 ng) – RCT Aug 2014 25 Jul, 2014
Chronic Heart Failure helped with 2,000 IU of vitamin D (PRA reduced) – RCT June 2013 30 Jun, 2013

Short url = http://bit.ly/Zczfrw

Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D        
77922 visitors, last modified 07 Sep, 2024,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
13986 Cardio RCT Grant.pdf admin 04 Jul, 2020 216.05 Kb 768
11201 CoQ10 treats heart failure - Review July 2018.pdf admin 14 Jan, 2019 516.10 Kb 1121
6793 CVD RCT.jpg admin 15 Jun, 2016 64.42 Kb 5815
4999 Heart Failure.pdf admin 01 Feb, 2015 324.72 Kb 2473
4822 Cardio Nature 2013.jpg admin 04 Jan, 2015 83.96 Kb 7834
3642 Cardiovascular - Feb 2014.pdf admin 22 Feb, 2014 953.07 Kb 2797
2869 Cardiac 2012.pdf admin 04 Aug, 2013 738.94 Kb 4471
2366 Afib Mayo.pdf admin 14 Apr, 2013 397.95 Kb 3568
1322 CVD 2X.jpg admin 12 May, 2012 46.99 Kb 8517