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Overview Obesity and Vitamin D

See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies   Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies   Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D

  • Normal weight     Obese     (50 ng = 125 nanomole)

Click here for 2014 study

Vitamin D results in fastest Obese weight loss, and about 3X more pounds -2019

Obesity is associated with low Vitamin D (and treated by D as well) – Aug 2019 has the following
Fast weight loss by Obese Adults: Summary of the data as of Sept 2019
1) 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly for at least 6 months
   If gut problems, should use a gut-friendly form of vitamin D
2) Add calorie restriction diet and light exercise after ~2 months*
   * Vitamin D levels must be above 30ng/ml to help with weight loss
   * Start losing weight 2 months sooner if take a 50,000 IU daily for a week
3) More weight loss if also add Magnesium or cofactors
   30% Improved Vitamin D response with Magnesium - a Vitamin D Cofactor
   Note: Magnesium reduces weight loss by itself as well
   20% improved vitamin D response if also add Omega-3 a Vitamin D Cofactor
  Note: Omega-3 reduces weight loss by itself as well
4) More weight loss if also improve activation of Vitamin D Receptor
   Vitamin D Receptor activator: 0-30% improved Vitamin D response
   Obesity 1.5 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Nov 2019
Update Dec 2019 - Dr. Greger plant-based eating (not diet) for both weight loss and health.
  His book does not mention Vitamin D nor Adenovirus

See also in VitaminDWiki

Strong indications in Missing Microbes that early antibiotics increases the risk of obesity

  1. Farmers have been giving low-level anitbiotics to animals since they learned long ago that it would increase by 10% the animal weight without increased cost of feed
  2. Mice given low-level antibiotics for first 4 weeks of life become heavier later in life
  3. Children who are given antibiotics in first 6 months of life are 5X more likely to become obese (study in England of 14,000 births)
  4. US States which get the most antibiotics are those states with the most obesity (CDC)
  5. Obese US adults have 1/2 of the gut biotic diversity of non-obese adults (400,000 vs 800,000)
  6. Germ-Free mice became obese when given fecal transplants from mice who had antibiotics and became obese
    This is a strong indication that the cause of the obesity was the gut microbiome

See also VitaminDWiki and weight loss due to vitamins and/or Calcium/Milk


Clinical trials of Obese or Overweight and Vitamin D INTERVENTION 194 trials listed as of April 2024

Clinical trials database

See also VitaminDWiki and weight loss due to vitamin D and Magnesium

Obesity is a VERY COMPLEX topic

(chart is no-longer online)
good chart


Overview of Deficiency at VitaminDWiki includes Obesity vicious circles

Possible Vitamin D Interactions

Obesity issue of Life Extension Magazine – Oct 2010 - identified 27 correctable obesity-inducers,

many of which relate to vitamin D,





Epidemic of obesity started same time as many other epidemics,
all of which are associated with low vitamin D: 30-40 years ago

Extrapolation >45% in the USA, >30% in Australia by 2025
from: http://www.iuns.org/features/obesity/obesity.htm
(figure is from http://www.iuns.org/features/obesity/tabfig.htm)

BMI increase 1980-2008 (nothing about vitamin D) - 2015

Washington Post interactive graphic Aug 2015

Image Image

Black line = US BMI increase
From 1980 to 2008, the average BMI for men rose in all but eight countries; the average for women rose in all but 19. Globally, nearly 10 percent of men and nearly 14 percent of women are obese, meaning their BMI is 30 or more. In some countries, particularly in the Pacific Islands, obese is average. Countries with a high average BMI tend to have high rates of diabetes, and vice versa.

decrease in vitamin D with increasing BMI

2 nanograms/ml less vitamin D for every in 5 kg/m**2 increase in BMI

see wikipage http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1659

Obesity is a Global epidemic



Institute of Medicine issued a report: Obesity in America - May 2012

They did not seem to even mention the possibility of vitamin D
click thumbnail to see their tall infographic

Increased Calorie consumption over the decades

from Graphs.net - no reference is given for the data

Increased vitamin D-binding protein and decreased free 25(OH)D in obese women of reproductive age - 2013

European Journal of Nutrition, April 2013; 320 vs 266;

Mexico takes title of "most obese" from America CBS News July 2013

About 70 % of Mexican adults are overweight, a third of them very much so.
Childhood obesity tripled in a decade and about a third of teenagers are fat as well.
Experts say four of every five of those heavy kids will remain so their entire lives.

