
Best of VitaminDWiki

Top 20 pages most recently created (followed by best of old newsletters

Id Page Hits Last modification Creator Categories
15784 COVID and 25 Vitamin D RCTs discussed – Jan 2025 700
28 Jan, 2025 00:35
admin Top news
15498 Surgery complications cut in half by 300,000 IU of vitamin D 2 weeks before (hip and knee) – RCT May 2024 1936
28 Jan, 2025 00:41
admin Trauma and surgery
Loading dose for Vitamin D
Top news
15350 More vitamin D means fewer deaths – many studies 1896
20 Jun, 2024 00:13
admin Mortality and D
Top news
15323 Some ICU patients got 540,000 IU of Vitamin D: good responders lived longer than controls or poor responders – RCT Ju... 45933
05 Mar, 2025 01:35
admin Trauma and surgery
Loading dose for Vitamin D
Top news
15310 Single 600,000 IU dose of nanoemulsion Vitamin D is safe and effective to fight COVID, even if delay until enter ICU ... 1435
28 Jan, 2025 00:40
admin Loading dose for Vitamin D
Top news
Intervention - non daily
15200 Fat-soluble Vitamins go thru the slow lymph system 2015
10 Apr, 2024 17:32
admin Forms of Vitamin D
Top news
14907 Vitamin D loading dose of 30,000 IU twice a week is safe and effective – RCT July 2023 1056
23 Dec, 2023 20:02
admin Loading dose for Vitamin D
Top news
Intervention - non daily
14730 Olive oil problem with Vitamin D (again) - Nov 2023 1545
30 Dec, 2023 14:38
admin Forms of Vitamin D
Top news
14475 Vitamin D that dissolves in mouth helps those having poor response due to poor guts, HSCT etc.- June 2023 3702
30 Dec, 2023 14:43
admin Forms of Vitamin D
Top news
14412 Large dose Vitamin D before surgery was found to help by 35 studies 887
26 Aug, 2024 19:16
admin Pain - chronic
Trauma and surgery
Loading dose for Vitamin D
Top news
14385 Chronic Kidney Disease needs Vitamin D - many studies 188355
26 Feb, 2025 18:09
admin Kidney
Top news
14351 6 billion people have less than 75 nmol (30 ng) of Vitamin D – March 2023 10603
03 Apr, 2023 17:50
admin Deficiency of Vitamin D
Top news
14146 2.3X increase in sudden deaths in Germany after start of vaccinations - Dec 2022 2696
29 Dec, 2022 02:39
admin Top news
14128 The COVID supplement with the most publications: Vitamin D – Nov 2022 3735
20 Dec, 2022 02:18
admin Top news
14127 Diseases treated by high-dose Vitamin D - many studies 14735
24 Sep, 2024 19:23
admin Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Top news
14126 23 COVID mitigation strategies: at least 6 of which increase Vitamin D in cells - Sept 2022 8061
05 Dec, 2022 16:42
admin Top news
14092 Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023 7528
17 Feb, 2024 01:07
admin Mortality and D
Top news
14084 COVID US deaths: 116,000 fewer if everyone had been taking Vitamin D – Campbell transcript Nov 2022 7310
15 Dec, 2022 01:49
admin Top news
14083 Vitamin D is needed before many surgeries – many studies and RCTs 202277
12 Jan, 2025 02:02
admin Trauma and surgery
Loading dose for Vitamin D
Cost savings with Vitamin D
Top news
14052 Low Magnesium associated with severe COVID – many studies 204657
24 Mar, 2024 12:29
admin Vitamin D and Magnesium
Top news

Newsletters on hold as of July 29, 2014

There are about 500X more monthly visitors than newsletter subscribers.
Takes me ~8 hours to make a monthly newsletter.
In the time it takes to make a newsletter I can upload or improve about 30 web pages.
Each month in the past I have had to discard about 500 news items, as I did not have time to deal with them.

