It appears that 50,000 people are interested in High Vitamin D dosing – which has virtually cured Multiple Sclerosis in over 1,000 people, and may cure many Autoimmune and other diseases as well
- The protocol has been developed by Dr. Coimbra since the year 2002 under the observance of the clause #37 of Helsinki declaration (World Medical Association – WMA, 2013) ; a version of the protocol (still under development) was released to the internet in early 2016;
- His protocol uses very high dose Vitamin D (usually 40,000 – 320,000 IU daily) to suppress disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis and other auto immune diseases in about 90% of the patients;
- The protocol requires concomitant administration of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and magnesium necessary for vitamin D activation;
- The protocol does not "cure" autoimmune diseases (as some enthusiastic patients living a normal life have suggested in the internet); therefore, the disease is actually "switched off" and, to date, the patients are required to sustain the treatment indefinitely to remain free of its manifestations;
- Instead of aiming at a specific Vitamin D serum level, the protocol uses other laboratory changes (in response to a initial testing daily dose of vitamin D) to ultimately achieve a daily dose that specifically compensates for the individual grade of (genetically determined and/or age-related) resistance to vitamin D that has been consistently found in patients with autoimmune diseases;
- emotional stress (particularly when long-lasting), very hot baths, smoking, frequent alcohol drinking (particularly distilled beverages), and recurrent infections (most often urinary tract infections related to neurogenic bladder in MS patients) consistently counteract the benefits of the protocol;
- particularly chronically negative mood states (irritability, fear, depression, etc) are associated with progressive types of MS (and other therapy-resistant autoimmune manifestations); these sustained mood states cause organic phenomena (magnesium spoiling, release of immune-active substances into the circulation, chronic inflammation of the central nervous system) that decisively counteract the immune-regulatory effect of high-dose vitamin D therapy;
- People are strongly advised to have their doctor manage the protocol (which requires proper evaluation of individual laboratory and clinical data); a list of trained physicians from several countries is available in the internet;
- The protocol describes what to watch out for. People must drink lots of water and minimize their intake of calcium in any form. Other preventive measures are described to avoid side-effects.
(The text above was written by Dr. Coimbra)
Protocol update Jan 2017 - added 200-300 ng of Magnesium element in the form for Magnesium Chloride
Ana Claudia Domene Ortiz - Facebook
Hi everybody, last week Dr. Coimbra gave an interview to a Brazilian health site (it's only in Portuguese and you have to be a member of the site to access their interviews) and he said something interesting that I want to share with you. He said that they are increasing their prescribed dose of magnesium because patients on high doses of vitamin D might benefit from higher doses of magnesium, and that this might help to prevent bone loss. I talked to some patients that have seen him in the last few days, and what Dr. Coimbra and the doctors on his clinic are prescribing for now is magnesium chloride in addition to the magnesium already in the compound. The doses vary between 1,500 - 3,000 mg a day of magnesium chloride (which contain around 200 - 300 mg of elemental magnesium). He said they are still investigating the amount we might need, so the doses might increase with time.
Also, he told one of his patients that when we get stressed we use more magnesium, so this might help with controlling anxiety and stress as well.
P.S. In the comments I'll put a link to the magnesium chloride I use. It has 100 mg of elemental magnesium in each full dropper.
