
17% of US currently depressed (Vitamin D etc. can reduce it) – May 2023

Vitamin D is the lowest-cost depression treatment: only pennies a day
Single 50,000 IU capsule bi-weekly or weekly (RCT)
Start with 50,000 IU daily for the first week to get results in 1 week,
   otherwise must wait for 2 months to notice reduced depression
        Can get 50,000 IU Vitamin D anywhere on the globe
Both Omega-3 and Magnesium also reduce depression

U.S. Depression Rates Reach New Highs - Gallup May 2023

Gallup Survey
17.8% of Americans currently have, or are, being treated for depression

Note: Almost 2X increase in 6 years in those in their 20's

VitaminDWiki – Depression category contains

Some recent publications

Intervention of Vitamin D for Depression

Meta-analyses of Vitamin D and Depression

17% of US currently depressed (Vitamin D etc. can reduce it) – May 2023        
3189 visitors, last modified 19 May, 2023,
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19574 Depression currently.jpg admin 19 May, 2023 27.73 Kb 124
19573 Depression 6 years.jpg admin 19 May, 2023 48.92 Kb 126