The majority of the past monthly newsletter items were descriptions of TOP NEWS
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The best items from past newsletters

June 2014

Instant vitamin D test next year - consumables $4 or perhaps only $1 per test
Should provide an excellent vitamin D testing service in Dr. offices, pharmacies, etc.
Data on accuracies will be released after FDA approval, but the company could elect to start outside of the US

Which supplements I actually take not just vitamin D

Vitamin D intervention – 1204 clinical trials – May 2014
very very long list of diseases being considered to be prevented/treated by vitamin D
Some statistics for vitamin D intervention:802 trials for those 65+, 744 trials registered since Jan 2010, 135 health problems with 10 or more trials

Great overview of Inflammatory diseases and Vitamin D

3 X to 25 X more likely to have a health problem if low Vitamin D compiled by VitaminDWiki

Testing misses the Vitamin D tied up with VDBP – June 2014

New category DBP (Vitamin D Binding Protein) now has 178 items

A decade ago 1,000 IU was enough, now the same author say 3,500 IU is enough

Is too much vitamin D bad – possible causes and cures
#1 of 9 reasons: drug dosage often assumes low Vitamin D, High vitamin D increases/decreases dose potency

Video by Dr. Coimbra – 95 percent of auto-immune cured with vitamin D in high doses - April 2014

Anti-depression medication about as good as big increase in vitamin D – meta-analysis of flawless data April 2014
   A rare meta-analysis which ignores the does levels which were very low or too far apart in time

Healthy in Seven Days - Loading dose of Vitamin D – book 2014
Loading dose provides vitamin D benefit (50 ng) in just 7 days
Response with 400,000 IU loading dose @ is.gd/7DayVitD
He also has On-line questionare of symptoms to evaluate your Vitamin D deficiency

Question – I have a health problem associated with low vitamin D – should I take Vitamin D
Yes, even if low vitamin D was not the cause of your current problem it can be the cause for a future problem

13 reasons why many seniors need more vitamin D (both dose and level) - July 2023 than when they were young

VitaminDWiki chart updated April 2014 to include the latest intervention PROOFS
Less Sun Less D Less Health

March 2014

20 cent vitamin D pill similar to 2 hours sunbathing at 60 degree latitude – RCT Aug 2013
A 20 cent pill provides as much vitamin D as 2 hours of summer sun (during a sunny week)
If your time worth more than 10 cents an hour you should consider getting most of your vitamin D from a pill

Dieters lost 5 more pounds if achieved more than 32 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2014
Finally, proof that getting enough vitamin D (>32 ng) will help you lose even more weight while on a diet
There had been lots of previous indications, but now we have proof via a Random Controlled Trial (which lasted a year)
(A few years ago 1/3 of the women in a study lost weight with vitamin D without any change in diet of exercise)

400,000 IU of vitamin D reduced adult pain and improved quality of life – March 2014

A group of 6,000 people have vitamin D levels higher than 50 ng – GrassrootsHealth

FDA considering raising adult Vitamin D, but not for adults who are senior or pregnant- Feb 2014

Warning – Medicare will pay for just 1 vitamin D test PER LIFETIME (if not related to a few diseases)

Vitamin D from animal increases 6X when consider that already processed by animal livers

Levels of evidence for levels of vitamin D – Dec 2013  
Concludes that there is good proof for: Premature mortality, Falls prevention, Cancer prevention,
Respiratory infection prevention, Diabetes prevention, Depression treatment, Musculoskeletal pain management
See also in VitaminDWiki Proof that Vitamin D Works  Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic

Why India's vitamin D deficiency is grim - 40 pages Feb 2014  
VitaminDWiki suggests home fortification for India: perhaps 20 cents for 4 man-months of vitamin D
By the way: all VitaminDWiki pages are now available in 80 languages (which includes 4 of the languages used in India)

Mice designed to get diabetes often failed to get diabetes if they had lots of vitamin D during their lives – Feb 2014  
very similar to what has been seen in many Diabetes trial with humans

Rare diseases hit fewer than 1 in 1500 people, but 1 in 12 people have a rare disease (vitamin might D help)  
VitaminDWiki has noticed many rare diseases which have benefited from Vitamin D, but has not had time to report on them

Vitamin D Deficiency: Time for Inaction (question mark)– Jan 2014   nice article by Dr. Plotnikoff
British Medical Journal 16 years ago published an editorial "Vitamin D Deficiency: Time for Action.".
Since then >20,000 Vitamin D papers have been published. but there has still been little action~

