- Just 22 cents for a 50K IU capsule once a week
- From 13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023
- There are not just association of low vitamin D and falling/fractures, but scores of actual random controlled trials – from all around the world
- 15+ studies: Seniors and Fraility
23 studies in both Seniors & Intervention 14 studies in both Seniors & Cognitive 12 studies in both Seniors & Depression 15 studies in both Seniors & Breathing - VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:
- Some other files of interest
- Potential Elderly interactions with vitamin D
- Half of seniors did not respond to 1600 IU of vitamin D daily for a year - 2011
- World population 65+: 10% in 2024, 20% by 2070
- See also Web
Just 22 cents for a 50K IU capsule once a week
- reduces falling and fractures,
- improves cognition,
- decreases chance of Alz and Parkinson’s,
- increases chance of surviving hospital,
- Improves balance,
- reduces muscle loss,
- reduces flu,
- reduces need for antibiotics,
From 13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023
- Senior skin produces 4X less Vitamin D for the same sun intensity
- Seniors have fewer vitamin D receptor genes as they age
Receptors are needed to get Vitamin D in blood actually into the cells - Many other Vitamin D genes decrease with age
- Since many gene activations are not detected by a blood test,
more Vitamin D is often needed, especially by seniors - Seniors are indoors more than when they were younger
not as agile, weaker muscles; frail, no longer enjoy hot temperatures - Seniors wear more clothing outdoors than when younger
Seniors also are told to fear skin cancer & wrinkles - Seniors often take various drugs which end up reducing vitamin D
Some reductions are not detected by a vitamin D test of the blood
statins, chemotherapy, anti-depressants, blood pressure, beta-blockers, etc - Seniors often have one or more diseases that consume vitamin D
osteoporosis, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, ... - Seniors generally put on weight as they age - and a heavier body requires more vitamin D
- Seniors often (40%) have fatty livers – which do not process vitamin D as well
- Reduced stomach acid means less Magnesium is available to get vitamin D into the cells
- Vitamin D is not as bioavailable in senior intestines
- Seniors with poorly functioning kidneys do not process vitamin D as well
- Glutathione (which increases Vitamin D getting to cells) decreases with age
Seniors category has434 items
There are not just association of low vitamin D and falling/fractures, but scores of actual random controlled trials – from all around the world
- Overview Reduce Falling
- More vitamin D needed to prevent osteoporosis in seniors – May 2010
- 4000 IU helped after hip fracture (file)
- Muscle cells differentiate into fat cells if there is low vitamin D in petrie dish – April 2013
- 1000 IU minimum to decrease falls and fractures Swiss - 2009
- Meta-analysis of RCT – vitamin D might increase senior muscle function – Sept 2010
- Hip fractures in India - editorial with recommendation Sept 2010
- Vitamin D3 loading dose of 500,000 IU for elderly – Aug 2009
- 600,000 IU vitamin D normalized virtually all seniors in 3 months – May 2012
- Cochrane review finds that Vitamin D prevents FALLS – Feb 2010
- Cochrane review finds that Vitamin D helps prevent FRACTURES – Feb 2010
- Cochrane review finds that Vitamin D prevents falls in nursing homes – Feb 2010
- Only vitamin D helped prevent falls after stroke – July 2010
- Vitamin D 2nd most recommended way to prevent hip fracture - Nov 2010.PDF Canada
- Fraser Health giving 20000 IU vitamin D weekly to reduce falls – Nov 2011
- Those who were 80 had better cognition and standing if higher level of vitamin D – Sept 2012
15+ studies: Seniors and Fraility
23 studies in both Seniors & Intervention This list is automatically updated
- 2.5 X reduced risk of cancer in 70 year-olds by a small amount of Vitamin D, Omega-3 and exercise – RCT April 2022
- Risk of Frailty reduced 4X by 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT April 2022