Facebook pages on Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis (original list)
- Portuguese - oldest on FB :18,788 members Jan 2017
- MS & Vitamin D - English
- English 965 members Jan 2017, 7,000 members as of May 2018
- Italian 6,570 members as of Jan 2017
- German 2,350 members as of Jan 2017 (started Sept 2016)
Her book and protocol in German under development - perhaps Spring 2017 - Vitamin D Protocol North America 1,449 members Jan 2017
Facebook groups and pages related to Coimbra vitamin D protocol: (list added Jan 2017)
From list on Google Drives not online July 2021
- Vitamin D Protocol North America:
- High-Dose Vitamin D for Autoimmune Diseases:*fref=nf
- Multiple Sclerosis - Vitamin D:*fref=ts
- Vitamin D Multiple Sclerosis:
- Vitamin D and MS: 546 members as of Jan 2017
- Vitamin D Deficiency Syndrome (not only regarding autoimmune diseases, but inspired by Coimbra protocol):*ref=ts&fref=ts
- Artrite Reumatoide - Tratamento com VITAMINA D:
- Vitamina D - Natureza, Nutricao e Saude:
- Espondilite Anquilosante & D3 Vitamina:
- Vitamina D:
- Nos dizemos ADEUS as doencas autoimunes com Vitamina D:
- Vitamina D e Saude:
- O tratamento com vitamina D do Dr. Cicero Coimbra - Portugal:
- A Brigada da Vitamina D e a Esclerose Multipla:
- Vitamin D und MS - Coimbraprotokoll: 2568 members Jan 2017
- Esclerosis Multiple Latinoamerica - Altas Dosis de Vitamina D 1213 members Jan 2017*fref=ts - Bendita Vitamina D:
- Esclerosis multiple - COLOMBIA - Vitamina D:*fref=ts
- Altas dosis de vitamina D - Esclerosis Multiple:
- Vitamine D — Pour une autre therapie:
- Il protocollo Coimbra in Italia - Alte dosi di vitamina D per autoimmunita:
- Per un'altra terapia - Vitamina D per la SM e per le malattie autoimmuni:
- Vitamina D per SM e altre"malattie autoimmuni":*ref=browser
- Vitiligine & Vitamina D:
- Alopecia e protocollo Coimbra:*hc_location=ufi
- Vitamina D - Emodieta- protocollo Coimbra...Guarire dalle autoimmunita:*fref=nf
- Protocollo Coimbra e Sclerosi Multipla Italia☀️ Alte dosi di vitamina D 455 members added March 2017
- Pentru o alta terapie: Vitamina D pentru Scleroza Multipla:
- Σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας και βιταμίνη D - Η λύση:
Western Balkan countries, Croatia and Slovenia 7,000 members at end of March 2017
- MS i ostale autoimune bolesti - tretman vitaminom D3:*fref=ts
- Vitamin D3 - Cudezni hormon !:
- MS Makedonija-LEKUVANJE SO VISOKI DOZI NA D3 VITAMIN:*hc_location=ufi (240 members Jan 2017)
- Issetine skleroze (nauja grupe):
- Hoy dose vitamin D3 for MS og andre autoimmune tilstander :
- CoimbraProtokollen - Informasjon Norge noticed May 2017
-*ref=bookmarks (6200 members Jan 2017)
-*ref=bookmarks (350 members Jan 2017)
Russian added Feb 2017
Some Facebook pages on just Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Wellness 12,689 members as of Jan 2017
- Vitamin D Deficiency and Treatment 7,075 members as of Jan 2017
- Vitamina D Brazil
- Google Map of Doctors
- Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D - book by patient on Coimbra protocol - Feb 2016
- Interview and transcript: Vitamin D protocol for Autoimmune diseases – Dr. Coimbra 2016
- Vitamin D is the real Multiple Sclerosis Therapy, not an alternative therapy – Coimbra July 2018
- Guide for patients on high doses of Vitamin D – Coimbra 2017
- How to get lots of Magnesium – especially needed for Coimbra MS and Autoimmune Protocol
- Multiple Sclerosis Coimbra Protocol with Vitamin D - increased walking - May 2018
- Vitamin D has treated Multiple Sclerosis and autoimmune diseases for 16 years – Coimbra April 2018
- Doctor got multiple sclerosis, rejected then embraced Coimbra protocol for herself and patients – Jan 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D ~ 50,000 Facebook members in 13 languages – Jan 2017
It appears that MSers have a choice:
1) Believe their regular doctor, take little or no Vitamin D, and pay up to $5,000 a month to keep their MS in check
2) Consider a high vitamin D protocol and pay perhaps $100 a month to become symptom-free
Multiple Sclerosis in VitaminDWiki (read in 102 languages)
- Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D - book by patient on Coimbra protocol - Feb 2016
- Vitamin D has already cleared 100 percent of lesions from over 1,000 MS patients in Brazil
- Dr. Coimbra explains his treatment with high dose vitamin D for multiple sclerosis – Feb 2015
- Video by Dr. Coimbra – 95 percent of auto-immune cured with vitamin D in high doses - April 2014
- Interview and transcript: Vitamin D protocol for Autoimmune diseases – Dr. Coimbra 2016
- Multiple Sclerosis much more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – several studies
- 10 Diseases associated with Multiple Sclerosis are also associated with low Omega-3 and vitamin D – Feb 2016
- Overview MS and vitamin D
- Vitamin D should be taken by all MS patients - Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centres - April 2016 ( 5,000 IU)
- MS and vitamin D consensus from Brazil - 40-100 ng, not monotherapy – Feb 2014
Dr. Coimbra (Brazil) was not mentioned as a contributor or reference - Multiple Sclerosis category has
413 items along with related searches
And lists of items which are in both categories MS AND: Meta-Analysis, Intervention, Genetics, UVSee also in VitaminDWiki (in 102 languages)
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Omega-2. Boron, etc.