Fewer pre-infants were vitamin D deficient when they got 800 IU – RCT Feb 2014
only 38% of infants who were getting 800 IU had <20 ng
The argument now seems to focus on the doses ranging between 1000 and 2000 IU for infants
Note: in the 1960's Finland gave 2,000 IU to infants, and no problem seen even 35 years later
    unless you consider having far less diabetes being a problem

Many reasons why vitamin D deficiency has become epidemic lists 33 factors, 18 of which are recent

Jan 2014

National requirement of vitamin D for pigs increased by 4X, (4X more than for humans) - Jan 2014  
Yet again, the medical professsionals who get paid to keep their charges healthy (Vets) give 4X as much vitamin D
      as do those for humans, who get income only when their charges are sick

Athletes (national-level) with less than 10 ng of vitamin D had smaller hearts – Jan 2014

Vitamin D sachets in India – fewer than a third had the stated amount – Nov 2013   very poor quality control in India. Apparently similar in Vietnam

Vitamin D at CureTogether: Fibromyalgia, MS, Psoriasis, etc - Dec 2013  
Lots of interesting charts showing what people actually take and what actually works
  (Vitamin D is pretty good, somewhat surprising given the low doses which are bieng used so far)

Vitamin D Webinar - cost of pre-term birth etc- Baggerly Nov 2013  
$51,000 cost of a pre-term birth OR about $80 of vitamin D (for 20 women): Could be a 400X Return On Investment to an HMO

Dr. Oz recommends at least 50 ng of vitamin D    This is perhaps the 5th time Dr. Oz has recommended a 50 ng level

Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade    summary table with many supporting charts

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

Hypothesis – low vitamin D level may indicate Calcium deficiency – Masterjohn II Dec 2013   had not noticed that low Ca ==> low Vitamin D

Vitamin D repaired nerve in rat (50,000 IU daily dose equivalent for human) – June 2013    Perhaps vitamin D can aid spinal cord repair.

Is HyD (25(OH)D) a better form of vitamin D for some animals and maybe humans with liver problems   
Available for animals now, but humans still now need a prescription – in the US anyway

Dec 2013

Autism and Vitamin D - Dr. Cannell in Life Extension Mag - Jan 2014   includes text and graphics
Also has information on Dr. Cannell's previous work, including the 27 reasons to believe that Autism is connected to Vitamin D

If You're Low in This Nutrient, It Doubles Your Odds of Many Cancers– Interview Dr. Holick Oct 2013   Skype interview by Dr. Mercola
Vitamin D from 1940 and into the future – Holick video Nov 2013   Dr. Holick at Boston U., with lots of his great charts

Active Rheumatologic disease was 5X more likely with low vitamin D – June 2013  
No proof yet that vitamin D will TREAT RA, but 5X is interesting

Different amounts of vitamin D needed to prevent different diseases – Dec 2013  
Vitamin D is not a one-size-fits-all kind of solution, as many regulatory agencies would have us believe.

5,000 IU recommended by Vitamin D Council - Dec 2013  
One of the reasons: 5,000 IU will get at least 97% of people above 30 ng/ml. WITHOUT TESTING

Death by Calcium, book by Thomas Levy – Dec 2013  
Beware excessive Calcium, especially when taking lots of vitamin D

Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)  
And, even after a century, governments rarely provide enough fortification.

Solanum glaucophyllum (a purple flower) produces active vitamin D3  
Hmm! Yet another natural source of a form of vitamin D. Should be of great interest to those with poor guts, livers. or kidneys
   see also Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells

Far too expensive to have FDA approve vitamin D – Dec 2013   A simple application costs $800,000

Hip fractures reduced 2X to 6X with just 10 minutes of sunlight daily – RCT 2003-2010
3 Delightful RCT from the the past 10 years. 3 RCT showing that a tiny amount of sunshine (and thus probably vitamin D) reduces hip fractures

