
Zika birth defects may be prevented by Vitamin D – May 2016

FACT: Many viruses are prevented/treated by Vitamin D

FACT: Immune system is strengthened by Vitamin D

FACT: Placenta immune system is also strengthened by Vitamin D

FACT: Vitamin D improves heatlh of pregancies & infants in 15 ways

FACT: Zika is similar to (Dengue virus - which is hypothesized to be treated by Vitamin D

Zika Dengue
Mosquito vector = Aedes aegypti YESYES
80 % get no symptoms after bite
Delay after bite until symptoms 2-7 days 4-10 days
Symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain,
red eyes, muscle pain, headache
First infected portion of body is
Langerhans cells of skin
Virus is both RNA and envelopedYESYES
Vitamin D Receptor problem
2X more likely if get symptoms
Symptoms more likely if high BMI
  High BMI associated with low vitamin D
Outbreaks associated with rainy periods
  less sun, less vitamin D

? = Unknown: Zika disease is too new to have been studied
Click on underlined items for details
see also Dengue

SUSPECT: Asymptomatic people have more vitamin D in the cells

  • Note: Many genes, such as Vitamin D Receptor restrict vitamin D in blood from from being used
  • Note: Taking more Vitamin D resuls in having more vitamin D in cells independant of genes

Attempting to get data: Email sent to 30 scientists and doctors around the world on June 5
You may be able to prevent thousands of Zika related birth defects.

  • We are writing to you because we believe that supplementing with sufficient Vitamin D may be able to strengthen immune systems in pregnant women enough to prevent Zika birth defects.
  • Vitamin D has been studied and proven to effectively counter similar viruses.
  • If healthy vitamin D levels can protect pregnant mothers and their unborn babies against Zika then a very low cost treatment program would be available for millions at risk.
  • We are looking for data to prove or disprove this hypothesis.
  • We need Vitamin D measurements for at least 100 symptomatic plus 100 asymptomatic adults of either sex that have tested positive for Zika.
  • We’re asking for your help, in three possible ways:
    1) You can provide that data from your own research
    2) You know of a study or studies which have that data
    3) You know someone else who might have that data
  • If you can help, please respond or forward this email to someone who might have the data.
  • Time is of the essence. Thank you.
  • Sincerely, Henry Lahore hlahore at gmail.com 360-301-9413

UPDATE June 9: Vitamin D might increase a protein (IFITM) which stops viral diseases like Zika

CONCLUSION: Increased Vitamin D will greatly reduce Zika birth defects

  • Strong maternal and placenta immune systems will prevent fetus from being infected by Zika virus
  • Note: Vitamin D supplementation might eliminate viral symptoms in adults (both Zika and Dengue)

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See also web

Inflammatory and Innate Immune Responses in Dengue- 2013
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

ShortURL = https://is.gd/ZikaBD

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
6690 Inflammatory and Innate Immune Responses in Dengue.pdf admin 21 May, 2016 792.37 Kb 1116