One in Five American Deaths Associated with Obesity in 2006 Mercola, Dec 2013

2006 study with BMI > 25; Percent of Deaths associated with being overweight
Black women: 27 %    White women: 22 %    White men: 16 %    Black men: 5 %
Vitamin D along with Vitamin K are listed as possible solutions for reducing weight

Should we stop calling obesity a disease? Cracking Health Care Costs, Feb 2014

The ‘disease’ designation becomes a prescription for inaction,’ from US News Magazine story on the AMA announcement

AMA finally recommends no longer relying on BMI to determine obesity - 2023


GLP-1 weight-loss drugs (Wegovy etc): huge market, many competitors coming, many side effects, possible other uses - April 2024

Weight-loss drugs could end the obesity epidemic. But they won’t stop there Economist April 2024

  • " Sales for weight-loss drugs are estimated to hit $80bn per year by the end of the decade. "
  • "Almost 100 new drugs are in the development pipeline. Most of them hope to outperform Wegovy and Mounjaro by being easier to take, causing fewer side-effects or delivering more effective weight loss."
  • Reduces risk of heat attack by 20%, might help with Alzheimer's, addictions
  • "Another drawback of GLP-1-based medicines is that patients do not just shed fat, they also lose lean muscle mass. "
  •  Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
  • Ozempic price for 1 month; $190 Denmark, $86 Germany, $82 France, $92 UK, $969 US Bloomberg April 2024
  • Why Is Ozempic Making Me Nauseous? - Bloomberg April 2024
    • Bloomberg
    • "Nausea is temporary for most patients, usually starting a few weeks after starting a new dose and tapering off a few weeks later."

Emerging Role of GLP-1 Agonists in Obesity: A Comprehensive Review of Randomised Controlled Trials - June 2023

Impact of GLP-1 Agonists on Male Reproductive Health—A Narrative Review - Dec 2023

BMI - what is wrong with it NY Times - April 2014

Invented in early 1800's
Never meant to be a measure for individuals
Currently 18.5 = underweight; 18.5 and 24.9 = normal; 25 to 29.9 = overweight; >30 = obese.
Grade 1 =30 - 34.9; Grade 2= 35 - 39.9; Grade 3 > 40
At best, though, B.M.I. is a crude measure that actually misses more than half of people with excess body fat,
It measures total body weight, not just fat. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Mr. Universe, his B.M.I. was well in the obese range
Article mentions, and appears use the contents of a new book The Obesity Paradox: When Thinner Means Sicker and Heavier Means Healthier Amazon March 2014

Obesity costs the global economy as much as war and terrorism, totalling $2 TRILLION each year Nov 2014

  • $2,000,000,000,000 per year in 2030
  • A report commissioned by McKinsey&Company, which studied 44 different ways of combating obesity
  • No country in the world reduced its obesity prevalence between 2000 and 2013.

Details on VitaminDWiki at Obesity analysis by McKinsey (Excellent - even though no vitamin D) - Nov 2014
which has an excellent table of cost-effectiveness and proof of ways to reduce obesity

Obesity Gene (FTO) was not a problem for people born before WWII NYT Jan 2014

First discovered in 2007. Confirmed many times since then.
Each copy of the FTO variant adds 3.5 pounds. 2 copies ==> 7.0 lbs
So, they think that environment (exercise) turns on/off genetics
Addional possibilites include:

  • decreased Vitamin D,
  • decreased Magnesium,
  • Increased antibiotics - which started just after WWII

BMI in Profile


98% of severely obese had low levels of vitamin D - June 2015

Health problems associated with excess weight

Seems that most problems are also associated with low vitamin D
http://www.helpguide.org/harvard/how-excess-weight-affects-your-health.htm does not mention vitamin D

Following Bariatric Surgery for obesity - special supplementation concerns

  • Vitalady FAQ snips
    "What is available out there for those of us who can’t take a vitamin ‘pill’ because it seems to get stuck in our pouch?"
    "Since A, D & E are fat solubles and we are now malabsorbing fats ‘n oils to a degree, it would do us no good to take these in soft-gel (oil filled) forms. They need to be taken in DRY form."