- Overview Toxicity of vitamin D – curve assumes no adjustment of cofactors
- 17 reasons why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D 10 reasons as of 2016
- High-dose vitamin D forum – for Multiple Sclerosis and many other diseases – Jan 2019
- Too much Vitamin D
A few studies have found increased in health problems sometimes associated with high vitamin D (50 ng) for years - Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Dr. who got patients to vitamin D level of 80 ng
The 3,000 patients in his clinic got so few health problems that clinic visits dropped from 4/year to 1/year
I Anticipate that people on the Coimbra Protocol (150 ng) will also experience a huge drop in visits to their doctors
Autoimmune category starts with204 items in Autoimmune category - Vitamin D and MS Asthma RA Diabetes Gut Allergy Hay Fever Lupus Psoriasis
- Predicted 95% autoimmune cured by HIGH-DOSE vitamin D - 2014
- 10% of the UK have Autoimmune Diseases - Lancet May 2023 PDF is behind a paywall
- Increase in 20 years : coeliac disease 2.19 X. Sjogren's syndrome 2.09, and Graves' disease 2.07
- All 43 references are FREE on-line
- Autoimmune diseases fought by Vitamin D, especially if have more than 40 ng – Sept 2022
- The BEST Nutrient for Autoimmune Conditions (Vitamin D) - video May 2022
- The number 1 Deficiency behind All Autoimmune Diseases (Vitamin D) video - Dec 2023
- Autoimmune disease clusters run in families having low D
- How Vitamin D reduces inflammation, improves immunity and fights autoimmunity – review Dec 2018
- 120 doctors and 20,000 MS patients using high dose Vitamin D Dec 2018
- Vitamin D has treated Multiple Sclerosis and autoimmune diseases for 16 years – Coimbra April 2018
- Vitamin D Receptor is associated in over 58 autoimmune studies
- More autoimmune disease if higher pollution or lower UVB - Feb 2023
- Many autoimmune diseases associated with low vitamin D or poor Vit D genes – July 2019
See also web: consensus that ~50 diseases are autoimmune, ~50 more are suspected:
Perspective: Perhaps 10 % of all MSers in those countries are members
50,000 on Facebook looking at high dose Vitamin D
2.5 million have MS around the world
Guess that 10% all MSers (250,000) live in the above countries
Guess that of the 50,000 only 25,000 are unique individuals with MS
So, 25,000 / 250,000 = 10%I am D-lighted that so many poeple are considering high-dose vitamin D
Observations/guesses by founder of VitaminDWiki - Aug 2018
- I guess now there are >100,000 members in >13 languages
- I guess about 500 Facebook messages daily in those groups
- While some Facebook members are (patiently?) waiting to have an affiliated doctor near them do the prescribing, it appears that many are not waiting.
- I guess 5,000 people are following the very detailed protocol (in 13 languages) themselves, are getting their own blood draws, and are making the necessary changes to their Vitamin D and cofactors.
- Coimbra Protocol Doctors in Germany
As of Aug 2018
- Google Map of Doctors
- Multiple Sclerosis and (lots of) Vitamin D - book by patient on Coimbra protocol - Feb 2016
- Interview and transcript: Vitamin D protocol for Autoimmune diseases – Dr. Coimbra 2016
- Vitamin D is the real Multiple Sclerosis Therapy, not an alternative therapy – Coimbra July 2018
- Guide for patients on high doses of Vitamin D – Coimbra 2017
- How to get lots of Magnesium – especially needed for Coimbra MS and Autoimmune Protocol
- Multiple Sclerosis Coimbra Protocol with Vitamin D - increased walking - May 2018
- Vitamin D has treated Multiple Sclerosis and autoimmune diseases for 16 years – Coimbra April 2018
- Doctor got multiple sclerosis, rejected then embraced Coimbra protocol for herself and patients – Jan 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis and Vitamin D ~ 50,000 Facebook members in 13 languages – Jan 2017
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