
Cardiovascular Disorders – 31 recent Vitamin D studies – May 2023

Recent Advances in Association Between Vitamin D Levels and Cardiovascular Disorders

Curr Hypertens Rep . doi: 10.1007/s11906-023-01246-4
Pahel Agarwal 1, Yash Agarwal 2, Maha Hameed 3

Purpose of review: In this review, we discuss the evidence that vitamin D affects cardiovascular disease through interventional and observational studies and their corresponding association mechanisms. We also highlight the need for further research to definitively conclude clinical recommendations based on preliminary data and determine the extent to which vitamin D levels may impact the incidence and prognosis of major cardiovascular diseases in the future.

Recent findings: Cardiovascular disease has long been recognized as the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with many risk factors implicated in its pathogenesis. Vitamin D is a risk factor that, despite being known to be crucial for its role in maintaining bone health, also has several extra-skeletal effects due to vitamin D receptors in vascular smooth muscle and cardiomyocytes. Recent studies have documented a significant association between higher vitamin D levels and lower risk of each cardiovascular disease entity;

  • 11 studies between serum vitamin D and heart failure,
  • 7 studies between serum vitamin D and hypertension,
  • 8 studies between serum vitamin D and coronary artery disease, and
  • 5 studies between serum vitamin D and atrial fibrillation.

More studies documenting a significant association between increased serum vitamin D and cardiovascular disease are in the context of heart failure compared to hypertension, coronary artery disease, and atrial fibrillation. Conversely, a significant association between increased serum vitamin D and a lower risk of atrial fibrillation is reported in fewer studies compared to the association of vitamin D with other cardiovascular disease entities. Although there is evidence documenting a clear significant association of vitamin D under each category, further research is still needed to definitively conclude the role of vitamin D in cardiovascular disease management.

Conclusion (from PDF)

Being the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, cardiovascular disease risk factors such as vitamin D levels have much potential based on recent evidence through interventional and observational studies. A significant association, along with the mechanism of association between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease entities, including

  • heart failure,
  • hypertension,
  • coronary artery disease, and
  • atrial fibrillation,

has been documented in the literature. Although most studies have been reported in the context of vitamin D and heart failure, with literature even detailing the effect of vitamin D on the quality of life of heart failure patients and a predictor for risk of hospitalization, a definitive clinical recommendation has yet to be made. Indeed, a conclusive role of vitamin D in impacting overall cardiovascular disease remains to be established through future research.
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Cholesterol, Statins

VitaminDWiki Cardiovascular section as of May 2023

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167 items in the category HYPERTENSION

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Overview Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D
Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
Overview Stroke and vitamin D
Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade
Some interesting Hypertension studies

Cardiovascular Disorders – 31 recent Vitamin D studies – May 2023        
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