- Nursing home vaccinated against Influenza, 800 IU of vitamin D daily cut infection rate in half – small RCT Oct 2021
- Asthma and COPD in a few seniors greatly decreased by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2021
- Overweight elderly respond well to 3600 IU Vitamin D daily for a year – RCT May 2021
- Acute respiratory tract infections not reduced by Vitamin D if already have a good level – Jan 2021
- Increasing Vitamin D in aged care facilities to more than 800 IUs did not reduce falls – Oct 2020
- Risk of Metabolic syndrome for senior women reduced 42 percent by 1,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT June 2019
- Physical performance of black senior women not improved with 30 ng of Vitamin D – RCT Nov 2018
- Senior quality of life not helped by 800 IU of Vitamin D (not nearly enough) – RCT Oct 2018
- Exercise plus vitamin D increases elderly muscles (Nordic walking in this case) – RCT Sept 2018
- Nordic Walking and 4,000 IU of vitamin D lowered cholesterol, fat, weight, and lipids (senior women) – RCT Feb 2018
- Added 1 lb of muscle to sarcopenia adults in 13 weeks with just 800 IU vitamin D and protein – RCT Jan 2017
- Nursing home residents need Vitamin D 4,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU weekly – Jan 2016
- Common cause of dizziness (BPPV) reduced 5 X by several doses of 50,000 IU of vitamin D – 2015, 2016
- Improved muscle function in postmenopausal women with just 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily – RCT May 2015
- 800 IU vitamin D in capsule form (but not drops) helped nursing home residents – Sept 2014
- 5000 IU of vitamin D in daily bread resulted in 50 ng and improved quality of life– May 2014
- Antibiotic use cut in half by elderly (over 70) after monthly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Dec 2013
- Muscle increased 17 percent in vitamin D insufficient elderly getting 4,000 IU for 4 months – RCT Oct 2013
- 1600 IU vitamin D was enough to get all (white, non-obese) elderly to 20 ng – RCT Dec 2012
- Vertigo treated by Vitamin D - many studies
- 5000 IU vitamin D3 added daily to bread raised blood levels to 50 ng – 2009
14 studies in both Seniors & Cognitive This list is automatically updated
- Super-Agers also have better cognition - April 2024
- Senior Cognition not improved by 2,000 IU Vitamin D avg.- RCT Aug 2023
- Seniors taking vitamin D were 40% less likely to get dementia - Jan 2023
- Higher conscientiousness, extraversion related to higher vitamin D in seniors – Feb 2023
- Increased risk of many neuro problems after COVID (1.4 X youths, 1.2X seniors) – Aug 2022
- Less cognitive decline in older blacks getting 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily for years (VITAL, etc. post analysis) – RCT Dec 2021
- Less cognitive decline in women consuming more Magnesium (and vitamins) – Nov 2019
- Vitamin or Mineral Supplements Don’t Prevent Dementia (only one Vitamin D trial, it used 400 IU) – Feb 2019
- Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults (does not mention low vitamin D relationship) NEJM Oct 2017
- Low vitamin D with metabolic syndrome increased risk of senior cognitive impairment by 3X – July 2016
- Omega-3 etc improved both cognition and mobility of older women – Aug 2015
- 80 year olds had better cognition and stood better if high level of vitamin D – Sept 2012
- Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D
12 studies in both Seniors & Depression This list is automatically updated
- Elderly with low vitamin D were depressed, anxious, or stressed (Saudi Arabia) – March 2024
- Depression in seniors greatly reduced by Vitamin D (50,000 IU weekly) – meta-analysis June 2023
- Frailty 2X less likely in depressed seniors having a good level of vitamin D – Nov 2018
- Centenarians with good vitamin D were 1.5 X less likely to depressed – Aug 2018
- Less depression in seniors taking enough Omega-3 – meta-analysis July 2018
- Senior Depression and Vitamin D – review March 2016
- Mood disorders 11X worse for older adults with low vitamin D – 2006