The more obese the man, the sooner he will die - 2016

nothing about Vitamin D
Obesity is three times as deadly for men than women Telegraph July 2016
Compared to healthy size

  • Obese people will die 3 years sooner
  • Overweight people will die 1 year sooner

Death of men before age 70
20% if healthy weight
33% if moderately obese
80% of morbidly obese.

8 of the top 10 obese countries are Muslim From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam - 2017

Apparently from The Economist magazine’s world rankings of Obesity 2011
Muslim women often wear clothing which blocks most sun/vitamin D

Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity

More Than 10 % of World’s Population Is Obese (195 countries)
The word VITAMIN does not occur once in the study
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

A UK region no longer will provide surgery to smokers or very obese (BMI>40) - Oct 2017

No surgery for smokers or the obese: Policy in UK stirs debate Oct 2017

  • Hertfordshire, which has population of more than 1.1. million.
  • The time frame for improving health is set at nine months for the obese in particular; those with a body mass index over 40 must reduce the number by 15% over that time period, and those with a BMI over 30 are given a target of 10%.
  • The target for smokers is eight weeks or more without a cigarette — with a breath test to prove it.

Being Overweight/Obese become the new norm, fewer people are trying to lose weight - 2017

Change in Percentages of Adults With Overweight or Obesity Trying to Lose Weight, 1988-2014 - JAMA March 2017_
Obese/Overweight 53 % 62%66 %
Try to reduce56 %47%49%

Has details by male/female, race (Nothing about Vitamin D)
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

CDC US Obesity maps 1994, 2015


Associations of Obesity category to: Intervention 33, Diabetes 32, Infant-Child 27, Youth 23, Skin - Dark 20, Metabolic Syndrome 19, Virus 18, Vitamin D Receptor 15, Genetics 15, Calcium 15, Pregnancy 14, Omega-3 13, Magnesium 11, Intervention - non daily 10, Liver 9, How much Vitamin D 9, Probiotics 8, Sports 7, Deficiency 7, etc.

Cancer 6, Hypertension 6, Seniors 6, Cardiovascular 6, Women 5, Loading Dose 4, Vit D Binding Protein 4, Breathing 4, Bone - Health 4, Gut 4, Predict Vitamin D 4    as of Sept 2022   click button to see the details

Overview Obesity and Vitamin D        
101953 visitors, last modified 12 Aug, 2024,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
21048 Economist Obesity drugs_CompressPdf.pdf admin 03 Apr, 2024 201.33 Kb 49
15456 Obesity US 20 years CDC.jpg admin 17 Apr, 2021 56.96 Kb 2112
9045 JAMA weight loss.pdf admin 28 Dec, 2017 72.58 Kb 1498
8103 NEJM Global Obesity.pdf admin 13 Jun, 2017 2.32 Mb 1744
6174 Excess weight problems.jpg admin 22 Nov, 2015 76.64 Kb 28009
5832 BMI 2008.jpg admin 24 Aug, 2015 32.69 Kb 10697
5831 BMI 1980.jpg admin 24 Aug, 2015 31.12 Kb 10849
5213 BMI profile.jpg admin 22 Mar, 2015 30.05 Kb 29810
4290 Stigma of obesity - a major barrier to overcome.pdf admin 18 Aug, 2014 230.26 Kb 2646
1709 Increased Calorie consumption.jpg admin 13 Nov, 2012 18.68 Kb 14654
1323 IoM Obesity May 2012.png admin 13 May, 2012 2.33 Mb 17219
1283 OECD line.PNG admin 30 Apr, 2012 21.28 Kb 16073
1282 Obesity global.png admin 30 Apr, 2012 82.17 Kb 27915