Melanoma is 44 percent LESS LIKELY if get sun on the job – Nov 2013  

WHO still says mistakenly says NO vitamin D during pregnancy, and only 200 IU after  
Hmm: World Health Organization, based on a single random controlled trial which they labeled as being low quality, says that pregnant women should get NO vitamin D
Meanwhile, most researchers are arguing: should pregnant women get 4000 or 6000 IU of vitamin D

Only 1 in 3 in Scotland is vitamin D deficient ( less than 10 ng) - Nov 2013   If you set your standards low enough (10 ng), not many will be deficient
It appears that the standard should be 40 ng: but then >90% of the population on the planet would now be deficient.
But, it appears that just 100 years ago only a fraction of of people on the globe had <40 ng of vitamin D

Review of Vitamin D recommendations and knowledge – Oct 2013  Good overview

20X increase in vitamin D sold and 36 percent decrease in osteoporosis business in Australia – Nov 2013  
Wonder when they will realize that increasing D might indeed result in less osteoporosis
Note: There are now 117 items in Osteoporosis and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki

Nov 2013

More medical specialists are becoming aware of vitamin D
Bone   20X increase in vitamin D sold and 36 percent decrease in osteoporosis business in Australia – Nov 2013
Heart   Vitamin D is not a cardiovascular fad like Vitamins C, E, Folic Acid, selenium, beta-caroteen, etc. – Circulation Nov 2013 their title, not ours
Gut   Inflammatory bowel diseases are helped by vitamin D – commissioned review Nov 2013  
     Gut doctors appear to be not aware of other forms of vitamin D for poor guts nor that loading dose restore levels more quickly
From earlier this year: 17 reasons why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D 10 reasons

Great Vitamin D webinar for doctors - Plotnikoff Nov 2013   You can read my many notes and perhaps then view his great video

Patent application for a skin cream which enhances production of vitamin D – Holick July 2013  
If this becomes a product everyone will be able to make vitamin D at other than midday summer
Also, seniors will be able to make a lot more vitamin D than they can now.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has 4X faster decline if severely low Vitamin D – Nov 2013  

Vitamin D important papers from 1645 to 2013 – Nov 2013  Science has known of the benefits of vitamin D for a long time. Wonder when the public will benefit
Actually, it has been much longer than 350 years: Sunny side of the hill is the healthiest – 400BC

Most European infants get vitamin D supplements, vs only 1 in 50 in US – June 2013  
Why so little supplementation for US infants?
Perhaps because the US supplements milk and formula with a little bit of vitamin D and Americans think they are getting enough?

Is this a reason for vitamin D deficiency?
Playground @ is.gd/aanov2013

UV, sunshine, and vitamin D (87 charts) - Holick March 2013   here are a few of the charts
Elderly get less benefit from single dose of UVB than youth

Elderly can benefit from added indoor UVB

Blood pressure varies with latitude (UVB)

Vitamin D update – Holick Sept 2013  highlights by VitaminDWiki
Describes how vitamin D does it's magic for a wide variety of diseases - at the molecular level
Reviews results of many studies - including some published in the first half of 2013
Ideal level 40-60 ng/ml - maintenance dose 50,000 IU every two weeks
Loading dose 50,000 IU weekly
Calcium increase 2X to 3X with lots of vitamin D (> 40 ng?)

35,000 IU vitamin D daily for 6 months helped ALL psoriasis suffers (106 ng) – Brazil March 2013  

Reduced depression with single 300,000 IU injection of vitamin D – RCT June 2013   the 37th proof that Vitamin D works

People more likely to freckle are more likely to get prostate cancer (low vitamin D) – April 2013  

A few Vitamin D Overviews summaries  which includes
37 proofs, Likelihood of health problems 2x-25X more with low vitamin D
Get disease X then likely to get disease Y – where both X and Y are associated with low vitamin D
Overview Pregnancy, Overview Cofactors, Overview Sports, Overview Alzheimers-Cognition, MS cures with 150 ng of vitamin D
How often to take 50,000 IU of vitamin D (based on double-blind intervention proofs)

Surprise:Three different types of vitamin D can activate the vitamin D receptor – Oct 2013  

Vitamin D Webinars by DiaSorin 2013-2014   some interesting webinars, such as
The Shocking Truth About Vitamin D Status
Vitamin D: Optimizing Pain Management

Updated the section on Optimum level of vitamin D – how has 37 supporting items
Optimum/Optimal is being used with Vitamin D more frequently in PubMed papers

Low sun==> Low Vitamin D ==> Low Health is no longer a HYPOTHESIS (chart had been made 3 years ago)
Less Sun Less D Less Health

Oct 2013

Vitamin D podcast with VitaminDWiki - Oct 2013  Voice and transcript.
Wide discussion of vitamin D concerns with some emphasis on sports.