- Many articles on Senior depression - 35 percent with less than 10 ng – Sept 2010
- Elderly men lacking vitamin D tend to be depressed – Sept 2010
- Depressed people had less than 10 ng of vitamin D – July 2010
- Senior women with less than 20 ng vitamin D were 2X more likely to become depressed May 2010
- Table of outcomes for seniors vs vitamin D level
15 studies in both Seniors & Breathing This list is automatically updated
- Less likely to die of various causes if higher Vitamin D (data from 300,000 people) – Oct 2022
- Asthma and COPD in a few seniors greatly decreased by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT Feb 2021
- Vitamin D is one of the alternate COPD therapies – March 2021
- Acute respiratory tract infections not reduced by Vitamin D if already have a good level – Jan 2021
- Respiratory deaths in seniors – 40 percent are attributable to low vitamin D – Aug 2020
- Vitamin D predicts good health and long life in seniors, review of 20 cohort studies – Oct 2019
- COPD quality of life improved by 400,000 IU Vitamin D loading dose – RCT July 2019
- COPD exacerbations 2X less often if low vitamin D then supplemented – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- Hospital-acquired pneumonia treated by vitamin D if person was deficient – RCT Sept 2018
- COPD with obstruction: Death 1.7 X more likely with low vitamin D – Sept 2018
- Pneumonia patients 3 X more likely to die if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2017
- COPD ICU stay is 2.4 days longer if low vitamin D – Oct 2015
- Pneumonia 2.6X more likely if low vitamin D – April 2013
- Breathing by seniors harder when have low levels of vitamin D – Dec 2011
- Pneumonia and low vitamin D - many studies
Loading Dose = how much to start with to recharge = Stoss Therapy- Loading dose of 5000 IU for elderly - Whiting 2010.pdf
- 600,000 IU vitamin D normalized virtually all seniors in 3 months – May 2012
- Formula for vitamin D loading dose – April 2010
- Vitamin D Dosing and loading- Pizzorno ND Feb 2010.pdf
- Variety of vitamin D loading dose recommendations in the UK
Should take bone supplement along with Vitamin D – but only 500 to 750 milligrams of Calcium– see supplements section and graph
Category Supplementing D Calcium Magnesium
VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:
- Cancer
298 items Overview Cancer and vitamin D - Cancer and Vitamin D - many studies
- After Cancer Diagnosis
116 items - Bladder Cancer
28 items - Breast Cancer
260 items Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D - Colon Cancer
146 items Overview Cancer-Colon and vitamin D - Leukemia
19 items - Liver Cancer
17 items - Lung Cancer
55 items Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D - Lymphoma Cancer
26 items - Other Cancer
66 items - Ovarian Cancer
26 items - Pancreatic Cancer
58 items - Prostate Cancer
105 items Overview Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D - Skin Cancer
121 items Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D - Childhood Cancers - Vitamin D can help - many studies
- Easiest way to treat cancer – take Vitamin D – Nov 2022
- 13 Cancers are helped by Vitamin D – Biobank July 2023
- 2X increase of 14 cancers in non-seniors in 20 years (low vitamin D) – Sept 2022
- Vitamin D prevents and treats cancer in many ways – May 2021
- Those with recent cancer diagnosis had 7X increased risk of COVID-19 (more if A-A )- Dec 2020
- Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
- Cancer incidence and mortality is decreased if 40-60 ng of Vitamin D – April 2019
- 8 ways that Cancer might be prevented by Vitamin D - June 2019
- Cancer stem cells and Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk - Why Scientists Accept It but Physicians Do Not - Feb 2019
- Overview of Vitamin D Actions in Cancer – 31 page chapter in a book – 2018
- Vitamin D prevents breast cancer, reduces BC mortality, and reduces BC chemotherapy problems – Sept 2018
- Diagnosed with breast cancer – take vitamin D to cut chance of death by half – July 2018
- Melanoma 25 X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2018
