Toggle Health Problems and D

Bird flu could mutate to be far worse of a pandemic than COVID - Greger Aug 2020

Dr. Greger - How to Survive a Pandemic book Aug 2020

See also in VitaminDWiki

VitaminDwiki - COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos contains

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday December 15, 2023 21:32:23 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 15)