Severe tooth decay in children unless supplemented with Vitamin D drops – Oct 2013  

Hypothesis: Magnesium accounts for some of the variation in vitamin D response – Oct 2013   one of several recent articles of synergism of Mg and Vitamin D

Diabetes prevention RCT kicked off: adding 4,000 IU vitamin D - Oct 2013  Prediction: Will fail due to not finding enough suckers willing to limit their vitamin D to only 600 IU

Type 1 diabetes starting to decrease in Finland, they started Vitamin D fortification in 2003 – July 2013  
they are just starting to study other health changes. Should be interesting

Cooking reduces vitamin D content by about 30 percent – Oct 2013   Nice to find.
You can add vitamin D as home to foods which will be cooked, in addition to adding it to sugar, salt, jams, etc,

Gestational Diabetes mostly treated with just 2 doses of 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Dec 2013   the 33rd disease that Vitamin D is proven to prevent/treat
Vitamin D intervention for 8 weeks of pregnancy: infants taller, heavier and bigger heads – RCT Oct 2013  the 32nd disease that Vitamin D is proven to prevent/treat
Antibiotic use cut in half by elderly (over 70) after monthly 60,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Dec 2013  the 31st disease that Vitamin D is proven to prevent/treat
Muscle increased 17 percent in vitamin D insufficient elderly getting 4,000 IU for 4 months – RCT Oct 2013  the 30th disease that Vitamin D is proven to prevent/treat

World Osteoporosis Day sponsored by Big Pharma – does not give good sun or vitamin D info Oct 20 2013  
5 of the 6 sponsors are big pharmaceutical firms, which have no interest in the no-profit vitamin D

Any supplementation with vitamin D reduced chance of pneumonia by 50 percent – Oct 2013  
The analysis most likely would have found more reduction in pneumonia if they had looked at just high doses – say >2,000 IU

Colorado has the best UV (and thus best health) in the US  
First noticed that they had lowest obesity in the US.
“Best” UV because they do not also have the high temperatures which cause people to go indoors.
Image One of the maps: Diabetes Deaths

Vitamin D deficiency diseases in dark skinned people living far from equator – Meta-analysis Oct 2013  
As we have seen in many previous studies, dark skin = 24 hour a day sunscreen, which is not good for health when there is not a hot sun.

Yet again, 800 IU of vitamin D was found to be barely enough to help bones – Lancet Oct 2013  
Amazingly this study resulted in 40 different article titles saying that this proves that vitamin D does not help bones
AND, an additional 13 articles claimed that Vitamin D has not benefit at all (based on this single Osteoporosis publication)
By the way – many studies have shown that 2000+ IU of vitamin D is needed to reduce the chance of osteoporosis

One test to estimate Vitamin D, A, Cu, Se, etc : measure proteins in blood – Oct 2013   measures many blood proteins which are proxies for vitamins and minerals

2 out of 3 people think that they get enough vitamin D, but only 1 in 3 get even the absolute minimum – Oct 2013  Survey of 1000 Americans
2 of 3 believe they get enough D, but @ is.gd/enoughd

Sept 2013

Vitamin D podcast with VitaminDWiki - Oct 2013    some emphasis on recreational running, exercise, not professional

– – – – OPTIMUM LEVEL – – – – – A new category at VitaminDWiki – – – –
Sleep disorders cured by 60-80 ng of vitamin D and some B vitamins – March 2013   
Optimum Vitamin D level: Evidence for 30 and 40 ng – Grant Aug 2013   
Vitamin D provides many benefits and is cost-effective (need 32-40 ng) – Summer 2013   
Restoring vitamin D - ways to encourage    Ways to encourage people to restore to optimum levels, like those of their great grandparents
Update on Treating Multiple Sclerosis with high dose vitamin D - Sept 2013    appears that the goal is 150 ng
Multiple Sclerosis prevention by Vitamin D: 10 year, 30 million dollar trial - Sept 2013    wish that this trial were using a higher dose level

Restless legs and growing pains may be both due to low vitamin D – Sept 2013   
EVERY restless leg symptom is also a symptom of growing pains.
There are several references to both health problems being associated with low vitamin D.