- Better Cancer survival if higher vitamin D a decade earlier (esp. Melanoma, Kidney, Prostate)– Aug 2018
Some other files of interest
- All items in category Seniors and Vitamin D
434 items - 4700 IU of vitamin D needed by most seniors – an equation -July 2014
- Essential nutrient requirements of the elderly (vitamin D, etc.) – June 2014
- Half of the seniors needed more than 50,000 IU vitamin D3 monthly – April 2011
- Elderly often trapped in vitamin D vicious circles
- Drugs which create a vitamin D deficiency
- Table of outcomes for seniors vs vitamin D level
- Vitamin D might reduce having to go to pee in the middle of the night
- Elderly sunbathe less - 2009
- Elderly and vitamin D interactions
- Why is the world experiencing a vitamin D epidemic
- Ways to reduce muscle loss by elderly include increasing vitamin D - 2010.pdf
- How elderly can remember to take vitamin D weekly
- Overview Vitamin D3 better than D2 some multivitamins still use D2
- Very few people have an allergic reaction to Vitamin D start slowly so as to check for allergies
- Overview Diabetes and D
- Diabetes category
557 items - Diabetes - video and books
- Diabetics are 2X more likely to die if severely vitamin D deficient
- Diabetes Statistics (file)
- 4000 IU for 10 years - safe and resulted in less diabetes (file)
- Chart of diabetes vs latitude
- Diabetes 2X less likely for those with median 34 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2010
- You Can Reverse PreDiabetes – Nov 2009
- To reduce diabetes probably need vitamin D - Review July 2010.pdf
- Review Diabetes and vitamin D - Sept 2010.pdf
- Single dose 100000 or 20000 IU and diabetes - June 2010.pdf
Mortality and D
- Vit D deficiency best prediction of death in hospital
- US Mortality and vit D (file)
- All Cause Mortality big improvement from 15 to 27 ng - Heaney chart 2010 (file)
- Higher vit D associated with 5 year longer teleomere (file)
- Recommend 2500-4000 IU per day to reduce all-cause mortality by 18%– Grant Netherlands April 2010
- Swedish elderly with more than 40 ng had higher death rates – Aug 2010 - perhaps cod liver oil
- Women very low on vitamin D 56 percent more likely to die in nursing home – Feb 2012
Potential Elderly interactions with vitamin D
CLICK HERE for the Vitamin D Deficiencies page - which has a more complete chart for all people
Half of seniors did not respond to 1600 IU of vitamin D daily for a year - 2011
RED square = reduction in serum level
from slide presentation: https://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2269
World population 65+: 10% in 2024, 20% by 2070
See also Web
- Search the Journal Age and Ageing for Vitamin D 603 items as of Oct 2023
Why do geriatric outpatients have so many moderate and severe vertebral fractures? Exploring prevalence and risk factors - 2012
Editor's Choice: Frailty in the older surgical patient: a review - 2012
Seasonal variation of serum vitamin D and the effect of vitamin D supplementation in Irish community-dwelling older people - 2011
Prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency in Dutch psychogeriatric nursing home residents by weekly half-body UVB exposure after showering: a pilot study - 2011
Here comes the sun: good news for bone health! - 2011
Diabetes, falls and fractures - 2010
Declining hip fracture rates in the United States - 2010 - 1700 IU daily average did not help seniors Phd dissertation 2012
- Everything You Need To Know About Senior Isolation 2022
- Social isolation increases the risk of premature death.
- The risk of heart disease increases by 29 percent among seniors that experience social isolation.
- Socially isolated seniors are 32 percent more likely to experience a stroke.
- The proportion of people above the age of 50 who indicated they often or sometimes feel isolated grew from 27 percent in 2018 to 56 percent at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
short URL = http://tinyurl.com/SeniorD
Overview Seniors and Vitamin D93990 visitors, last modified 13 Jan, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)