
20 reasons for not taking Vitamin D debunked

  1. Fear high cost
    • Vitamin D can cost as little as 40 cents/month
  2. Hassle of getting it
    • Can buy on the Internet, grocery store, pharmacy
  3. Think that a doctor's approval is required
  4. Need a Vitamin D test (fear of needles, hassle, and cost)
    • Note: Testing is rarely needed, but if you want it, an in-home test costs about $50
  5. Toxicity fear
    • Incorrectly believe that >4,000 IU of Vitamin D is toxic
    • Vitamin D has lower toxicity than water, ZERO deaths from Vitamin D supplementation in 10+ years
  6. Fear long-term consequences - to self, fetus, child
    • People have been taking high-dose Vitamin D for >100 years with no long-term problems
    • The only long-term consequence of taking lots of Vitamin D a huge reduction in about 200+ health problems
  7. Difficulty in swallowing pills
    • Can break open a capsule and add the powder to drink/food
    • Can use liquid, spray, topical forms
  8. Worry about forgetting to take a pill
    • Can just take a 50,000 IU dose 2 or 4 times a month
    • Put the capsules in a cup at the start of the month and be sure they are taken by the end of the month
    • Alternately, just add Vitamin D to food/beverage to be consumed over 2-4 weeks
  9. Worry that the pill casing may be made from animals
    • Many companies, such as:1 2 make capsules that are not made from animals
  10. Worry that animals might have been killed to make vitamin D
    • Some companies such as: 1 2 3 4 make the Vitamin D3 from plants, rather than from oil from sheep wool
    • Note: no animals are harmed in making ANY type of vitamin D
  11. Might have to modify current drugs/supplements typically none: possible exceptions:
  12. Have to know enough about Vitamin D to be able to justify supplementation to family/friends
  13. Concerned that others you know are not taking Vitamin D
    • Lots of evidence of many others taking Vitamin D, for example, in Australia
  14. Might forget to take the capsule at a particular time of day
    • Can take Vitamin D any time of the day: before, during, or after meals - but not after supper (might keep you awake)
    • However, better response if taken with the largest meal of the day
  15. Unsure of how much to take
    • 4,000 IU or 5,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU twice a month is a great place to start
  16. Have an adverse reaction to Vitamin D
  17. Unsure if Vitamin D will help, and not want to wait for months to find out
  18. Believe that food (still) has the right nutrients needed for health
    • Food today vs 100 years ago has 3X less Vitamin D
  19. Your country does not (yet) allow sales of capsules containing >1,000 IU of Vitamin D
    • Many people buy larger doses over the Internet from other countries
    • Hint - Buy only a few bottles at a time so as to not concern the customs agents about re-sale
  20. Believe that you can get enough Vitamin D from the sun if outdoors at least 10 minutes daily
    • 10 minutes is enough if you want only 400 IUs and are young, white-skinned, lying down, with few clothes on, in the summer, around noon

See also VitaminDWiki


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