– – – – – FORTIFICATION – – – – – –
Type 1 diabetes starting to decrease in Finland, they started Vitamin D fortification in 2003 – July 2013    Fortification appears to help
Danish study of childhood diseases vs vitamin D fortification – May 2013    should publish some interesting results in 2014

Fewer heart attacks, hip fractures and deaths if more skin cancer – Sept 2013   
This study has a great way to estimate the benefits of vitamin D back before there were vitamin D tests.

20 ng is enough vitamin D for healthy Nordic Caucasians: 5th Nordic meta-analysis – Oct 2013   
2/3 of the proofs that Vitamin D intervention works had been published when the Nordic study stopped looking

– – – – – – COFACTORS – – – – – – – -
If at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, get a higher response if take more Magnesium – Sept 2013   
Supports previous idea that having enough Magnesium would increase response to a dose of vitamin D by about 30%
Synergism between Vitamin D, Vitamin K-2, and Vitamin A: Masterjohn – Sept 2013   Masterjohn always has excellent insight in vitamin D and its cofactors

Image Image Image

Handbook of Vitamin D in Human Health – June 2013   Large technical book – you might find the book for free on the web

Presentation: pre and post natal vitamin D, with audience comments – Manchester UK Sept 2013    Excellent ideas about vitamin D information-sharing and education

Prediabetics not helped by weekly vitamin D (perhaps D2) – RCT Oct 2013    Wonder why

Cluster headaches virtually eliminated in 7,000 people with high-dose vitamin D and cofactors - Feb 2022   I had an excellent conversation with the person.

Both Vitamin D and Calcium are needed to reduce bone loss – RCT Sept 2013    Need BOTH.
So many reports of this study (incorrectly) stated that vitamin D does not help with osteoporosis.

3 to 55 X more likely to have these health problems if low Vitamin D    Summary of Vitamin D data at VitaminDWiki sorted by biggest possible benefit.

Life extension and health improvement: Calico (Google) and perhaps Vitamin D   
Google is interested in life extension and improved health– perhaps we should point out the benefits of vitamin D to both

– – – – – – CANCER – – – – – – – –
Far fewer Pancreatic Cancer deaths at stage III and IV with more than 20 ng vitamin D – Sept 2013   
This is not proof that increasing vitamin D reduces Pancreatic Cancer, but it is a good indication
Molecular Link between Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention – Oct 2013    further proof as to how Vitamin prevents Cancer
Walking an hour a day (more vitamin D) decreased chance of breast cancer by 14 percent – Oct 2013
Probably just $5 a year of vitamin D supplements would get the same level of benefit

Grassroots Health participants Vitamin D vs age, intake, and resulting level – Sept 2013

Grassroot participants age @ is.gd/vitdage Grassroots Intake is.gd/vitdage Vitamin D levels of participants is.gd/vitdage

Benefits of supplements (vitamin D is not snake oil) - Aug 2013
    Proof via PubMed for various supplements, including vitamin D. Nice update from 2010 and 2011
Benefits of supplements  @  is.gd/benefitd

Obese need 2.5 IU of vitamin D per kg to increase 1 ng (about 3.4 X more) – RCT Sept 2013
    Those who are 2X heavier need 3.4X more I.U. of vitamin D – (supposed dilution effect would be only 2X)

Superbug (Clostridium difficile) 4.7X more of a problem if low vitamin D – Sept 2013
    Yet another hospital acquired infection is treated with vitamin D

Far fewer Pancreatic Cancer deaths at stage III and IV with more than 20 ng vitamin D – Sept 2013
    Another study showing that vitamin D might treat Pancreatic Cancer

