Recent trends and clinical features of childhood vitamin D deficiency presenting to a children's hospital in Glasgow.
Arch Dis Child () (2010)
profile S F Ahmed, profile C Franey, profile H McDevitt, profile L Somerville, profile S Butler, profile P Galloway, profile L Reynolds, profile M G Shaikh and profile A M Wallace
Bone & Endocrinology Research Group, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow, UK.
Background The incidence of vitamin D deficiency is unclear in the context of continuing demographic changes and the introduction of new public health measures.
Methods All cases in which vitamin D deficiency was suspected as the primary cause of the clinical presentation were studied. Results Between 2002 and 2008, 160 cases of symptomatic vitamin D deficiency were identified with twice as many cases in 2008 (n, 42) as in the previous years. The median age of the cohort was 24 months (range 2 weeks-14 years).
Three cases were recorded in children of European background, whereas the rest were in children of South Asian, Middle Eastern or sub-Saharan ethnic background. Presenting features included bowed legs in 64 (40%) and a fit in 19 (12%). In one infant, concerns were raised following a presentation with cardiac failure and hypocalcaemia.
Summary Symptomatic vitamin D deficiency remains prevalent in the West of Scotland. There is a need for effective public health education, action and surveillance. DOI: 10.1136/adc.2009.173195 * PMID: 20584848