Dietary supplementation of vitamin D prevents the development of western diet-induced metabolic, hepatic and cardiovascular abnormalities in rats.
United European Gastroenterol J. 2018 Aug;6(7):1056-1064. doi: 10.1177/2050640618774140. Epub 2018 May 17.
Mazzone G1, Morisco C 2, Lembo V 1, D'Argenio G 1, D'Armiento M 2, Rossi A 1, Giudice CD 2, Trimarco B2, Caporaso N 1 nicola.caporaso at , Morisco F 1.
1 Gastroenterology, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University 'Federico II', Naples, Italy.
2 Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences, University 'Federico II', Naples, Italy.
Standard Diet | Western Diet | Western Diet + Vitamin D | p-value | |
Glycaemia | 99 | 139 | 103 | p <0.05 |
HOMA-OR | 6 | 42 | 16 | p <0.05 |
Cardiovascular category starts with the following
Cardiovascular category is associated with other categories: Diabetes 31, Omega-3 31 , Vitamin K 25 , Intervention 22 . Mortality 20 , Skin - Dark 18 , Magnesium 17 , Calcium 14 , Hypertension 14 , Trauma and surgery 13 , Stroke 13 , Kidney 12 , Metabolic Syndrome 11 , Seniors 10 , Pregnancy 8 as of Aug 2022
- Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
- Cardiovascular Disease is treated by Vitamin D - many studies 39+ meta-analyses
- Coronary Artery Disease and Vitamin D - many studies 18+
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies 34+
- Arteries and Atherosclerosis and Vitamin D - many studies 71+
- Atrial Fibrillation decreased by Vitamin D or Magnesium - many studies 26+
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies 25+
- Arterial Stiffness and Vitamins – only Vitamin D was found to help – meta-analysis Feb 2022
- Those raising Vitamin D above 30 ng were 1.4 X less likely to die of Heart Attack (VA 19 years) – Oct 2021
- Giving free vitamin D to every Iranian would pay for itself by just reducing CVD – Oct 2021
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest – 2.8 X higher risk if low vitamin D – 2019
- Peripheral arterial disease risk is 1.5X higher if low vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2018
- Heart attack ICU costs cut in half by Vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Cardiovascular disease 2.3 X more-likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2022
Cholesterol, Statins
- Cholesterol is needed to produce both Vitamin D and Cortisol
- Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D
- Statins and Vitamin D - many studies statins often reduce levels of vitamin D
- Statin side-effects are reduced by Vitamin D – US patent Application – April 2019
Overview Liver and vitamin D contains the following summary
- Fact: A properly functioning liver is needed for the efficient activation of vitamin D in the body
- Fact: Liver diseases often result in lower levels of vitamin D
- Fact: Various pain relievers damage the liver function
- Fact: Lower levels of vitamin D result in osteoporosis and many other diseases
- Options with a poorly functioning liver appear to be:
- Increased vitamin D (example: 2X more vitamin D if Liver is 1/2 as efficient)
- Increase the response you get from vitamin D
- Increase sunshine / UVB,
- Get the response you get from the sun/UVB
- Consider supplementing with Iron - a patented Iron supplement appears to work very well
- Get prescription for active form of vitamin D (Calcitriol) which does not need the liver or kidney to get the benefits of vitamin D in the body
- Get Calcidiol which does not need the liver
- Use Topical Vitamin D - activation by the skin etc does not require the liver
Click on image for ways of getting vitamin D even if Liver is not functioning well
Diabetes category starts with the following
see also Overview Diabetes and vitamin D Overview Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D
Autoimmune category listing has
PDF is available free at Sci-Hub 10.1177/2050640618774140
Heart Fibrosis
The western diet high in fat and fructose may cause metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
To evaluate whether long-term daily vitamin D3 supplementation prevents hepatic steatosis and cardiovascular abnormalities and restores insulin sensitivity caused by fat diet in rats without vitamin D deficiency.
Three groups of rats were fed for 6 months with standard diet (SD), western diet (WD) or WD containing 23 IU/day/rat vitamin D3, respectively. Tail-cuff systolic blood pressure (SBP)measurements in conscious rats and transthoracic echocardiography were performed in basal condition, and after 3 and 6 months of diet. Hepatic steatosis and myocardial fibrosis were assessed in liver and cardiac tissues using standard methods. Serum insulin and 25(OH)D3 concentrations were determined using rat-specific ELISA kits. Insulin resistance was determined according to the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) method.
Sixty-one per cent of hepatocytes in WD rats had steatotic vacuoles compared with just 27% in rats on a WD plus vitamin D3 (p < 0.05).HOMA-IR was reduced in rats with vitamin D supplementation compared with WD alone (19.4 ± 5.2 vs 41.9 ± 8.9, p < 0.05). Rat blood pressure and left ventricular mass were both reduced by vitamin D3 supplementation.
In animal models of liver and cardiovascular metabolic damage, the supplementation of vitamin D3 shows liver and cardio-protective effects.
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