Vitamin D reduced bacterial infection in cows – RCT Sept 2013
    Animal doctors appear to be learning about vitamin D faster than doctors for humans. (But vets have an incentive - they are paid to keep their clients healthy)

2X increased chance of anemia (low iron) associated with low vitamin D – Sept 2013
   This adds to the previous 5 or so articles on Iron and Vitamin D

Interactions of Vitamins D, A, and K, should measure calcitriol, calcification – Masterjohn Aug 2013
    Masterjohn continues to have extremely interesting ideas. The title includes a few of the topics of an audio recording

100,000 IU of vitamin D every 90 days was not frequent enough to prevent Diarrhea – Sept 2013
    When will researchers learn that infrequent doses of vitamin D (quarterly, semi-annual, annual) provide less benefit and actually can harm?
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2475

Suncation adds 12 ng of vitamin D to Sweden women – Sept 2013
    $20 of vitamin D provide a year's worth of vitamin D. An expensive annual trip to a sunny climate provides only a few months worth of vitamin D.

Why do gardeners live longer (vitamin D, etc.)
    Note also: Most elderly in cultures with the most longevity have gardens

30 to 50 ng of vitamin D is optimal – Central Europe consensus Sept 2013
Vitamin D provides many benefits and is cost-effective (need 32-40 ng) – Summer 2013
    FYI: 40 ng is the minimum optimal vitamin D level being proposed in our upcoming video

Even if a J curve exists, it is 50X better to give vitamin D than not give it – May 2013
    This editorial nicely puts the worry about possible problems with high levels of vitamin D into perspective.

Recommended increasing vitamin D for space flight – NASA Sept 2013
    NASA scientists keep re-discovering that vitamin D is needed in space flight, yet NASA procedures have not changed.

Aug 2013

Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade about 18 charts showing increased incidence of disease -typically by at least 3X
all of which appear to be associated with increased # of people who are vitamin D deficient
   Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer - Thyroid, Cancer - Childhood, Cancer - Breast, Cancer - Melanoma, B, TB and HIV in Africa, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism,
   Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease, Concussions, Traumatic Brain Injury - military, Parkinson Diseas,|Pulmonary Hypertension
Example charts

Multiple Sclerosis
MS Increase
updated from http://autisminnb.blogspot.com/2011/01/autism-speaks-cdc-autism-prevalence.html
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease
UC and Crohn's
Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease.png

Diabetics with low vitamin D had more cognitive impairment– Aug 2013 Should this be called Diabeticbrain, similar to Chemobrain?

Huge variation in taking vitamin D supplements with age of female, less than 1000 IU not help much – July 2013 5X variation in % of females taking vitamin D vs age

45 ng vitamin D may be enough (what about vitamin A)- Aug 2013 Another study showing possible problem with high levels of vitamin D.
   Wonder if too much vitamin A or too little Mg or vitamin K-2

11,000 IU vitamin D daily from traditional Norwegian diet of cod, cod liver, cod-liver oil, and roe – 2004 People used to get enough vitamin D from foods in the winter.
    also used to get it from "Free Range Lard", liver, eel, pies and other baked goods, pemican (which was 50% lard/tallow - and may have had > 10,000 IU per pound)

Breed cows based on vitamin D production – Aug 2013 Some "free range cows" in sunny climates give 750 IU of vitamin D per liter of milk

To be reimbursed for supplements in the UK the benefits must now be approved by EU – Aug 2013 UK govt clamping down on supplements

Half of elderly care physicians in the Netherlands do not follow vitamin D guidelines – 2013 Many doctors still not following even the minimal vitamin D guidelines

Repurposed the recent Grassroots data into the following chart

derived from Grassroots 2013

Deficiencies of iron and vitamin D are interrelated in women – March 2013

11,000 IU vitamin D daily from traditional Norwegian diet of cod, cod liver, cod-liver oil, and roe – 2004 occasionally during the winter.

Air conditioning has not totally canceled the latitude effective in the US yet – July 2013 it still persists. Not nearly as strong as 50 years ago.

Diabetes 10X less frequent among people getting lots of vitamin D - Aug 2013 another great chart from Grassroots Health

Best of VitaminDWiki        
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